const { concat, group, indent, lineSuffix, mapDoc, markAsRoot, stripTrailingHardline } = require("../prettier"); const { literalLineNoBreak } = require("../utils"); const parsers = { css: "css", javascript: "babel", js: "babel", less: "less", markdown: "markdown", ruby: "ruby", scss: "scss" }; // This function is in here because it handles embedded parser values. I don't // have a test that exercises it because I'm not sure for which parser it is // necessary, but since it's in prettier core I'm keeping it here. /* istanbul ignore next */ function replaceNewlines(doc) { return mapDoc(doc, (currentDoc) => typeof currentDoc === "string" && currentDoc.includes("\n") ? concat( currentDoc .split(/(\n)/g) .map((v, i) => (i % 2 === 0 ? v : literalLineNoBreak)) ) : currentDoc ); } // Returns a number that represents the minimum amount of leading whitespace // that is present on every line in the given string. So for example if you have // the following heredoc: // // <<~HERE // my // content // here // HERE // // then the return value of this function would be 2. If you indented every line // of the inner content 2 more spaces then this function would return 4. function getCommonLeadingWhitespace(content) { const pattern = /^\s+/; return content .split("\n") .slice(0, -1) .reduce((minimum, line) => { const matched = pattern.exec(line); const length = matched ? matched[0].length : 0; return minimum === null ? length : Math.min(minimum, length); }, null); } // Returns a new string with the common whitespace stripped out. Effectively it // emulates what a squiggly heredoc does in Ruby. function stripCommonLeadingWhitespace(content) { const lines = content.split("\n"); const minimum = getCommonLeadingWhitespace(content); return => line.slice(minimum)).join("\n"); } function embed(path, print, textToDoc, _opts) { const node = path.getValue(); // Currently we only support embedded formatting on heredoc nodes if (node.type !== "heredoc") { return null; } // First, ensure that we don't have any interpolation const { beging, body, ending } = node; const isSquiggly = beging.body[2] === "~"; if (body.some((part) => part.type !== "@tstring_content")) { return null; } // Next, find the parser associated with this heredoc (if there is one). For // example, if you use <<~CSS, we'd hook it up to the css parser. const parser = parsers[beging.body.slice(3).toLowerCase()]; if (!parser) { return null; } // Get the content as if it were a source string. let content = => part.body).join(""); // If we're using a squiggly heredoc, then we're going to manually strip off // the leading whitespace of each line up to the minimum leading whitespace so // that the embedded parser can handle that for us. if (isSquiggly) { content = stripCommonLeadingWhitespace(content); } // Pass that content into the embedded parser. Get back the doc node. const formatted = concat([ literalLineNoBreak, replaceNewlines(stripTrailingHardline(textToDoc(content, { parser }))) ]); // If we're using a squiggly heredoc, then we can properly handle indentation // ourselves. if (isSquiggly) { return concat([, "beging"), lineSuffix( group( concat([ indent(markAsRoot(formatted)), literalLineNoBreak, ending.trim() ]) ) ) ]); } // Otherwise, we need to just assume it's formatted correctly and return the // content as it is. return markAsRoot( concat([, "beging"), lineSuffix(group(concat([formatted, literalLineNoBreak, ending.trim()]))) ]) ); } module.exports = embed;