module StringUtils def self.crop(aString,aLength,aEllipsis=true,aConvertNil=true) return aConvertNil ? ' '*aLength : nil if !aString increase = aLength-aString.length return aString+' '*increase if increase>=0 return aEllipsis ? aString[0,aLength-3]+'...' : aString[0,aLength] end def self.simplify_whitespace(aText) aText.gsub(/[ \n\t\r]+/,' ').strip end def self.crop_to_word_count(aText,aWordCount) aText = simplify_whitespace(aText) matches = aText.scan_md(/[^\w-]+/) match = matches[aWordCount-1] result = (match ? match.pre_match : aText) result end def self.random_word(min,max) len = min + rand(max-min+1) result = ' '*len (len-1).downto(0) {|i| result[i] = (?a + rand(?z-?a+1)).chr} return result end # aTemplate is a string containing tokens like ${SOME_TOKEN} # aValues is a hash of token names eg. 'SOME_TOKEN' and their values to substitute def self.render_template(aTemplate,aValues) # get positions of tokens result = aTemplate.gsub(/\$\{(.*?)\}/) do |s| key = s[2..-2] rep = (aValues[key] || s) #puts "replacing #{s} with #{rep}" rep end #puts "rendered :\n#{result}" return result end def self.clean_number(aString) aString.gsub(/[^0-9.-]/,'') end # supply a block with 2 parameters, and it will get called for each char as an integer def self.each_unicode_char(aString) len = 1 index = 0 char = 0 aString.each_byte do |b| if index==0 len = 1 len = 2 if b & 0b11000000 != 0 len = 3 if b & 0b11100000 != 0 len = 4 if b & 0b11110000 != 0 char = 0 end char |= b << index*8 yield(char,len) if index==len-1 # last byte; char is complete index += 1 index = 0 if index >= len end end # given ('abcdefg','c.*?e') returns ['ab','cde','fg'] so you can manipulate the head, match and tail seperately, and potentially rejoin def self.split3(aString,aPattern,aOccurence=0) matches = aString.scan_md(aPattern) match = matches[aOccurence] parts = (match ? [match.pre_match,match.to_s,match.post_match] : [aString,nil,'']) if !block_given? # return head,match,tail parts else # return string parts[1] = yield *parts if match parts.join end end # truncates a string to the given length by looking for the previous space. def self.word_safe_truncate(aString,aMaxLength) return nil if !aString return aString if aString.length <= aMaxLength posLastSpace = aString.rindex(/[ \t]/,aMaxLength) return aString[0,aMaxLength] if !posLastSpace aString[0,posLastSpace] end # replaces all tabs with spaces, and reduces multiple spaces to a single space def self.reduce_whitespace(aText) aText = aText.gsub("\t"," ") # replace tabs with spaces aText.strip! aText.squeeze!(' ') aText end def self.clean_tag(aTag) aTag.downcase.gsub('_','-').gsub(/[^a-z0-9-]/,'').bite('-').chomp('-') end def self.clean_tags(aTags) {|t| clean_tag(t)}.uniq end end