Dependencies ------------ Before installing Flapjack you will need to setup some dependencies. ### Setup dependencies (Ubuntu Hardy) ### Add the following lines to `/etc/apt/sources.list` deb hardy main deb hardy main Add GPG keys for the repos: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 288BA53BCB7DA731 Update your package list: sudo apt-get update Install Ruby dependencies: sudo apt-get install build-essential libsqlite3-dev Install rubygems + beanstalkd: sudo apt-get install rubygems beanstalkd Set `ENABLED=1` in `/etc/default/beanstalkd`. Start beanstalkd: sudo /etc/init.d/beanstalkd start ### Setup dependencies (everyone else) ### Install the following software through your package manager or from source: - beanstalkd (from []( - libevent (from []( - latest RubyGems (from []( ## Installation ## Add GitHub's RubyGems server to your Gem sources: sudo gem sources -a Install the Flapjack gem: sudo gem install auxesis-flapjack Then run the magic configuration script to set up init scripts: sudo install-flapjack-systemwide The script will prompt you if it wants to do anything destructive. ## Packages ## We want to provide native packages for Flapjack (`.deb`, `.rpm`, `.ebuild`). If you'd like to contribute please let us know!