# WontoMedia - a wontology web application
# Copyright (C) 2011 - Glen E. Ivey
# www.wontology.com
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version
# 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program in the file COPYING and/or LICENSE. If not,
# see .
# This module contains methods for navigating through (walking) the
# inheritence hierarchy between the properties of connections. They
# allow callers to make queries about a property, and receive answers
# that take into account the 'sub_property_of' relationships between
# the immediately queried property and the property inheritance tree.
module TrippleNavigation
# This method finds all existing PropertyItem's that are super
# properties of the PropertyItem identified by +predicate_id+. The
# immediate super properties of an item are the objects of any
# connection of the form "item sub_property_of object". The set of
# super properties found by this method includes immediate super
# properties and all of _their_ super properties. This method
# accepts a block, and iteratively yields _its original argument_
# and the _IDs_ of the argument property's super properties to that
# block.
def self.relation_and_all_superproperties(predicate_id, &block)
yield predicate_id
spo_id = Item.find_by_name("sub_property_of").id
connections = Connection.all( :conditions => [
"subject_id = ? AND predicate_id = ?", predicate_id, spo_id ])
connections.each do |e|
relation_and_all_superproperties(e.obj_id, &block)
# This method finds all existing PropertyItem's that are sub
# properties of the PropertyItem identified by +predicate_id+. The
# immediate sub properties of an item are the subjects of any
# connection of the form "subject sub_property_of item". The set of
# sub properties found by this method includes immediate sub
# properties and all of _their_ sub properties. This method accepts
# a block, and iteratively yields _its original argument_ and the
# _IDs_ of the argument property's sub properties to that block.
def self.relation_and_all_subproperties(predicate_id, &block)
yield predicate_id
spo_id = Item.find_by_name("sub_property_of").id
connections = Connection.all( :conditions => [
"predicate_id = ? AND obj_id = ?", spo_id, predicate_id ])
connections.each do |e|
relation_and_all_subproperties(e.subject_id, &block)
# This method tests for chains of relationships between
# PropertyItem's. Its parameters are packaged in a single hash
# argument. The value of each entry in the hash is the _ID_ of an
# Item in the database. It returns a boolean that answers the
# "question" phrased in the parameter hash.
# Currently, there are two supported combinations of argument
# symbols:
# * :does xxxx :inherit_from xxxx :via xxxx
# * :does xxxx :link_to xxxx :through_children_of xxxx
# Both of these combinations form a question, the answer to which is
# in the boolean returned by this method (+true+ for yes). The
# symbols used to index the argument hash are:
# [:does] The value in the hash associated with :does is the ID of the Item for which the caller is querying the connections stored in the database.
# [:inherit_from] The value in the hash associated with :inherit_from is the ID of a PropertyItem (different from the :does Item) in the database. check_properties() will test for the presence of specific connections between this PropertyItem and the one specified by :does.
# [:via] The value in the hash associated with :via is the ID of the PropertyItem that must be present as the predicate of a connection for that connection to "count" toward establishing a chain of connections from the :does item to the :inherit_from item. Note that :via is directional: When :inherit_from is used, only connections where the :does item is the subject, the :inherit_from is the object, and all intervening connections "point" in that same direction will be tested, and this method will return true only when a chain of connections using the :via PropertyItem as their predicates can be found.
# [:link_to] The value in the hash associated with :link_to is the ID of another Item, to which check_properties will try to find a chain of connections from the :does Item. Note that unlike calls to check_properties using :inherit_from, when :link_to is used the starting and ending items can be of any type, not just PropertyItems.
# [:through_children_of] The value in the hash associated with :through_children_of is the ID of a PropertyItem. check_properties attempts to find a chain of connections between the other two Item parameters (in either direction) where the connections use the :through_children_of PropertyItem _or_ any PropertyItem that is a _child_ of the specified PropertyItem through the built-in sub_property_of relationship. Unlike calls using :inherit_from, when checking :link_to connections present in either direction between the items found in a chain can produce a true result.
def self.check_properties(hash_of_params)
unless hash_of_params.has_key?(:does)
raise ArgumentError, "Expected :does in input hash"
if hash_of_params.has_key?(:inherit_from)
# TODO: ':via' is *almost* always a reference to
# sub_property_of. Change this method and refactor callers so
# that when :via isn't present, it defaults to s_p_o. (If we
# keep asking ActiveRecord to find_by_name(s_p_o), will it be
# cached or a huge performance hit? Experiment and if
# A.R. really goes to the database each time, have a static
# variable here so that we only have to fetch from the db the
# first time.)
unless hash_of_params.has_key?(:via)
raise ArgumentError, "Expected :via in input hash"
child_id = hash_of_params[:does]
parent_id = hash_of_params[:inherit_from]
via_property_id = hash_of_params[:via]
# treat "self" as a form of inheritence
if child_id == parent_id
return true
connections = Connection.all( :conditions => [
"subject_id = ? AND predicate_id = ?", child_id, via_property_id ])
connections.each do |e|
if check_properties(
:does => e.obj_id,
:inherit_from => parent_id,
:via => via_property_id )
return true
elsif hash_of_params.has_key?(:link_to)
unless hash_of_params.has_key?(:through_children_of)
raise ArgumentError, "Expected :through_children_of in input hash"
from_item_id = hash_of_params[:does]
to_item_id = hash_of_params[:link_to]
kind_of_path = hash_of_params[:through_children_of]
spo_id = Item.find_by_name("sub_property_of").id
connections = Connection.all( :conditions =>
[ "subject_id = ?", from_item_id ])
connections.each do |e|
if check_properties(
:does => e.predicate_id,
:inherit_from => kind_of_path,
:via => spo_id )
if e.obj_id == to_item_id
return true
if check_properties(
:does => e.obj_id,
:link_to => to_item_id,
:through_children_of => kind_of_path )
return true
raise ArgumentError, "Expected :inherit_from or :link_to in input hash"
return false
# This method find a property's inverse property (if it exists). It
# returns the inverse property's ID or nil.
def self.propertys_inverse( original_property_id )
spo_id = Item.find_by_name("sub_property_of").id
inverse_id = Item.find_by_name("inverse_relationship").id
# Note: We require both "A-to-B" and "B-to-A" connections to be
# present in the database to define two properties as the inverse
# of each other, so we only need to gather the connections that
# refer to original_property as their subject.
possible_inverse_defining_connections = Connection.all(
:conditions => [ "subject_id = ?", original_property_id ])
possible_inverse_defining_connections.each do |connection|
if TrippleNavigation.check_properties(
:does => connection.predicate_id, :inherit_from => inverse_id,
:via => spo_id )
return connection.obj_id