{:versionI"3.4.21 (Selective Steve):EF:shaI"-b78a47275192f9014b615247bcee894ad35f6e7f;F:
o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode:@value[I"M/* CSS image replacement
 * Heads up! v3 launched with only `.hide-text()`, but per our pattern for
 * mixins being reused as classes with the same name, this doesn't hold up. As
 * of v3.0.1 we have added `.text-hide()` and deprecated `.hide-text()`.
 * Source: https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/commit/aa0396eae757 */:ET:
@linei:@source_rangeo:Sass::Source::Range	:@start_poso:Sass::Source::Position;i:@offseti:
@end_poso;;i;iN:
@fileI"t/Users/AWeinstein/.gem/ruby/2.1.4/gems/bootstrap-sass-3.3.6/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/mixins/_hide-text.scss;	T:@importero:Sass::Rails::SassImporter:
@rootI"S/Users/AWeinstein/.gem/ruby/2.1.4/gems/bootstrap-sass-3.3.6/assets/stylesheets;	F:@real_rootI"S/Users/AWeinstein/.gem/ruby/2.1.4/gems/bootstrap-sass-3.3.6/assets/stylesheets;	F:@same_name_warningso:Set:
@options{�o;;[I";/* Deprecated as of v3.0.1 (has been removed in v4) */;	T;
;;[�;i;
o;	;o;;i;i;o;;i;i9;@;@;@o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode
@nameI"hide-text;	T:
o:Sass::Tree::PropNode;[I"	font;	T;o: Sass::Script::Tree::Literal;o: Sass::Script::Value::String	;I"
0/0 a;	T;
:identifier:"@deprecated_interp_equivalent0;@;i;
o;	;o;;i;i;o;;i;i;@;@:
@tabsi�:@prop_syntax:new;[�;i;
o;	;o;;i;i;o;;i;i;@;@:@name_source_rangeo;	;@+;o;;i;i;@;@:@value_source_rangeo;	;o;;i;i;@,;@;@;@o; ;[I"
color;	T;o;!;o;"	;I"transparent;	T;
;#;$0;@;i;
o;	;o;;i;i;o;;i;i;@;@;%i�;&;';[�;i;
o;	;o;;i;i;o;;i;i;@;@;(o;	;@<;o;;i;i
;@;@;)o;	;o;;i;i;@=;@;@;@o; ;[I"text-shadow;	T;o;!;o;"	;I"	none;	T;
;#;$0;@;i;
o;	;o;;i;i;o;;i;i;@;@;%i�;&;';[�;i;
o;	;o;;i;i;o;;i;i;@;@;(o;	;@M;o;;i;i;@;@;)o;	;o;;i;i;@N;@;@;@o; ;[I"background-color;	T;o;!;o;"	;I"transparent;	T;
;#;$0;@;i;
o;	;o;;i;i;o;;i;i%;@;@;%i�;&;';[�;i;
o;	;o;;i;i;o;;i;i%;@;@;(o;	;@^;o;;i;i;@;@;)o;	;o;;i;i;@_;@;@;@o; ;[I"border;	T;o;!;o;"	;I"0;	T;
;#;$0;@;i;
o;	;o;;i;i;o;;i;i;@;@;%i�;&;';[�;i;
o;	;o;;i;i;o;;i;i;@;@;(o;	;@o;o;;i;i;@;@;)o;	;o;;i;i;@p;@;@;@;i;
o;	;o;;i;i;o;;i;i;@;@:@has_childrenT;@o;;[I"(/* New mixin to use as of v3.0.1 */;	T;
;;[�;i;
o;	;o;;i;i;o;;i;i&;@;@;@o;
;I"text-hide;	T;[�;0;[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode;I"hide-text;	T;[�:@keywords{�;0:@kwarg_splat0;[�;i;
o;	;o;;i;i;o;;i;i;@;@;@;i;
o;	;o;;i;i;o;;i;i;@;@;*T;@:@templateI"N// CSS image replacement
// Heads up! v3 launched with only `.hide-text()`, but per our pattern for
// mixins being reused as classes with the same name, this doesn't hold up. As
// of v3.0.1 we have added `.text-hide()` and deprecated `.hide-text()`.
// Source: https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/commit/aa0396eae757

// Deprecated as of v3.0.1 (has been removed in v4)
@mixin hide-text() {
  font: 0/0 a;
  color: transparent;
  text-shadow: none;
  background-color: transparent;
  border: 0;

// New mixin to use as of v3.0.1
@mixin text-hide() {
  @include hide-text;
;	T;i;
o;	;o;;i;i;o;;i;i;@;@;*T;@