module Cms module PageHelper def page_title(*args) if args.first @controller.instance_variable_get("@template").instance_variable_set("@page_title", args.first) else @controller.instance_variable_get("@template").instance_variable_get("@page_title") end end def current_page @page end def container(name) content = instance_variable_get("@content_for_#{name}") if logged_in? && @page && @mode == "edit" && current_user.able_to_edit?(@page) render :partial => 'cms/pages/edit_container', :locals => {:name => name, :content => content} else content end end def container_has_block?(name, &block) has_block = (@mode == "edit") || current_page.connectable_count_for_container(name) > 0 "mode = #{@mode}, has_block = #{has_block}" if block_given? concat(capture(&block)) if has_block else has_block end end def cms_toolbar instance_variable_get("@content_for_layout") end # Renders breadcrumbs based on the current_page. This will generate an unordered list representing the # current page and all it's ancestors including the root name of of the site. The UL can be styled via CSS for # layout purposes. Each breadcrumb except the last will be linked to the page in question. # # If the current_page is nil, it will return an empty string. # # ==== Params: # options = A hash of options which determine how the breadcrumbs will be laid out. # # ==== Options: # * :from_top - How many below levels from the root the tree should start at. # All sections at this level will be shown. The default is 0, which means show all # nodes that are direct children of the root. # * :show_parent - Determines if the name of the page itself show be shown as a breadcrumb link. Defaults to false, meaning # that the parent section of the current page will be the 'last' breadcrumb link. (Note: This probably better renamed as 'show_page'). # def render_breadcrumbs(options={}) return "" unless current_page start = options[:from_top] || 0 show_parent = options[:show_parent].nil? ? false : options[:show_parent] ancestors = current_page.ancestors items = [] ancestors[start..ancestors.size].each_with_index do |sec,i| items << content_tag(:li, link_to(h(, sec.actual_path), (i == 0 ? {:class => "first"} : {})) end if !show_parent && current_page.section.path == current_page.path items[items.size-1] = content_tag(:li, h( else items << content_tag(:li, h(current_page.page_title)) end content_tag(:ul, "\n #{items.join("\n ")}\n", :class => "breadcrumbs") end def render_portlet(name) portlets = Portlet.all(:conditions => ["name = ?", name.to_s]) if portlets.size > 1 @mode == "edit" ? "ERROR: Multiple Portlets with name '#{name}'" : nil elsif portlets.empty? @mode == "edit" ? "ERROR: No Portlet with name '#{name}'" : nil else render_connectable(portlets.first) end end # Determines if the current_user is able to do specific permissions. def able_to?(*perms, &block) yield if current_user.able_to?(*perms) end end end