require 'delegate' require 'websocket-client-simple' require 'base64' require 'simple_websocket_vcr/errors' module VCR module WebSocket include Errors class RecordableWebsocketClient include EventEmitter attr_reader :live, :client attr_accessor :recording, :open, :thread def initialize(cassette, real_client) fail NoCassetteError 'specify the cassette' unless cassette if cassette.recording? @live = true @client = real_client else @live = false @open = true end @recording = cassette.next_session end def send(data, opt = { type: :text }) _write(:send, data, opt) end def on(event, params = {}, &block) super(event, params, &block) unless @live _read(event, params, &block) end def emit(event, *data) @recording << { operation: 'read', data: data } if @live super(event, *data) end def open? if @live else @open end end def close if @live @recording << { operation: 'close' } @client.close else sleep 0.5 if @recording.first['operation'] != 'close' record = @recording.shift _ensure_operation('close', record['operation']) Thread.kill @thread if @thread @open = false end end private def _write(method, data, opt) text_data = opt[:type] == :text ? data.dup : Base64.encode64(data.dup) if @live @client.__send__(method, data, opt) @recording << { operation: 'write', data: text_data } else sleep 0.5 if @recording.first['operation'] != 'write' record = @recording.shift _ensure_operation('write', record['operation']) _ensure_data(text_data, record['data']) end end def _read(event, params, &block) if @live rec = @recording @client.on(event, params) do |msg| data = msg.type == :text ? : Base64.decode64( rec << { operation: 'read', type: msg.type, data: data } end else wait_for_reads(event, params[:once]) end end def wait_for_reads(event, once = false) @thread = do # if the next recorded operation is a 'read', take all the reads until next write # and translate them to the events while @open && !@recording.empty? begin if @recording.first['operation'] == 'read' record = @recording.shift data = record['data'] data = Base64.decode64(msg) if record['type'] != 'text' data = def self end emit(event, data) break if once else sleep 0.1 # TODO: config end end end end end def _take_first_read @recording.delete_at(@recording.index { |record| record['operation'] == 'read' } || @recording.length) end def _ensure_operation(desired, actual) string = "Expected to '#{desired}' but the next operation in recording was '#{actual}'" fail string unless desired == actual end def _ensure_data(desired, actual) string = "Expected data to be '#{desired}' but next data in recording was '#{actual}'" fail string unless desired == actual end end end end