unless defined? Tagz module Tagz unless defined?(Tagz::VERSION) Tagz::VERSION = [ Tagz::VERSION_MAJOR = 5, Tagz::VERSION_MINOR = 1, Tagz::VERSION_TEENY = 0 ].join('.') def Tagz.version() Tagz::VERSION end end private # open_tag # def tagz__ name, *argv, &block options = argv.last.is_a?(Hash) ? argv.pop : {} content = argv unless options.empty? attributes = ' ' << options.map do |key, value| key = Tagz.escape_attribute(key) value = Tagz.escape_attribute(value) if value =~ %r/"/ raise ArgumentError, value if value =~ %r/'/ value = "'#{ value }'" else raise ArgumentError, value if value =~ %r/"/ value = "\"#{ value }\"" end [key, value].join('=') end.join(' ') else attributes = '' end tagz.push "<#{ name }#{ attributes }>" if content.empty? if block size = tagz.size value = block.call(tagz) if value.nil? unless(tagz.size > size) tagz[-1] = "/>" else tagz.push "</#{ name }>" end else tagz << value.to_s unless(tagz.size > size) tagz.push "</#{ name }>" end end else tagz << content.join if block size = tagz.size value = block.call(tagz) tagz << value.to_s unless(tagz.size > size) end tagz.push "</#{ name }>" end tagz end # close_tag # def __tagz tag, *a, &b tagz.push "</#{ tag }>" end # access tagz doc and enclose tagz operations # def tagz document = nil, &block @tagz ||= nil ## shut wornings up previous = @tagz if block @tagz ||= (Document.for(document) || Document.new) begin size = @tagz.size value = instance_eval(&block) @tagz << value unless(@tagz.size > size) @tagz ensure @tagz = previous end else document ? Document.for(document) : @tagz end end # catch special tagz methods # def method_missing m, *a, &b strategy = case m.to_s when %r/^(.*[^_])_(!)?$/o :open_tag when %r/^_([^_].*)$/o :close_tag when 'e' :element when '__', '___' :puts else nil end if(strategy.nil? or (tagz.nil? and not Globally===self)) begin super ensure $!.set_backtrace caller(skip=1) if $! end end case strategy when :open_tag m, bang = $1, $2 b ||= lambda{} if bang tagz{ tagz__(m, *a, &b) } when :close_tag m = $1 tagz{ __tagz(m, *a, &b) } when :element Element.new(*a, &b) when :puts tagz do tagz.push("\n") unless a.empty? tagz.push(a.join) tagz.push("\n") end end end end class Document < ::String def Document.for other Document === other ? other : Document.new(other.to_s) end def element Element.new(*a, &b) end alias_method 'e', 'element' alias_method 'write', 'concat' alias_method 'push', 'concat' def << string case string when Document super string.to_s else super Tagz.escape_content(string) end self end def concat string self << string end #alias_method 'concat', '<<' def escape(*strings) XChar.escape(strings.join) end alias_method 'h', 'escape' def puts string write "#{ string }\n" end def document self end alias_method 'doc', 'document' def + other self.dup << other end def to_s self end def to_str self end end class Element < ::String def Element.attributes options unless options.empty? ' ' << options.map do |key, value| key = Tagz.escape_attribute(key) value = Tagz.escape_attribute(value) if value =~ %r/"/ raise ArgumentError, value if value =~ %r/'/ value = "'#{ value }'" else raise ArgumentError, value if value =~ %r/"/ value = "\"#{ value }\"" end [key, value].join('=') end.join(' ') else '' end end attr 'name' def initialize name, *argv, &block options = {} content = [] argv.each do |arg| case arg when Hash options.update arg else content.push arg end end content.push block.call if block content.compact! @name = name.to_s if content.empty? replace "<#{ @name }#{ Element.attributes options }>" else replace "<#{ @name }#{ Element.attributes options }>#{ content.join }</#{ name }>" end end end module XChar # http://intertwingly.net/stories/2004/04/14/i18n.html#CleaningWindows # CP1252 = { 128 => 8364, # euro sign 130 => 8218, # single low-9 quotation mark 131 => 402, # latin small letter f with hook 132 => 8222, # double low-9 quotation mark 133 => 8230, # horizontal ellipsis 134 => 8224, # dagger 135 => 8225, # double dagger 136 => 710, # modifier letter circumflex accent 137 => 8240, # per mille sign 138 => 352, # latin capital letter s with caron 139 => 8249, # single left-pointing angle quotation mark 140 => 338, # latin capital ligature oe 142 => 381, # latin capital letter z with caron 145 => 8216, # left single quotation mark 146 => 8217, # right single quotation mark 147 => 8220, # left double quotation mark 148 => 8221, # right double quotation mark 149 => 8226, # bullet 150 => 8211, # en dash 151 => 8212, # em dash 152 => 732, # small tilde 153 => 8482, # trade mark sign 154 => 353, # latin small letter s with caron 155 => 8250, # single right-pointing angle quotation mark 156 => 339, # latin small ligature oe 158 => 382, # latin small letter z with caron 159 => 376} # latin capital letter y with diaeresis # http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#dt-chardata # PREDEFINED = { 38 => '&', # ampersand 60 => '<', # left angle bracket 62 => '>'} # right angle bracket # http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#charsets # VALID = [[0x9, 0xA, 0xD], (0x20..0xD7FF), (0xE000..0xFFFD), (0x10000..0x10FFFF)] def XChar.escape(string) string.unpack('U*').map{|n| xchr(n)}.join # ASCII, UTF-8 rescue string.unpack('C*').map{|n| xchr(n)}.join # ISO-8859-1, WIN-1252 end def XChar.xchr(n) (@xchr ||= {})[n] ||= (( n = XChar::CP1252[n] || n n = 42 unless XChar::VALID.find{|range| range.include? n} XChar::PREDEFINED[n] or (n<128 ? n.chr : "&##{n};") )) end end def Tagz.escapeHTML(*strings) XChar.escape(strings.join) end def Tagz.escape(*strings) XChar.escape(strings.join) end NoEscape = lambda{|v|v} # support for configuring attribute escaping # def Tagz.escape_attribute!(*args, &block) previous = @escape_attribute if defined?(@escape_attribute) unless args.empty? and block.nil? value = block ? block : args.shift @escape_attribute = value ? value.to_proc : NoEscape return previous end @escape_attribute end def Tagz.escape_attributes!(*args, &block) Tagz.escape_attribute!(*args, &block) end def Tagz.escape_attribute(value) @escape_attribute.call(value.to_s) end # default escape # escape_attribute!{|value| XChar.escape(value)} # support for configuring content escaping # def Tagz.escape_content!(*args, &block) previous = @escape_content if defined?(@escape_content) unless args.empty? and block.nil? value = block ? block : args.shift @escape_content = value ? value.to_proc : NoEscape return previous end @escape_content end def Tagz.escape_contents!(*args, &block) Tagz.escape_content!(*args, &block) end def Tagz.escape_content(value) @escape_content.call(value.to_s) end # default escape # escape_content!{|value| XChar.escape(value)} # make tagz escape nothing # def Tagz.i_know_what_the_hell_i_am_doing! Tagz.escape_attributes! false Tagz.escape_content! false end # make tagz escape everything # def Tagz.i_do_not_know_what_the_hell_i_am_doing! escape_attribute!{|value| XChar.escape(value)} escape_content!{|value| XChar.escape(value)} end module Globally; include Tagz; end def Tagz.globally Globally end module Privately; include Tagz; end def Tagz.privately Privately end %w( tagz tagz__ __tagz method_missing ).each{|m| module_function(m)} end def Tagz *argv, &block if argv.empty? and block.nil? ::Tagz else Tagz.tagz(*argv, &block) end end if defined?(Rails) ActionView::Base.send(:include, Tagz.globally) ActionController::Base.send(:include, Tagz) end end