require 'json' namespace :siesqo do namespace :assets do desc 'Compile the assets' task :compile do run_locally do execute :gulp, '--silent', 'build:theme' end end desc 'Uploads the build assets to the remote server' task :put do invoke 'siesqo:assets:compile' on roles(:web) do remote_path = "#{release_path}/src/Frontend/Themes/#{theme}/Core" # delete old folder execute :rm, '-rf', remote_path execute :mkdir, '-p', remote_path # upload compiled theme upload! "./src/Frontend/Themes/#{theme}/Core", "#{File.dirname(remote_path)}", recursive: true end end def theme package = JSON.parse('package.json')) if not package.key?('theme') warn'✘') + ' No theme available in package.json.' exit 1 end package['theme'] end end end