require "RMagick" require "knjrbfw" require "tmpdir" require "datet" class RailsImager::ImageHandler PARAMS_ARGS = [:width, :height, :smartsize, :maxwidth, :maxheight, :rounded_corners, :border, :border_color, :force] #This is the default cache which is plased in the temp-directory, so it will be cleared on every restart. It should always exist. DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/rails-imager-cache" Dir.mkdir(DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR) unless Dir.exists?(DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR) #Default arguments unless something else is given in constructor. DEFAULT_ARGS = { :cache_dir => DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR } INITIALIZE_ALLOWED_ARGS = [:cache_dir] #Initializes the RailsImager. def initialize(args = {}) args.each do |key, val| raise "Invalid argument: '#{key}'." unless INITIALIZE_ALLOWED_ARGS.include?(key) end @args = DEFAULT_ARGS.merge(args) end IMG_FROM_PARAMS_ALLOWED_ARGS = [:image, :params] #Create a new image-object based on the given image-object and the parameters. def img_from_params(args) args.each do |key, val| raise "Invalid argument: '#{key}'." unless IMG_FROM_PARAMS_ALLOWED_ARGS.include?(key) end #Set up vars. img = args[:image] raise "No image given." unless img raise "Wrong image-object given: '#{}'." unless img.is_a?(Magick::Image) params = args[:params] raise "No params given." unless params img_width = img.columns img_height = img.rows width = img_width height = img_height width = params[:width].to_i if params[:width].to_i > 0 height = params[:height].to_i if params[:height].to_i > 0 #Check arguments and manipulate image. if params[:smartsize] if img_width > img_height width = params[:smartsize].to_i height = (img_height.to_f / (img_width.to_f / width.to_f)).to_i else height = params[:smartsize].to_i width = (img_width.to_f / (img_height.to_f / height.to_f)).to_i end end if params[:maxwidth] maxwidth = params[:maxwidth].to_i if width > maxwidth height = (img_height.to_f / (img_width.to_f / maxwidth.to_f)).to_i width = maxwidth end end if params[:maxheight] maxheight = params[:maxheight].to_i if height > maxheight width = (img_width.to_f / (img_height.to_f / maxheight.to_f)).to_i height = maxheight end end if params[:width] && !params[:height] height = (img_height.to_f / (img_width.to_f / width.to_f)).to_i elsif params[:height] && !params[:width] width = (img_width.to_f / (img_height.to_f / height.to_f)).to_i elsif params[:width] && params[:height] width = params[:width].to_i height = params[:height].to_i end if width != img_width || height != img_height img = img.resize(width, height) end if params[:rounded_corners] img = img.clone img.format = "png" # Needs PNG format for transparency. args = {:img => img, :radius => params[:rounded_corners].to_i} if params[:border] && params[:border_color] args[:border] = params[:border].to_i args[:border_color] = params[:border_color] end Knj::Image.rounded_corners(args) end return img end CACHENAME_FROM_PARAMS_ALLOWED_ARGS = [:params, :image, :fpath] #Returns the path to a cached object based on the given filepath, image and request-parameters. def cachename_from_params(args) args.each do |key, val| raise "Invalid argument: '#{key}'." unless CACHENAME_FROM_PARAMS_ALLOWED_ARGS.include?(key) end params = args[:params] raise "No params was given." unless params if args[:image] && !args[:image].filename.to_s.strip.empty? name = Knj::Strings.sanitize_filename(args[:image].filename) elsif args[:fpath] name = Knj::Strings.sanitize_filename(args[:fpath]) else raise "No image or fpath was given." end name << "__ARGS__" PARAMS_ARGS.each do |val| name += "_" unless name.empty? name += "#{val}-#{params[val]}" end return name end FORCE_CACHE_FROM_PARAMS_ALLOWED_ARGS = [:fpath, :image, :request, :params] # Checks if a cache-file is created for the given filepath or image. If not then it will be created. If the cache-object is too old, then it will updated. Then returns the path to the cache-object in the end. def force_cache_from_request(args) args.each do |key, val| raise "Invalid argument: '#{key}'." if !FORCE_CACHE_FROM_PARAMS_ALLOWED_ARGS.include?(key) end img = nil if args[:fpath] && !args[:fpath].to_s.strip.empty? fpath = args[:fpath] elsif args[:image] && !args[:image].filename.to_s.strip.empty? fpath = args[:image].filename img = args[:image] else raise "No image or filename was given." end request = args[:request] raise "Invalid request: '#{}'." if !request params = args[:params] raise "No parameters on that request: '#{}'." if !params mod_time = File.mtime(fpath) cachename = self.cachename_from_params(:fpath => fpath, :params => params) cachepath = "#{@args[:cache_dir]}/#{cachename}" not_modified = false headers = request.headers if !File.exists?(cachepath) || File.mtime(cachepath) < File.mtime(fpath) should_generate = true else should_generate = false end if should_generate img = unless img img.format = "png" img = self.img_from_params(:image => img, :params => params) img.write(cachepath) else if_mod_since_time = nil if headers["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"] if_mod_since_time =["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"]).time else if_mod_since_time = request.if_modified_since end not_modified = true if if_mod_since_time && if_mod_since_time.utc.to_s == mod_time.utc.to_s end return { :cachepath => cachepath, :generated => should_generate, :not_modified => not_modified, :mod_time => mod_time, } end HANDLE_ALLOWED_ARGS = [:fpath, :image, :controller, :params] #Automatically handles the image with generation, cache control and more. def handle(args) args.each do |key, val| raise "Invalid argument: '#{key}'." unless HANDLE_ALLOWED_ARGS.include?(key) end controller = args[:controller] raise "No controller was given." unless controller request = controller.request params = args[:params] raise "No params was given." unless params if args[:image] fpath = args[:image].filename elsif args[:fpath] fpath = args[:fpath] end raise "No filepath was given." if !fpath res = self.force_cache_from_request(:fpath => fpath, :request => request, :params => params) if params[:force] && params[:force] != "0" force = true else force = false end controller.response.headers["Last-Modified"] = res[:mod_time].httpdate if force controller.response.headers["Expires"] = else controller.response.headers["Expires"] = 2.hours.from_now.httpdate end if res[:not_modified] && !force controller.render :nothing => true, :status => "304 Not Modified" else controller.send_file res[:cachepath], :type => "image/png", :disposition => "inline", :filename => "picture.png" end end #Yields every cache-file to the block. If the block returns true, then the cache-file will be deleted. If no block is given all the cache will be deleted. def clear_cache(&blk) Dir.foreach(@args[:cache_dir]) do |file| next if file == "." || file == ".." fn = "#{@args[:cache_dir]}/#{file}" next unless File.file?(fn) if blk == nil res = true else res = yield(fn) end File.unlink(fn) if res == true end end end