#!/usr/bin/env bash if readlink -f . >/dev/null 2>&1 # {{{ makes readlink work on mac then readlink=readlink else if greadlink -f . >/dev/null 2>&1 then readlink=greadlink else printf "You must install greadlink to use this (brew install coreutils)\n" >&2 fi fi # }}} # Set here to the full path to this script me=${BASH_SOURCE[0]} [ -L "$me" ] && me=$($readlink -f "$me") here=$(cd "$(dirname "$me")" && pwd) just_me=$(basename "$me") : "${GEM_NAME:=dapr}" : "${GIT_ORG:=rubyists}" GEM_HOST=$1 : "${GEM_HOST:=rubygems}" case "$GEM_HOST" in rubygems) gem_key='rubygems' gem_host='https://rubygems.org' ;; github) gem_key='github' gem_host="https://rubygems.pkg.github.com/$GIT_ORG" # Replace the gem host in the gemspec, so it allows pushing to the GitHub package registry sed --in-place=.bak -e "s|https://rubygems.org|https://rubygems.pkg.github.com/$GIT_ORG|" "$here/../$GEM_NAME".gemspec # Restore the original gemspec after the script finishes trap 'mv -v "$here/../$GEM_NAME".gemspec.bak "$here/../$GEM_NAME".gemspec' EXIT ;; *) printf 'Unknown GEM_HOST: %s\n' "$GEM_HOST" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac # We only want this part running in CI, with no ~/.gem dir # For local testing, you should have a ~/.gem/credentials file with # the keys you need to push to rubygems or github if [ ! -d ~/.gem ] then if [ -z "$GEM_TOKEN" ] then printf 'No GEM_TOKEN provided, cannot publish\n' >&2 exit 1 fi mkdir -p ~/.gem printf '%s\n:%s: %s\n' '---' "$gem_key" "$GEM_TOKEN" > ~/.gem/credentials chmod 600 ~/.gem/credentials fi if [ -f "$here"/../.version.txt ] then version=$(<"$here"/../.version.txt) else version=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 | sed -e 's/^v//') fi gem="$(printf '%s-%s.gem' "$GEM_NAME" "$version")" if [[ "${TRACE:-false}" == true || "${ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG:-false}" == true ]] then printf "DEBUG: [%s] Building And Publishing %s to %s\n" "$just_me" "$gem" "$gem_host" >&2 fi bundle exec gem build bundle exec gem push -k "$gem_key" --host "$gem_host" "$gem" # vim: set foldmethod=marker et ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 ft=bash :