require 'spec_helper' describe EratosteneSieve do describe '.nth_prime' do it 'should output the nth prime number' do EratosteneSieve.nth_prime(1).should be_eql(2) EratosteneSieve.nth_prime(2).should be_eql(3) EratosteneSieve.nth_prime(3).should be_eql(5) EratosteneSieve.nth_prime(4).should be_eql(7) EratosteneSieve.nth_prime(10).should be_eql(29) EratosteneSieve.nth_prime(20).should be_eql(71) EratosteneSieve.nth_prime(30).should be_eql(113) EratosteneSieve.nth_prime(100).should be_eql(541) EratosteneSieve.nth_prime(200).should be_eql(1223) end end describe '.enumerator' do it 'should return ' do enumerator = EratosteneSieve.enumerator serie = [] (0..9).each { |i| serie << } serie.should == [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29] end end describe '.serie' do it 'should return the first 10 primes if no argument is given' do serie = EratosteneSieve.serie serie.should == [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29] end it 'should return the serie of primes from x to y if :from => x, :up_to => y options are given' do serie = EratosteneSieve.serie(:from => 5, :up_to => 10) serie.should == [11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29] end it 'should fail if :from is not an Integer' do lambda{ EratosteneSieve.serie(:from => 'a', :up_to => 10) }.should raise_error end it 'should fail if :up_to is not an Integer' do lambda{ EratosteneSieve.serie(:from => 1, :up_to => :error) }.should raise_error end it 'should fail if :from < 1' do lambda{ EratosteneSieve.serie(:from => 0, :up_to => 10) }.should raise_error end it 'should give a reversed array of the serie if :from > :up_to' do EratosteneSieve.serie(:from => 10, :up_to => 1).should == EratosteneSieve.serie(:from => 1, :up_to => 10).reverse end end end