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Cannot be used with running head banner */ { /* Must immediately follow . */ padding: 2px 15px 2px 22px; width: 100%; } div#nsbanner /* Creates Nonscrolling banner region */ { position: relative; left: 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999999; /*width: expression(document.body.clientWidth);*/ background-color: #99ccff; } div#nstext /* Creates the scrolling text area for Nonscrolling region topic */ { top: 0px; padding: 5px 20px 0px 22px; /*overflow: expression('auto'); width: expression(document.body.clientWidth); height: expression(document.body.clientHeight - nsbanner.offsetHeight);*/ } div#scrbanner /* Creates the running head bar in a full-scroll topic */ { /* Allows topic to scroll. */ margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999999; } div#scrtext /* Creates the text area in a full-scroll topic */ { /* Allows topic to scroll. */ padding: 0px 10px 0px 22px; } div#bannerrow1 /* provides full-width color to top row in running head (requires script) */ { } div#titlerow /* provides non-scroll topic title area (requires script) */ { padding: 0px 10px 0px 22px; 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font-weight: normal; } table.bannerparthead td.product /* Values for top right cell in running head */ { /* Allows for a second text block in the running head */ text-align: right; padding: 2px 5px 0px 5px; } table.bannertitle td /* General Values for cells in the bottom row of running head */ { margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 3px; vertical-align: middle; border-width: 0px 0px 1px 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: #999999; background: transparent; font-weight: bold; } td.button1 /* Values for button cells */ { width: 14px; cursor: hand; } p { margin: .5em 0em .5em 0em; } blockquote.dtBlock { margin: .5em 1.5em .5em 1.5em; } div#dtHoverText { color: #000066; } .normal { margin: .5em 0em .5em 0em; } .fineprint { font-size: 90%; /* 90% of 70% */ } .indent { margin: .5em 1.5em .5em 1.5em; } .topicstatus /* Topic Status Boilerplate class */ { display: block; color: red; } p.label { margin-top: 1em; } p.labelproc { margin-top: 1em; color: #000066; } div.tablediv { width: 100%; 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/* Creates the shaded table header row */ vertical-align: bottom; } table.HxLinkTable td /* Keep in sync with general table settings below */ { background: #ffffff; vertical-align: top; } pre.code { background-color: #eeeeee; padding: 4px 6px 4px 6px; } pre, div.syntax { margin-top: .5em; margin-bottom: .5em; } pre, code, .code, div.syntax { font: 100% Monospace, Courier New, Courier; /* This is 100% of 70% */ color: #000066; } pre b, code b { letter-spacing: .1em; /* opens kerning on bold in Syntax/Code */ } pre.syntax, div.syntax { background: #cccccc; padding: 4px 8px; cursor: text; margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; color: #000000; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #999999; /* ------------------------------------- */ /* BEGIN changes to dtue.css conventions */ font-weight: bolder; letter-spacing: .1em; } .syntax span.lang { margin: 0; font-weight: normal; } .syntax span.meta { margin: 0; font-weight: normal; font-style: italic; } .syntax a { margin: 0; font-weight: normal; } /* END changes to dtue.css conventions */ /* ----------------------------------- */ .syntax div { padding-left: 24px; text-indent: -24px; } .syntax .attribute { font-weight: normal; } div.footer { font-style: italic; } div.footer hr { color: #999999; height: 1px; } ol, ul { margin: .5em 0em 0em 4em; } li { margin-bottom: .5em; } ul p, ol p, dl p { margin-left: 0em; } ul p.label, ol p.label { margin-top: .5em; } dl { margin-top: 0em; padding-left: 1px; /* Prevents italic-letter descenders from being cut off */ } dd { margin-bottom: 0em; margin-left: 1.5em; } dt { margin-top: .5em; } a:link { color: #0000ff; } a:visited { color: #0000ff; } a:hover { color: #3366ff; } img { border: none; } table.dtTABLE td img { border: none; vertical-align: top; margin-right: 2px; } /* Not in dtue.css. Used by NDoc's "ShowMissing..." options. */ .missing { color: Red; font-weight: bold; } div.Hierarchy { margin: 0.5em,0.0em,0.5em,1.0em; }wGIF89a*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪ****U**********U*******U*U**UU*U*U*U****U*******U*******U**Ԫ*UU*UUUUUU*U**U*UU*U*U*UUUU*UUUUUUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUԪU*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪԪ*UԪ****U***ԪUU*UUUUUԪ*UԪ*UԪ*UԪ*U****U***UU*UUUUU*UԪԪ*ԪUԪԪԪ*UԪ &&&333???LLLYYYfffrrr𠠤!,@T Hp`…'"ÆBlËq#A(Qb̘rƋ _Œě=ȞN9̕+;GIF89a*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪ****U**********U*******U*U**UU*U*U*U****U*******U*******U**Ԫ*UU*UUUUUU*U**U*UU*U*U*UUUU*UUUUUUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUԪU*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪԪ*UԪ****U***ԪUU*UUUUUԪ*UԪ*UԪ*UԪ*U****U***UU*UUUUU*UԪԪ*ԪUԪԪԪ*UԪ &&&333???LLLYYYfffrrr𠠤!,@^ H>|.{㿄;6ȐaÓ8:1}Xz<rf‰5 $) ȊEVTE2~`ʧO!;GIF89a*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪ****U**********U*******U*U**UU*U*U*U****U*******U*******U**Ԫ*UU*UUUUUU*U**U*UU*U*U*UUUU*UUUUUUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUԪU*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪԪ*UԪ****U***ԪUU*UUUUUԪ*UԪ*UԪ*UԪ*U****U***UU*UUUUU*UԪԪ*ԪUԪԪԪ*UԪ &&&333???LLLYYYfffrrr𠠤!,@e HA KX)T>|.scDJ\ɓ@q@ ;"A&i9LhN b̢8qT;tGIF89a*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪ****U**********U*******U*U**UU*U*U*U****U*******U*******U**Ԫ*UU*UUUUUU*U**U*UU*U*U*UUUU*UUUUUUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUԪU*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪԪ*UԪ****U***ԪUU*UUUUUԪ*UԪ*UԪ*UԪ*U****U***UU*UUUUU*UԪԪ*ԪUԪԪԪ*UԪ &&&333???LLLYYYfffrrr𠠤!,@Q  $HP?|F_ņ-:Ǐ%7b =n̨QŁ 7ʜ &ŗ틸sÏy $̀;GIF89a*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪ****U**********U*******U*U**UU*U*U*U****U*******U*******U**Ԫ*UU*UUUUUU*U**U*UU*U*U*UUUU*UUUUUUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUԪU*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪԪ*UԪ****U***ԪUU*UUUUUԪ*UԪ*UԪ*UԪ*U****U***UU*UUUUU*UԪԪ*ԪUԪԪԪ*UԪ &&&333???LLLYYYfffrrr𠠤!,@j (AaÃ@ŋ,*ķ߿$9bƓ :,p 0!tQ>$s2<@J&+\΋ 􈳠N_(rԫU ʜ3 ;GIF89a*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪ****U**********U*******U*U**UU*U*U*U****U*******U*******U**Ԫ*UU*UUUUUU*U**U*UU*U*U*UUUU*UUUUUUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUԪU*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪԪ*UԪ****U***ԪUU*UUUUUԪ*UԪ*UԪ*UԪ*U****U***UU*UUUUU*UԪԪ*ԪUԪԪԪ*UԪ &&&333???LLLYYYfffrrr𠠤!,@^ H@|`߾ 6|x.FXp"B`B|58dɗc|2ǚ>0cMRNJ/542OP;GIF89a*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪ****U**********U*******U*U**UU*U*U*U****U*******U*******U**Ԫ*UU*UUUUUU*U**U*UU*U*U*UUUU*UUUUUUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUԪU*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪԪ*UԪ****U***ԪUU*UUUUUԪ*UԪ*UԪ*UԪ*U****U***UU*UUUUU*UԪԪ*ԪUԪԪԪ*UԪ &&&333???LLLYYYfffrrr𠠤!,@e H@|ϟ?-48ぉCQdD%;eI LQM7,I"ʎ#lQ%'5s Ș2?*4ٱ*T;GIF89a*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪ****U**********U*******U*U**UU*U*U*U****U*******U*******U**Ԫ*UU*UUUUUU*U**U*UU*U*U*UUUU*UUUUUUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUԪU*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪԪ*UԪ****U***ԪUU*UUUUUԪ*UԪ*UԪ*UԪ*U****U***UU*UUUUU*UԪԪ*ԪUԪԪԪ*UԪ &&&333???LLLYYYfffrrr𠠤!,@i H@| (oaǐ!D|h<1ǁ;~ I!SbQ 09~Ē"aLqbņ:QĸaÇAa๰΂9kQG|F%;wGIF89a*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪ****U**********U*******U*U**UU*U*U*U****U*******U*******U**Ԫ*UU*UUUUUU*U**U*UU*U*U*UUUU*UUUUUUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUԪU*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪԪ*UԪ****U***ԪUU*UUUUUԪ*UԪ*UԪ*UԪ*U****U***UU*UUUUU*UԪԪ*ԪUԪԪԪ*UԪ &&&333???LLLYYYfffrrr𠠤!,@T  \X A@ņ'|ǏHHRbƉزVzH$ϐRPIS&Ι-;GIF89a*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪ****U**********U*******U*U**UU*U*U*U****U*******U*******U**Ԫ*UU*UUUUUU*U**U*UU*U*U*UUUU*UUUUUUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUԪU*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪԪ*UԪ****U***ԪUU*UUUUUԪ*UԪ*UԪ*UԪ*U****U***UU*UUUUU*UԪԪ*ԪUԪԪԪ*UԪ &&&333???LLLYYYfffrrr𠠤!,@i A(XÃX-*ACx#"HR"cI"s< %D;Q.T ň)svtϑ5CRT/T3!^%;GIF89a <<< !,@`H@@xB( E#N|q:0P@AH#+t@eƌpYpɗ6)V<@͛*aʚ $0Jҗ@ ;GIF89a <<< !,@oH@@  48L F +X22@@ %)i@Ɲ:}3(cB t >u<;GIF89a <<< !,@iH ` @C8cE+0c@ؠe ;$8 5ЀÑ M&値@4T ;wGIF89a*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪ****U**********U*******U*U**UU*U*U*U****U*******U*******U**Ԫ*UU*UUUUUU*U**U*UU*U*U*UUUU*UUUUUUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUUUU*UUUUԪU*U****U***UU*UUUUU*U*U*UԪԪ*UԪ****U***ԪUU*UUUUUԪ*UԪ*UԪ*UԪ*U****U***UU*UUUUU*UԪԪ*ԪUԪԪԪ*UԪ &&&333???LLLYYYfffrrr𠠤!,@T  A#x? ʼn"8ТǏۧpƁDÈ Adyp4Pxe˛$a~`L;GIF89a <<< !,@x(  a#hH0a 0jL‚,I R&@ 8E<φTvddF+x(, @PA1BV;eGIF89a <<< !,@BH pp 6t A2V4@. IIGZLC>Tɛ;qGIF89a !,@NH ` @Ă/B1@ȸST)Ə! ,X@H3#X0>W -;yGIF89aȐ/// !,@VH@p`08)̨ GxC\pcʜPGOhÛ`@恣4j ;`GIF89a !,@=H T@Ç>tPbˆ NhbF ;f(78%It)0 ;}GIF89a !,@ZH@BhH"ȱƈ=Q`Ó 0@„ _BIMW81Ŗ =C֜yiĀ;GIF89a0+qgDDDOI4-fff!,@j%H`A"(@A.`D<B 8`H D@˗.@ K*`A:W@c`4N "Y561 ;*.treeDiv { font-family: verdana; font-size: 70.5%; font-weight: normal; background-color: #f1f1f1; color: Black; overflow: auto; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } .treeNode { white-space: nowrap; text-indent: -14px; margin: 5px 2px 5px 14px; } A.treeUnselected:hover, A.treeSelected:hover { text-decoration: underline; background-color: #cccccc; border: solid 1px #999999; text-decoration: none; } A.treeUnselected, A.treeSelected { color: Black; padding: 1px 3px 1px 3px; text-decoration: none; } A.treeSelected { background-color: #ffffff; border: solid 1px #999999; } A.treeUnselected { border: solid 1px f0f0f0; background-color: transparent; } .treeSubnodes { display: block; } .treeSubnodesHidden { display: none; } .treeNode IMG.treeNoLinkImage, .treeNode IMG.treeLinkImage { width: 9px; height: 9px; margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 0px; } .treeNode IMG.treeLinkImage { cursor: pointer; } 5/* Copyright 2002 Jean-Claude Manoli [] * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. * In no event will the author(s) be held liable for any damages arising from * the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it * freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be * appreciated but is not required. * * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not * be misrepresented as being the original software. * * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ var treeSelected = null; //last treeNode clicked //pre-load tree nodes images var imgPlus = new Image(); imgPlus.src="treenodeplus.gif"; var imgMinus = new Image(); imgMinus.src="treenodeminus.gif"; var imgDot = new Image(); imgPlus.src="treenodedot.gif"; function findNode(el) { // Takes element and determines if it is a treeNode. // If not, seeks a treeNode in its parents. while (el != null) { if (el.className == "treeNode") { break; } else { el = el.parentNode; } } return el; } function clickAnchor(el) { // handles click on a TOC link // expandNode(el.parentNode); selectNode(el.parentNode); el.blur(); } function selectNode(el) { // Un-selects currently selected node, if any, and selects the specified node // if (treeSelected != null) { setSubNodeClass(treeSelected, 'A', 'treeUnselected'); } setSubNodeClass(el, 'A', 'treeSelected'); treeSelected = el; } function setSubNodeClass(el, nodeName, className) { // Sets the specified class name on el's first child that is a nodeName element // var child; for (var i=0; i < el.childNodes.length; i++) { child = el.childNodes[i]; if (child.nodeName == nodeName) { child.className = className; break; } } } function expandCollapse(el) { // If source treeNode has child nodes, expand or collapse view of treeNode // if (el == null) return; //Do nothing if it isn't a treeNode var child; var imgEl; for(var i=0; i < el.childNodes.length; i++) { child = el.childNodes[i]; if (child.src) { imgEl = child; } else if (child.className == "treeSubnodesHidden") { child.className = "treeSubnodes"; imgEl.src = "treenodeminus.gif"; break; } else if (child.className == "treeSubnodes") { child.className = "treeSubnodesHidden"; imgEl.src = "treenodeplus.gif"; break; } } } function expandNode(el) { // If source treeNode has child nodes, expand it // var child; var imgEl; for(var i=0; i < el.childNodes.length; i++) { child = el.childNodes[i]; if (child.src) { imgEl = child; } if (child.className == "treeSubnodesHidden") { child.className = "treeSubnodes"; imgEl.src = "treenodeminus.gif"; break; } } } function syncTree(href) { // Selects and scrolls into view the node that references the specified URL // var loc = new String(); loc = href; if (loc.substring(0, 7) == 'file://') { loc = 'file:///' + loc.substring(7, loc.length); loc = loc.replace(/\\/g, '/'); } var base = loc.substr(0, loc.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); var tocEl = findHref(document.getElementById('treeRoot'), loc, base); if (tocEl != null) { selectAndShowNode(tocEl); } } function findHref(node, href, base) { // find the element with the specified href value // var el; var anchors = node.getElementsByTagName('A'); for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) { el = anchors[i]; var aref = new String(); aref = el.getAttribute('href'); if ((aref.substring(0, 7) != 'http://') && (aref.substring(0, 8) != 'https://') && (aref.substring(0, 7) != 'file://')) { aref = base + aref; } if (aref == href) { return el; } } return null; } function selectAndShowNode(node) { // Selects and scrolls into view the specified node // var el = findNode(node); if (el != null) { selectNode(el); do { expandNode(el); el = findNode(el.parentNode); } while ((el != null)) //vertical scroll element into view var windowTop; var windowBottom; var treeDiv = document.getElementById('tree'); var ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if ((i = ua.indexOf('msie')) != -1) { windowTop = node.offsetTop - treeDiv.scrollTop; windowBottom = treeDiv.clientHeight - windowTop - node.offsetHeight; } else if (ua.indexOf('gecko') != -1) { windowTop = node.offsetTop - treeDiv.offsetTop - treeDiv.scrollTop; windowBottom = treeDiv.clientHeight - windowTop - node.offsetHeight; } else { return; } if (windowTop < 0) { treeDiv.scrollTop += windowTop - 18; return; } if (windowBottom < 0) { treeDiv.scrollTop -= windowBottom - 18; return; } } } function resizeTree() { var treeDiv = document.getElementById('tree'); //treeDiv.setAttribute('style', 'width: ' + document.body.offsetWidth + 'px; height: ' + (document.body.offsetHeight - 27) + 'px;'); = document.documentElement.offsetWidth; = document.documentElement.offsetHeight - 27; } =GIF89a !, @HA\ BFLQ`@;8GIF89a ,  ^ @X;e;;GIF89a ,  ʉ{[xqtR; <%TITLE%> <p>This page requires frames, but your browser does not support them.</p> 6 Members


Private Static Constructor

Public Instance Constructors

Protected Instance Constructors

Protected Internal Instance Constructors

Internal Instance Constructors

Private Instance Constructors

members Keyword Keyword Keyword Members
Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the class. Constructor  byte byte sbyte sbyte short short ushort ushort int int uint uint long long ulong ulong float float double double decimal decimal string string char char bool bool void void object object public internal public protected protected internal internal private /* unknown */ public protected protected internal internal private /* unknown */ static abstract virtual override /* unknown */
Interface Class Interface Class

See Also

| Members | Namespace | Constructor Overload List | Overload List | Overload List | Overload List |


NOTE: This is now obsolete.





Return Value




Property Value


Event Type Reason


Exception Type Condition

Thread Safety

This type is safe for multithreaded operations.

This type is not safe for multithreaded operations.

Public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are safe for multithreaded operations. Instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

Public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are not guaranteed to be safe for multithreaded operations. Instance members are thread-safe.


true false


Member Name Description Value Member Name Description
<xsl:value-of select="$title" />

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Generated from assembly [ ] Decrement Operator Increment Operator Unary Negation Operator Unary Plus Operator Logical Not Operator True Operator False Operator Address Of Operator Ones Complement Operator Pointer Dereference Operator Addition Operator Subtraction Operator Multiplication Operator Division Operator Modulus Operator Exclusive Or Operator Bitwise And Operator Bitwise Or Operator LogicalAnd Operator Logical Or Operator Assignment Operator Left Shift Operator Right Shift Operator Signed Right Shift Operator Unsigned Right Shift Operator Equality Operator Greater Than Operator Less Than Operator Inequality Operator Greater Than Or Equal Operator Less Than Or Equal Operator Unsigned Right Shift Assignment Operator Member Selection Operator Right Shift Assignment Operator Multiplication Assignment Operator Pointer To Member Selection Operator Subtraction Assignment Operator Exclusive Or Assignment Operator Left Shift Assignment Operator Modulus Assignment Operator Addition Assignment Operator Bitwise And Assignment Operator Bitwise Or Assignment Operator Comma Operator Division Assignment Operator Implicit to Conversion Explicit to Conversion ERROR operator + operator - operator ! operator ~ operator ++ operator -- operator true operator false operator + operator - operator * operator / operator % operator & operator | operator ^ operator << operator >> operator == operator != operator < operator > operator <= operator >= ERROR


.NET Framework Security:

mailto: ?subject= Documentation Feedback:

Send comments on this topic.

& NDoc Supported Tags for Documentation Comments


 . Event

Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type containing data related to this event. The following properties provide property provides information specific to this event.

Property Description
event Keyword event Keyword event, class Keyword . event . Event
. Field

field Keyword field Keyword field, class Keyword . field . Field
? Contents
sync toc

The of the are listed below. For a complete list of members, see the Members topic.

 Interface Class Method Static Constructor Constructor . .    
member Keyword class, constructor Keyword method Keyword Keyword . method .    
 Interface Class Method Constructor Property .  

Overload List

Inherited from .

Inherited from .

memberoverload Keyword class, constructors .  
} Class Interface Structure Fields Properties Events Operators and Type Conversions Operators Type Conversions Methods fields properties events operators and type conversions operators type conversions methods

Public Static (Shared)

Protected Static (Shared)

Protected Internal Static (Shared)

Internal Static (Shared)

Private Static (Shared)

Public Instance

Protected Instance

Protected Internal Instance

Internal Instance

Private Instance

Explicit Interface Implementations

pub .gif prot .gif priv .gif int .gif (inherited from ) (inherited from ) (inherited from ) (inherited from ) (inherited from ) (inherited from ) (inherited from ) Overloaded. (inherited from ) Overloaded. (inherited from ) Overloaded. (inherited from ) Overloaded. (inherited from ) (inherited from ) (inherited from ) Overloaded. Overloaded.

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description


Interface Description


Structure Description


Delegate Description


Enumeration Description

See Also


+ Interface Class Property .
[Visual Basic]

property Keyword property Keyword Keyword . property . Property
new    abstract  sealed  struct enum     long
: , ,
new        explicit operator implicit operator long
new          short
new    const  static  readonly  event    = " " ;
new    static      this[

 { get;   set; }
ref  out  params    ,

( , )
[ : ( = " " **UNKNOWN** , ) ]
$4 A normal paragraph. This ends up being a p tag. (Did we really need the extra three letters?)

Use the lang attribute to indicate that the text of the paragraph is only appropriate for a specific language.

[ ]

Multiple lines of code.
Use the lang attribute to indicate that the code sample is only appropriate for a specific language.

See XmlDocument.Load for an example of a note.
CAUTION Notes to Inheritors: Notes to Implementers: Note    
  • -
  • -



    Note to Inheritors



    For example:

    a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) sealed (NotInheritable in Visual Basic) static (Shared in Visual Basic) abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) virtual (CanOverride in Visual Basic)
    Class Interface Structure Delegate Enumeration

    For a list of all members of this type, see Members.

    This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

    Derived interfaces

    Derived types



    Assembly: (in )

    .NET Framework Security:

    enumeration delegate type Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword

    Types that implement

    Type Description
    Class Interface Structure
    B Byte Short Integer Long Single Double Decimal String Char Boolean Date Object
    [Visual Basic]
    MustInherit  NotInheritable    Class Interface Structure Enum Delegate  Sub Function ERROR  
        Implements  ,
    ( _
     As   _
        Implements  ,
    Public Friend Public Protected Protected Friend Friend Private /* unknown */ Public Protected Protected Friend Friend Private /* unknown */     Optional ParamArray ByRef ByVal  As  = " " ,  _
    [Visual Basic]
    MustOverride  NotOverridable  Overrides  Overridable  Overloads    Shared  Function Sub   New returnValue = . ( )
    [Visual Basic]
      Const  Shared  ReadOnly  Event   As  = " "
    MustOverride  NotOverridable  Overrides  Overridable  Overloads    Shared  Default  ReadOnly  Property   As   _
        Implements  ,
    < , _   >
    : ( := " " **UNKNOWN** , )
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.hhp .hhk .log .chm[FILES]0x63520,2200x62520,220?,0x387e,[86,51,872,558],,,,,,,0?,0x383e,[86,51,872,558],,,,,,,0[OPTIONS] Title=Auto Index=YesBinary TOC=Yes5Compatibility=1.1 or laterCompiled file=/Default Window=MsdnHelpDefault topic=7Display compile progress=NoError log file=)Full-text search=YesIndex file=Language=0xx Contents file=[WINDOWS]MsdnHelp=" Help",""," ",,,,,[INFOTYPES] .hhcThis document contains Table of Contents information for the HtmlHelp compiler.ULLI OBJECT typetext/sitemap param name Name value LocalImageNumber HTML BODY= [The compiled HTML Help file is probably open."1Compiling Html Help file WThe HTML Help compiler '{0}' was not found.CThe Help compiler reported errorsK - The CHM file was not been created. 5Html Help compile completeaThe HTML Help Compiler is not supported on unix.5HTML Help Workshop\hhc.exehhc.fileDefaultIconhhc.execompilers1htmlHelpWorkshopLocationUnable to find the HTML Help Compiler. Please verify that the HTML Help Workshop has been installed. MSDN classinterfacestructureenumerationdelegate ClassInterfaceStructureEnumerationDelegateThe Additional Content Resource Directory {0} could not be foundqThe Extensibility Stylesheet file {0} could not be found~chm.tmpThe compiled HTML Help file is probably open. Please close it and try again.Initializing...1NDoc.Documenter.Msdn.css7NDoc.Documenter.Msdn.images9NDoc.Documenter.Msdn.scripts*9Merging XML documentation...u/ndoc/assembly/module/namespace/*[name()!='documentation']EThere are no documentable types in this project. Any types that exist in the assemblies you are documenting have been excluded by the current visibility settings. For example, you are attempting to document an internal class, but the 'DocumentInternals' visibility setting is set to False. Note: C# defaults to 'internal' if no accessibilty is specified, which is often the case for Console apps created in VS.NET...?/ndoc/assembly/module/namespace .htmlOverviewdefault.html1Building file mapping..._-+Loading XSLT files...1Generating HTML pages... http:aCannot find the documentation's root page file: ?Generating HTML content file...ANDoc.Documenter.Msdn.onlinefilesindex.html_NDoc.Documenter.Msdn.onlinetemplates.index.html5 <title><%TITLE%></title> <title></title>s <frame name="main" src="<%HOME_PAGE%>" frameborder="1">5 <frame name="main" src="%" frameborder="1">Stransform the HHC contents file into htmlcontents.htmlhtmlcontents7Compiling HTML Help file... *.chm*.* Done.N: *[@id]idconstructor fieldproperty methodoperator event-/ndoc/assembly[@name="'"]/module/namespace/ndoc/assemblynamespace%namespacehierarchyHierarchyO/ndoc/assembly/module/namespace[@name=""]/*[local-name()!='documentation' and local-name()!='typeHierarchy']type-idaconstructor|field|property|method|operator|eventderivedBytypehierarchy MembersallmembersAconstructor[@contract!='Static'] Constructormember-idmemberoverloadA/ndoc/assembly/module/namespace/[@name=")"]/constructor[@id=""]/parameter Constructor member?constructor[@contract='Static']' Static Constructor5field[not(@declaringType)] Fieldsmember-type#individualmembers Fieldfield-id;property[not(@declaringType)]Properties Property#"]/property[@id=" Property property-iddeclaringType7method[not(@declaringType)]Methods Method"]/method[@id=" Method woperator[@name != 'op_Explicit' and @name != 'op_Implicit']woperator[@name = 'op_Explicit' or @name = 'op_Implicit']=Operators and Type ConversionsOperators!Type Conversionsop_Implicitop_Explicit#"]/operator[@id="op_Decrement%Decrement Operatorop_Increment%Increment Operator!op_UnaryNegation/Unary Negation Operatorop_UnaryPlus'Unary Plus Operatorop_LogicalNot)Logical Not Operatorop_TrueTrue Operatorop_FalseFalse Operatorop_AddressOf'Address Of Operator#op_OnesComplement1Ones Complement Operator+op_PointerDereference9Pointer Dereference Operatorop_Addition#Addition Operatorop_Subtraction)Subtraction Operatorop_Multiply/Multiplication Operatorop_Division#Division Operatorop_Modulus!Modulus Operatorop_ExclusiveOr+Exclusive Or Operatorop_BitwiseAnd)Bitwise And Operatorop_BitwiseOr'Bitwise Or Operatorop_LogicalAnd'LogicalAnd Operatorop_LogicalOr'Logical Or Operatorop_Assign'Assignment Operatorop_LeftShift'Left Shift Operatorop_RightShift)Right Shift Operator'op_SignedRightShift7Signed Right Shift Operator+op_UnsignedRightShift;Unsigned Right Shift Operatorop_Equality#Equality Operatorop_GreaterThan+Greater Than Operatorop_LessThan%Less Than Operatorop_Inequality'Inequality Operator+op_GreaterThanOrEqual=Greater Than Or Equal Operator%op_LessThanOrEqual7Less Than Or Equal Operator?op_UnsignedRightShiftAssignmentQUnsigned Right Shift Assignment Operator%op_MemberSelection3Member Selection Operator/op_RightShiftAssignment?Right Shift Assignment Operator7op_MultiplicationAssignmentEMultiplication Assignment Operator7op_PointerToMemberSelectionIPointer To Member Selection Operator1op_SubtractionAssignment?Subtraction Assignment Operator1op_ExclusiveOrAssignmentAExclusive Or Assignment Operator-op_LeftShiftAssignment=Left Shift Assignment Operator)op_ModulusAssignment7Modulus Assignment Operator+op_AdditionAssignment9Addition Assignment Operator/op_BitwiseAndAssignment?Bitwise And Assignment Operator-op_BitwiseOrAssignment=Bitwise Or Assignment Operatorop_CommaComma Operator+op_DivisionAssignment9Division Assignment OperatorparameterreturnTypeExplicit to  ConversionImplicit ERROR5event[not(@declaringType)] Events Eventevent-id(, )ndoc-titlendoc-vb-syntax+ndoc-omit-object-tags1ndoc-document-attributes5ndoc-documented-attributes+ndoc-sdk-doc-base-url+ndoc-sdk-doc-file-exturn:NDocUtil)urn:NDocExternalHtml The file that NDoc was trying to create had the following name: Hierarchy.htmlMembers.html!Constructor.html.#contract StaticConstructoroverloadFields.html#.Operators.html_overloads.html_overload_Events.htmlProperties.htmlMethods.html%namespaceHierarchydocumentationimplementsattribute.{0}doc{0}DocumentationAAn NDoc Documented Class Library'LinkToSdkDocVersionMsdnOnlineWARNING: Configuration - value 'MsdnOnline' of property 'LinkSdkDocVersion' is OBSOLETE. Please use new option 'SdkLinksOnWeb' SdkDocVersionSDK_v1_1SdkLinksOnWeb True Configuration - property 'LinkToSdkDocVersion' is OBSOLETE. Please use new property 'SdkDocVersion' %Output Directory '' is not valid because it contains '#','?' or ';' which are reserved characters in HTML URLs. msdn .asp%MS.NETFrameworkSDK .htm-MS.NETFrameworkSDKv1.1'text/html; charset=System.F:E:T:ClassTopicP:M:.#c .ctor Topicenms-help://#/cpref/html/frlrf3NDoc.Documenter.Msdn.xslt .xslt res:EError compiling the {0} stylesheet z\V4   ! %!     9      !z\V4  z\V4 Qe  ] a Y im u}         !   ]]      %        %     -  1          11     A E I      e i i$$RSA1r|<{iO1lY3wa noV29R&qE~Nc U"e83ߨM|ޚvz5`!X ) A  19  ,AMQYQ    $(! 21 i)Q)))999   - - 9   9    $    9  9 )!=))   0MQ 0 0 M M Q Q0MQ$MS.NETFrameworkSDK,MS.NETFrameworkSDKv1.1ms-help://"/cpref/html/frlrf.htm !((a a !a !Q! !!,   !#%')NDoc MSDN DocumenterD?MSDN-like documenter for the NDoc code documentation generator. NDoc.snkmono-1.0.win32; release NDoc 1.3.1OutputDirectory Documentation Main SettingsMHThe directory in which .html files and the .chm files will be generated. System.Windows.Forms.Design.FolderNameEditor, System.Design, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3axSystem.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aGBThe name of the HTML Help project and the Compiled HTML Help file.:5This is the title displayed at the top of every page.4/Show Visual Basic syntax for types and members.=8Sets the output type to HTML Help (.chm) or Web or both.   NDoc.Core.PropertyGridUI.EnumDescriptionConverter, NDoc.Core, Version=1.3.1851.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b9896512f28c0f09MHTurning this flag on will point all SDK links to the online MSDN libraryHTML Help OptionsMHTurning this flag on will include a Favorites tab in the HTML Help file.The name for the table-of-contents entry corresponding to the root page. If this is not specified and RootPageFileName is, then the TOC entry will be 'Overview'.toThe name of an html file to be included as the root home page. SplitTOCs is disabled when this property is set.System.Windows.Forms.Design.FileNameEditor, System.Design, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3axSystem.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aIf true, the Root Page will be made the container of the namespaces in the table-of-contents. If false, the Root Page will be made a peer of the namespaces in the table-of-contents.Create a binary table-of-contents file. This can significantly reduce the amount of time required to load a very large help document.Raw HTML that is used as a page header instead of the default blue banner. "%FILE_NAME%" is dynamically replaced by the name of the file for the current html page. "%TOPIC_TITLE%" is dynamically replaced by the title of the current page.tNDoc.Core.PropertyGridUI.TextEditor, NDoc.Core, Version=1.3.1851.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b9896512f28c0f09xSystem.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aRaw HTML that is used as a page footer instead of the default footer."%FILE_NAME%" is dynamically replaced by the name of the file for the current html page. "%ASSEMBLY_NAME%" is dynamically replaced by the name of the assembly for the current page. "%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%" is dynamically replaced by the version of the assembly for the current page. "%TOPIC_TITLE%" is dynamically replaced by the title of the current page.zSpecifies external files that must be included in the compiled CHM file. Multiple files must be separated by a pipe ('|').Directory that contains resources (images etc.) used by the additional content pages. This directory will be recursively compiled into the help file..)Select AdditionalContentResourceDirectory ExtensibilityPath to an xslt stylesheet that contains templates for documenting extensibility tags. Refer to the NDoc user's guide for more details on extending NDoc.YSelect Extensibility Stylesheet4Stylesheet files (*.xslt)|*.xslt|All files (*.*)|*.*0+The ID of the language the help file is in. vNDoc.Core.PropertyGridUI.LangIdEditor, NDoc.Core, Version=1.3.1851.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b9896512f28c0f09xSystem.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a Item HTML HelpWebHTML Help and WebSФAPL7E&ӟ{[Ľ