include Capistrano::FigaroYml::Paths include Capistrano::FigaroYml::Helpers namespace :load do task :defaults do set :figaro_yml_local_path, "config/application.yml" set :figaro_yml_remote_path, "config/application.yml" set :figaro_yml_env, -> { fetch(:rails_env) || fetch(:stage) } end end namespace :figaro_yml do task :check_figaro_file_exists do next if File.exists?(figaro_yml_local_path) check_figaro_file_exists_error exit 1 end task :check_git_tracking do next unless system("git ls-files #{fetch(:figaro_yml_local_path)} --error-unmatch >/dev/null 2>&1") check_git_tracking_error exit 1 end task :check_config_present do next unless local_figaro_yml(figaro_yml_env).nil? check_config_present_error exit 1 end desc "figaro `application.yml` file checks" task :check do invoke "figaro_yml:check_figaro_file_exists" invoke "figaro_yml:check_git_tracking" invoke "figaro_yml:check_config_present" end desc "Setup figaro `application.yml` file on the server(s)" task setup: [:check] do content = figaro_yml_content on release_roles :all do execute :mkdir, "-pv", File.dirname(figaro_yml_remote_path) upload!, figaro_yml_remote_path end end # Update `linked_files` after the deploy starts so that users' # `figaro_yml_remote_path` override is respected. task :figaro_yml_symlink do set :linked_files, fetch(:linked_files, []).push(fetch(:figaro_yml_remote_path)) end after "deploy:started", "figaro_yml:figaro_yml_symlink" end desc "Server setup tasks" task :setup do invoke "figaro_yml:setup" end