module AIPP # Executable instantiated by the console tools class Executable include AIPP::Debugger attr_reader :options def initialize(**options) @options = options.merge( airac:, region_options: [], storage: Pathname(Dir.home).join('.aipp'), force: false, mid: false, verbose: false, debug_on_warning: false, debug_on_error: false ) do |o| o.banner = <<~END Download online AIP and convert it to #{options[:schema].upcase}. Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [options] END o.on('-d', '--airac (DATE|INTEGER)', String, %Q[AIRAC date or delta e.g. "+1" (default: "#{@options[:airac].date.xmlschema}")]) { @options[:airac] = airac_for(_1) } o.on('-r', '--region STRING', String, 'region (e.g. "LF")') { @options[:region] = _1.upcase } o.on('-a', '--aip STRING', String, 'process this AIP only (e.g. "ENR-5.1")') { @options[:aip] = _1 } if options[:schema] == :ofmx o.on('-g', '--[no-]grouped-obstacles', 'group obstacles (default: false)') { @options[:grouped_obstacles] = _1 } o.on('-m', '--[no-]mid', 'insert mid attributes into all Uid elements (default: false)') { @options[:mid] = _1 } end o.on('-o', '--region-options STRING', String, %Q[comma separated region specific options]) { @options[:region_options] = _1.split(',') } o.on('-s', '--storage DIR', String, 'storage directory (default: "~/.aipp")') { @options[:storage] = Pathname(_1) } o.on('-h', '--[no-]check-links', 'check all links with HEAD requests') { @options[:check_links] = _1 } o.on('-f', '--[no-]force', 'ignore XML schema validation (default: false)') { @options[:force] = _1 } o.on('-v', '--[no-]verbose', 'verbose output including unsevere warnings (default: false)') { @options[:verbose] = _1 } o.on('-w', '--debug-on-warning [ID]', Integer, 'open debug session on warning with ID (default: false)') { @options[:debug_on_warning] = _1 || true } o.on('-e', '--[no-]debug-on-error', 'open debug session on error (default: false)') { @options[:debug_on_error] = _1 } o.on('-A', '--about', 'show author/license information and exit') { about } o.on('-R', '--readme', 'show README and exit') { readme } o.on('-L', '--list', 'list implemented regions and AIPs') { list } o.on('-V', '--version', 'show version and exit') { version } end.parse! end def run with_debugger(**options.slice(:verbose, :debug_on_warning, :debug_on_error)) do starting = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) options).tap do |parser| parser.read_config parser.read_region parser.parse_aip parser.validate_aixm parser.write_build parser.write_aixm parser.write_config end ending = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) info("finished after %s" % - starting).utc.strftime("%H:%M:%S")) end end private def airac_for(argument) if argument.match?(/^[+-]\d+$/) # delta + argument.to_i else # date end end def about puts 'Written by Sven Schwyn ( and distributed under MIT license.' exit end def readme readme_path = Pathname($0).dirname.join('..', 'gems', "aipp-#{AIPP::VERSION}", '') puts exit end def list regions_path = Pathname($0).dirname.join('..', 'gems', "aipp-#{AIPP::VERSION}", 'lib', 'aipp', 'regions') hash = Dir.each_child(regions_path).each.with_object({}) do |region, hash| hash[region] = Dir.children(regions_path.join(region)) do |aip| File.basename(aip, '.rb') if File.file?(regions_path.join(region, aip)) end.compact end puts hash.to_yaml.sub(/\A\W*/, '') exit end def version puts AIPP::VERSION exit end end end