# # This code was written by 37signals.com # # The original is at : # http://developer.37signals.com/basecamp/basecamp.rb # require 'net/https' require 'yaml' require 'date' require 'time' #require 'rubygems' gem 'xml-simple'; require 'xmlsimple' # An interface to the Basecamp web-services API. Usage is straightforward: # # session = Basecamp.new('your.basecamp.com', 'username', 'password') # puts "projects: #{session.projects.length}" class Basecamp #:nodoc: # A wrapper to encapsulate the data returned by Basecamp, for easier access. class Record #:nodoc: attr_reader :type def initialize(type, hash) @type = type @hash = hash end def [](name) name = dashify(name) case @hash[name] when Hash then @hash[name] = (@hash[name].keys.length == 1 && Array === @hash[name].values.first) ? @hash[name].values.first.map { |v| Record.new(@hash[name].keys.first, v) } : Record.new(name, @hash[name]) else @hash[name] end end def id @hash["id"] end def attributes @hash.keys end def respond_to?(sym) super || @hash.has_key?(dashify(sym)) end def method_missing(sym, *args) if args.empty? && !block_given? && respond_to?(sym) self[sym] else super end end def to_s "\#" end def inspect to_s end private def dashify(name) name.to_s.tr("_", "-") end end # A wrapper to represent a file that should be uploaded. This is used so that # the form/multi-part encoder knows when to encode a field as a file, versus # when to encode it as a simple field. class FileUpload #:nodoc: attr_reader :filename, :content def initialize(filename, content) @filename = filename @content = content end end attr_accessor :use_xml # Connects def initialize(url, user_name, password, use_ssl = false) @use_xml = false @user_name, @password = user_name, password connect!(url, use_ssl) end # Return the list of all accessible projects. def projects records "project", "/project/list" end # Returns the list of message categories for the given project def message_categories(project_id) records "post-category", "/projects/#{project_id}/post_categories" end # Returns the list of file categories for the given project def file_categories(project_id) records "attachment-category", "/projects/#{project_id}/attachment_categories" end # Return information for the company with the given id def company(id) record "/contacts/company/#{id}" end # Return an array of the people in the given company. If the project-id is # given, only people who have access to the given project will be returned. def people(company_id, project_id=nil) url = project_id ? "/projects/#{project_id}" : "" url << "/contacts/people/#{company_id}" records "person", url end # Return information about the person with the given id def person(id) record "/contacts/person/#{id}" end # Return information about the message(s) with the given id(s). The API # limits you to requesting 25 messages at a time, so if you need to get more # than that, you'll need to do it in multiple requests. def message(*ids) result = records("post", "/msg/get/#{ids.join(",")}") result.length == 1 ? result.first : result end # Returns a summary of all messages in the given project (and category, if # specified). The summary is simply the title and category of the message, # as well as the number of attachments (if any). def message_list(project_id, category_id=nil) url = "/projects/#{project_id}/msg" url << "/cat/#{category_id}" if category_id url << "/archive" records "post", url end # Create a new message in the given project. The +message+ parameter should # be a hash. The +email_to+ parameter must be an array of person-id's that # should be notified of the post. # # If you want to add attachments to the message, the +attachments+ parameter # should be an array of hashes, where each has has a :name key (optional), # and a :file key (required). The :file key must refer to a Basecamp::FileUpload # instance. # # msg = session.post_message(158141, # { :title => "Requirements", # :body => "Here are the requirements documents you asked for.", # :category_id => 2301121 }, # [john.id, martha.id], # [ { :name => "Primary Requirements", # :file => Basecamp::FileUpload.new('primary.doc", File.read('primary.doc')) }, # { :file => Basecamp::FileUpload.new('other.doc', File.read('other.doc')) } ]) def post_message(project_id, message, notify=[], attachments=[]) prepare_attachments(attachments) record "/projects/#{project_id}/msg/create", :post => message, :notify => notify, :attachments => attachments end # Edit the message with the given id. The +message+ parameter should # be a hash. The +email_to+ parameter must be an array of person-id's that # should be notified of the post. # # The +attachments+ parameter, if used, should be the same as described for # #post_message. def update_message(id, message, notify=[], attachments=[]) prepare_attachments(attachments) record "/msg/update/#{id}", :post => message, :notify => notify, :attachments => attachments end # Deletes the message with the given id, and returns it. def delete_message(id) record "/msg/delete/#{id}" end # Return a list of the comments for the specified message. def comments(post_id) records "comment", "/msg/comments/#{post_id}" end # Retrieve a specific comment def comment(id) record "/msg/comment/#{id}" end # Add a new comment to a message. +comment+ must be a hash describing the # comment. You can add attachments to the comment, too, by giving them in # an array. See the #post_message method for a description of how to do that. def create_comment(post_id, comment, attachments=[]) prepare_attachments(attachments) record "/msg/create_comment", :comment => comment.merge(:post_id => post_id), :attachments => attachments end # Update the given comment. Attachments follow the same format as #post_message. def update_comment(id, comment, attachments=[]) prepare_attachments(attachments) record "/msg/update_comment", :comment_id => id, :comment => comment, :attachments => attachments end # Deletes (and returns) the given comment. def delete_comment(id) record "/msg/delete_comment/#{id}" end # ========================================================================= # TODO LISTS AND ITEMS # ========================================================================= # Marks the given item completed. def complete_item(id) record "/todos/complete_item/#{id}" end # Marks the given item uncompleted. def uncomplete_item(id) record "/todos/uncomplete_item/#{id}" end # Creates a new to-do item. def create_item(list_id, content, responsible_party=nil, notify=true) record "/todos/create_item/#{list_id}", :content => content, :responsible_party => responsible_party, :notify => notify end # Creates a new list using the given hash of list metadata. def create_list(project_id, list) record "/projects/#{project_id}/todos/create_list", list end # Deletes the given item from it's parent list. def delete_item(id) record "/todos/delete_item/#{id}" end # Deletes the given list and all of its items. def delete_list(id) record "/todos/delete_list/#{id}" end # Retrieves the specified list, and all of its items. def get_list(id) record "/todos/list/#{id}" end # Return all lists for a project. If complete is true, only completed lists # are returned. If complete is false, only uncompleted lists are returned. def lists(project_id, complete=nil) records "todo-list", "/projects/#{project_id}/todos/lists", :complete => complete end # Repositions an item to be at the given position in its list def move_item(id, to) record "/todos/move_item/#{id}", :to => to end # Repositions a list to be at the given position in its project def move_list(id, to) record "/todos/move_list/#{id}", :to => to end # Updates the given item def update_item(id, content, responsible_party=nil, notify=true) record "/todos/update_item/#{id}", :item => { :content => content }, :responsible_party => responsible_party, :notify => notify end # Updates the given list's metadata def update_list(id, list) record "/todos/update_list/#{id}", :list => list end # ========================================================================= # MILESTONES # ========================================================================= # Complete the milestone with the given id def complete_milestone(id) record "/milestones/complete/#{id}" end # Create a new milestone for the given project. +data+ must be hash of the # values to set, including +title+, +deadline+, +responsible_party+, and # +notify+. def create_milestone(project_id, data) create_milestones(project_id, [data]).first end # As #create_milestone, but can create multiple milestones in a single # request. The +milestones+ parameter must be an array of milestone values as # descrbed in #create_milestone. def create_milestones(project_id, milestones) records "milestone", "/projects/#{project_id}/milestones/create", :milestone => milestones end # Destroys the milestone with the given id. def delete_milestone(id) record "/milestones/delete/#{id}" end # Returns a list of all milestones for the given project, optionally filtered # by whether they are completed, late, or upcoming. def milestones(project_id, find="all") records "milestone", "/projects/#{project_id}/milestones/list", :find => find end # Uncomplete the milestone with the given id def uncomplete_milestone(id) record "/milestones/uncomplete/#{id}" end # Updates an existing milestone. def update_milestone(id, data, move=false, move_off_weekends=false) record "/milestones/update/#{id}", :milestone => data, :move_upcoming_milestones => move, :move_upcoming_milestones_off_weekends => move_off_weekends end # Make a raw web-service request to Basecamp. This will return a Hash of # Arrays of the response, and may seem a little odd to the uninitiated. def request(path, parameters = {}, second_try = false) response = post(path, convert_body(parameters), "Content-Type" => content_type) if response.code.to_i / 100 == 2 result = XmlSimple.xml_in(response.body, 'keeproot' => true, 'contentkey' => '__content__', 'forcecontent' => true) typecast_value(result) elsif response.code == "302" && !second_try connect!(@url, !@use_ssl) request(path, parameters, true) else raise "#{response.message} (#{response.code})" end end # A convenience method for wrapping the result of a query in a Record # object. This assumes that the result is a singleton, not a collection. def record(path, parameters={}) result = request(path, parameters) (result && !result.empty?) ? Record.new(result.keys.first, result.values.first) : nil end # A convenience method for wrapping the result of a query in Record # objects. This assumes that the result is a collection--any singleton # result will be wrapped in an array. def records(node, path, parameters={}) result = request(path, parameters).values.first or return [] result = result[node] or return [] result = [result] unless Array === result result.map { |row| Record.new(node, row) } end private def connect!(url, use_ssl) @use_ssl = use_ssl @url = url @connection = Net::HTTP.new(url, use_ssl ? 443 : 80) @connection.use_ssl = @use_ssl @connection.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if @use_ssl end def convert_body(body) body = use_xml ? body.to_xml : body.to_yaml end def content_type use_xml ? "application/xml" : "application/x-yaml" end def post(path, body, header={}) request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(path, header.merge('Accept' => 'application/xml')) request.basic_auth(@user_name, @password) @connection.request(request, body) end def store_file(contents) response = post("/upload", contents, 'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'Accept' => 'application/xml') if response.code == "200" result = XmlSimple.xml_in(response.body, 'keeproot' => true, 'forcearray' => false) return result["upload"]["id"] else raise "Could not store file: #{response.message} (#{response.code})" end end def typecast_value(value) case value when Hash if value.has_key?("__content__") content = translate_entities(value["__content__"]).strip case value["type"] when "integer" then content.to_i when "boolean" then content == "true" when "datetime" then Time.parse(content) when "date" then Date.parse(content) else content end # a special case to work-around a bug in XmlSimple. When you have an empty # tag that has an attribute, XmlSimple will not add the __content__ key # to the returned hash. Thus, we check for the presense of the 'type' # attribute to look for empty, typed tags, and simply return nil for # their value. elsif value.keys == %w(type) nil elsif value["nil"] == "true" nil # another special case, introduced by the latest rails, where an array # type now exists. This is parsed by XmlSimple as a two-key hash, where # one key is 'type' and the other is the actual array value. elsif value.keys.length == 2 && value["type"] == "array" value.delete("type") typecast_value(value) else value.empty? ? nil : value.inject({}) do |h,(k,v)| h[k] = typecast_value(v) h end end when Array value.map! { |i| typecast_value(i) } case value.length when 0 then nil when 1 then value.first else value end else raise "can't typecast #{value.inspect}" end end def translate_entities(value) value.gsub(/</, "<"). gsub(/>/, ">"). gsub(/"/, '"'). gsub(/'/, "'"). gsub(/&/, "&") end def prepare_attachments(list) (list || []).each do |data| upload = data[:file] id = store_file(upload.content) data[:file] = { :file => id, :content_type => "application/octet-stream", :original_filename => upload.filename } end end end # A minor hack to let Xml-Simple serialize symbolic keys in hashes #class Symbol # def [](*args) # to_s[*args] # end #end #class Hash # def to_xml # XmlSimple.xml_out({:request => self}, 'keeproot' => true, 'noattr' => true) # end #end