%h1 Mode Set
%h2 Presentation Name
%h2 Continued or presenter
%date= Time.zone.now.strftime "%m.%d.%Y"
= image_tag "showboat/title-smoke.png", alt: "mode set", class: "smoke"
talk fast
-# Copy Template
%section.copy-template(data-heading="Copy Template Sub Heading")
# Start with an h1 heading
Yeah, well, listen. You ought to ditch the two geeks you're in the car with
now and get in with us. But that's alright, we'll worry about that later.
I will see you there. All right? Man, I love those redheads.
This is a note
%section.copy-template(data-heading="Copy Template code example")
# A basic code example
class Foo
constructor: -> @foo = 'foo'
bar: -> baz() # public method
baz = -> 'baz' # private method
f = new Foo()
f.bar() # -> 'baz'
f.baz # -> undefined
%section.copy-template(data-heading="Copy Template table example")
# A basic table in markdown
Class | Span | Decal
------------ | ---------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------
`important` | important | important
`success` | success | success
`danger` | danger | danger
`primary` | primary | primary
%section.copy-template(data-heading="Copy Template list example")
# Typography elements and a list
Yeah, well, _listen_. You ought to **ditch** the twogeeks you're in the car with now and get
in with us. But that'salright, we'll worry about that .
I will see you there. All right™? Man, I love those
- Miller High Life
- Genesee
- Genny Light
- Cream Ale
- Molsen Canadian
- Pabst
%section.copy-template(data-heading="Copy Template split for your pleasure")
%h1 Got a lot to say? Use 2 panels
Yeah, well, listen. You ought to ditch the two geeks you're in the car with
now and get in with us. But that's alright, we'll worry about that later.
I will see you there. All right? Man, I love those redheads.
Yeah, well, listen. You ought to ditch the two geeks you're in the car with
now and get in with us. But that's alright, we'll worry about that later.
I will see you there. All right? Man, I love those redheads.
%section.copy-template(data-heading="Copy Template Like split windows!")
%h1 Works just as well with code snippets
describe 'Foo', ->
describe '#constructor', ->
f = new Foo()
it 'sets up a foo thingy', ->
it 'does not have direct access to baz', ->
class Foo
constructor: -> @foo = 'foo'
bar: -> baz() # public method
baz = -> 'baz' # private method
f = new Foo()
f.bar() # -> 'baz'
f.baz # -> undefined
%section.copy-template(data-heading="Copy Template Blockquotes!")
%h1 Rock some quotes
“Let me tell you what Melba Toast is packin' right here, all right.
We got 4:11 Positrac outback, 750 double pumper, Edelbrock intake, bored
over 30, 11 to 1 pop-up pistons, turbo-jet 390 horsepower. We're talkin'
some f***in' muscle.”
David Wooderson, Dazed & Confused
-# List Template
%section.list-template(data-heading="List Template This is purely a list")
- this is a list on it's own
- lives under the list-template class
- If you have some sub points
- Use nested lists
- and like this
- ordered lists look like unordered lists
%section.list-template(data-heading="List Template Split that list")
- lots of lists?
- split lists using
- panel-pull
- panel push
- keep it short
- short is good
- Miller High Life
- Genesee
- Genny Light
- Cream Ale
- Molsen Canadian
- Pabst
%section.list-template(data-heading="List Template It's got a heading")
# Headings are typically not needed in a list
- but there here if you need it
- hows it going?
- does this make sense?
- Better README?
- Did you read the tests?
- is this easier than keynote?
%section.list-template(data-heading="List Template This is purely a list")
%h1 Fragments
%li.fragment.fade-in Utilize fragments for building lists
%li.fragment.fade-in You can use fragments anywhere
%li.fragment.fade-in Attach the class to an element
%li.fragment.fade-in Arrow down for various fragment styles
%section.copy-template(data-heading="Copy Template Fragments")
%h1 Fragment Examples
%p.fragment.grow grow
%p.fragment.shrink shrink
%p.fragment.roll-in roll-in
%p.fragment.fade-out fade-out
%p.fragment.fade-in fade-in
%a(href="https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/#fragments") see reveal.js docs
-# Media Template
%section.media-template(data-heading="Media Template Project Name" data-link="Example.com" data-src="http://www.modeset.com")
= image_tag "showboat/fpo/fpo-tablet-handheld-laptop.png", alt: "fpo", class: "reflect"
%section.media-template(data-heading="Media Template Project Name" data-link="Example.com" data-src="http://www.modeset.com/")
= image_tag "showboat/fpo/fpo-tablet-handheld-duals.png", alt: "fpo", class: "reflect"
%section.media-template(data-heading="Media Template Project Name")
%iframe.reflect(src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/52507615" width="1024" height="575" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen)
%section.media-template(data-heading="Media Template Project Name")
= image_tag "showboat/fpo/fpo-handheld-3up.png", alt: "fpo", class: "reflect"
%section.media-template(data-heading="Media Template Project Name")
= image_tag "showboat/fpo/fpo-monitor.png", alt: "fpo", class: "reflect"
-# So long, thanks much
%h1 thank you