class ApiSpec::Spec endpoint 'Exports' do |export| export.method('Export List') do |method| method.synopsis = 'Starts an export of a list' method.http_method = 'POST' method.uri = '/lists/:list_id/exports' method.parameter('list_id') do |p| p.required = 'Y' p.type = 'int' p.description = 'ID of the list to export' end method.parameter('body') do |p| p.required = 'Y' p.type = 'json' p.description = 'JSON representation of the export' end end export.method('Show') do |method| method.synopsis = 'Shows the status of a list export.' method.http_method = 'GET' method.uri = '/exports/:id' method.parameter('id') do |p| p.required = 'Y' p.type = 'int' p.description = 'the ID of the export' end end export.method('Delete') do |method| method.synopsis = 'Delete the export' method.http_method = 'DELETE' method.uri = '/exports/:id' method.parameter('id') do |p| p.required = 'Y' p.type = 'int' p.description = 'the ID of the export' end end end end