// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('views/field') ; sc_require('system/text_selection') ; sc_require('mixins/static_layout') ; sc_require('mixins/editable'); /** @class A text field is an input element with type "text". This view adds support for hinted values, etc. @extends SC.FieldView @extends SC.Editable @author Charles Jolley */ SC.TextFieldView = SC.FieldView.extend(SC.StaticLayout, SC.Editable, /** @scope SC.TextFieldView.prototype */ { tagName: 'label', classNames: ['sc-text-field-view'], isTextField: YES, /** The WAI-ARIA role for text field view. This property's value should not be changed. @property {String} */ ariaRole: 'textbox', // .......................................................... // PROPERTIES // /** When applyImmediately is turned on, every keystroke will set the value of the underlying object. Turning it off will only set the value on blur. @type String @default YES */ applyImmediately: YES, /* * Flag indicating whether the editor should automatically commit if you click * outside it. * * @type {Boolean} */ commitOnBlur: YES, /** If YES, the field will hide its text from display. The default value is NO. @property @type Boolean */ isPassword: NO, /** If YES then allow multi-line input. This will also change the default tag type from "input" to "textarea". Otherwise, pressing return will trigger the default insertion handler. @property @type Boolean */ isTextArea: NO, /** The hint to display while the field is not active. @property @type String */ hint: '', /* * Localizes the hint if necessary. */ formattedHint: function() { var hint = this.get('hint'); return typeof(hint) === 'string' && this.get('localize') ? SC.String.loc(hint) : hint; }.property('hint', 'localize').cacheable(), /* * Whether the hint should be localized or not. */ localize: YES, /** If YES then the text field is currently editing. @property @type Boolean */ isEditing: NO, /** If you set this property to false the tab key won't trigger its default behavior (tabbing to the next field). @property @type Boolean */ defaultTabbingEnabled: YES, /** Enabled context menu for textfields. @property @type Boolean */ isContextMenuEnabled: YES, /** @deprecated If true, every change to the text in the text field updates 'value'. If false, 'value' is only updated when commitEditing() is called (this is called automatically when the text field loses focus), or whenever the return key is pressed while editing the field. @type Boolean @default null */ continuouslyUpdatesValue: null, /** If no, will not allow transform or validation errors (SC.Error objects) to be passed to 'value'. Upon focus lost, the text field will revert to its previous value. @property @type Boolean */ allowsErrorAsValue: YES, /** An optional view instance, or view class reference, which will be visible on the left side of the text field. Visually the accessory view will look to be inside the field but the text editing will not overlap the accessory view. The view will be rooted to the top-left of the text field. You should use a layout with 'left' and/or 'top' specified if you would like to adjust the offset from the top-left. One example use would be for a web site's icon, found to the left of the URL field, in many popular web browsers. Note: If you set a left accessory view, the left padding of the text field (really, the left offset of the padding element) will automatically be set to the width of the accessory view, overriding any CSS you may have defined on the "padding" element. If you would like to customize the amount of left padding used when the accessory view is visible, make the accessory view wider, with empty space on the right. @property @type SC.View */ leftAccessoryView: null, /** An optional view instance, or view class reference, which will be visible on the right side of the text field. Visually the accessory view will look to be inside the field but the text editing will not overlap the accessory view. The view will be rooted to the top-right of the text field. You should use a layout with 'right' and/or 'top' specified if you would like to adjust the offset from the top-right. If 'left' is specified in the layout it will be cleared. One example use would be for a button to clear the contents of the text field. Note: If you set a right accessory view, the right padding of the text field (really, the right offset of the padding element) will automatically be set to the width of the accessory view, overriding any CSS you may have defined on the "padding" element. If you would like to customize the amount of right padding used when the accessory view is visible, make the accessory view wider, with empty space on the left. @property @type SC.View */ rightAccessoryView: null, /** This property will enable disable HTML5 spell checking if available on the browser. As of today Safari 4+, Chrome 3+ and Firefox 3+ support it @property @type Boolean */ spellCheckEnabled: YES, /** Maximum amount of characters this field will allow. @property @type Number */ maxLength: 5096, /** Whether to render a border or not. @property @type Boolean */ shouldRenderBorder: YES, // // SUPPORT FOR AUTOMATIC RESIZING // supportsAutoResize: YES, autoResizeLayer: function() { return this.$input()[0]; } .property('layer').cacheable(), autoResizeText: function() { return this.get('value'); } .property('value').cacheable(), autoResizePadding: SC.propertyFromRenderDelegate('autoResizePadding', 20), /** @private Whether to show hint or not */ _hintON: YES, init: function() { var val = this.get('value'); this._hintON = (!val || val && val.length===0) ? YES : NO; var continuouslyUpdatesValue = this.get('continouslyUpdatesValue'); if (continuouslyUpdatesValue !== null && continuouslyUpdatesValue !== undefined) { this.set('applyImmediately', continuouslyUpdatesValue); // @if (debug) SC.Logger.warn("SC.TextFieldView#continuouslyUpdatesValue is deprecated. Please use #applyImmediately instead."); // @endif } return sc_super(); }, /** isEditable maps to isEnabled with a TextField. */ isEditable: function() { return this.get('isEnabled') ; }.property('isEnabled').cacheable(), /** The current selection of the text field, returned as an SC.TextSelection object. Note that if the selection changes a new object will be returned -- it is not the case that a previously-returned SC.TextSelection object will simply have its properties mutated. @property {SC.TextSelection} */ selection: function(key, value) { var element = this.$input()[0], range, start, end; // Are we being asked to set the value, or return the current value? if (value === undefined) { // The client is retrieving the value. if (element) { start = null; end = null; if (!element.value) { start = end = 0 ; } else { // In IE8, input elements don't have hasOwnProperty() defined. try { if ('selectionStart' in element) { start = element.selectionStart ; } if ('selectionEnd' in element) { end = element.selectionEnd ; } } // In Firefox when you ask the selectionStart or End of a hidden // input, sometimes it throws a weird error. // Adding this to just ignore it. catch (e){ return null; } // Support Internet Explorer. if (start === null || end === null ) { var selection = document.selection ; if (selection) { var type = selection.type ; if (type && (type === 'None' || type === 'Text')) { range = selection.createRange() ; if (!this.get('isTextArea')) { // Input tag support. Figure out the starting position by // moving the range's start position as far left as possible // and seeing how many characters it actually moved over. var length = range.text.length ; start = Math.abs(range.moveStart('character', 0 - (element.value.length + 1))) ; end = start + length ; } else { // Textarea support. Unfortunately, this case is a bit more // complicated than the input tag case. We need to create a // "dummy" range to help in the calculations. var dummyRange = range.duplicate() ; dummyRange.moveToElementText(element) ; dummyRange.setEndPoint('EndToStart', range) ; start = dummyRange.text.length ; end = start + range.text.length ; } } } } } return SC.TextSelection.create({ start:start, end:end }) ; } else { return null; } } else { // The client is setting the value. Make sure the new value is a text // selection object. if (!value || !value.kindOf || !value.kindOf(SC.TextSelection)) { throw "When setting the selection, you must specify an SC.TextSelection instance."; } if (element) { if (element.setSelectionRange) { element.setSelectionRange(value.get('start'), value.get('end')) ; } else { // Support Internet Explorer. range = element.createTextRange() ; start = value.get('start') ; range.move('character', start) ; range.moveEnd('character', value.get('end') - start) ; range.select() ; } } return value; } // Implementation note: // There are certain ways users can add/remove text that we can't identify // via our key/mouse down/up handlers (such as the user choosing Paste // from a menu). So that's why we need to update our 'selection' property // whenever the field's value changes. }.property('fieldValue').cacheable(), // .......................................................... // INTERNAL SUPPORT // displayProperties: ['formattedHint', 'fieldValue', 'isEditing', 'leftAccessoryView', 'rightAccessoryView', 'isTextArea'], createChildViews: function() { sc_super(); this.accessoryViewObserver(); }, acceptsFirstResponder: function() { return this.get('isEnabled'); }.property('isEnabled'), accessoryViewObserver: function() { var classNames, viewProperties = ['leftAccessoryView', 'rightAccessoryView'], len = viewProperties.length , i, viewProperty, previousView, accessoryView; for (i=0; i 0); //addressing accessibility if(firstTime) { context.attr('aria-multiline', this.get('isTextArea')); context.attr('aria-disabled', !this.get('isEnabled')); } if(!SC.ok(this.get('value'))) { context.attr('aria-invalid', YES); } // If we have accessory views, we'll want to update the padding on the // hint to compensate for the width of the accessory view. (It'd be nice // if we could add in the original padding, too, but there's no efficient // way to do that without first rendering the element somewhere on/off- // screen, and we don't want to take the performance hit.) accessoryViewWidths = this._getAccessoryViewWidths() ; leftAdjustment = accessoryViewWidths['left'] ; rightAdjustment = accessoryViewWidths['right'] ; if (leftAdjustment) leftAdjustment += 'px' ; if (rightAdjustment) rightAdjustment += 'px' ; this._renderField(context, firstTime, v, leftAdjustment, rightAdjustment) ; if(SC.browser.mozilla) this.invokeLast(this._applyFirefoxCursorFix); }, /** @private If isTextArea is changed (this might happen in inlineeditor constantly) force the field render to render like the firsttime to avoid writing extra code. This can be useful also */ _forceRenderFirstTime: NO, /** @private */ _renderFieldLikeFirstTime: function(){ this.set('_forceRenderFirstTime', YES); }.observes('isTextArea'), /** @private */ _renderField: function(context, firstTime, value, leftAdjustment, rightAdjustment) { // TODO: The cleanest thing might be to create a sub- rendering context // here, but currently SC.RenderContext will render sibling // contexts as parent/child. var hint = this.get('formattedHint'), disabled, name, adjustmentStyle, type, hintElements, element, paddingElementStyle, fieldClassNames, spellCheckEnabled=this.get('spellCheckEnabled'), spellCheckString, maxLength = this.get('maxLength'), isOldSafari; context.setClass('text-area', this.get('isTextArea')); //Adding this to differentiate between older and newer versions of safari //since the internal default field padding changed isOldSafari= SC.browser.isWebkit && (parseInt(SC.browser.webkit,0)<532); context.setClass('oldWebKitFieldPadding', isOldSafari); spellCheckString = spellCheckEnabled ? ' spellcheck="true"' : ' spellcheck="false"'; if (firstTime || this._forceRenderFirstTime) { this._forceRenderFirstTime = NO; disabled = this.get('isEnabled') ? '' : 'disabled="disabled"' ; name = this.get('layerId'); if(this.get('shouldRenderBorder')) context.push(''); // Render the padding element, with any necessary positioning // adjustments to accommodate accessory views. adjustmentStyle = '' ; if (leftAdjustment || rightAdjustment) { adjustmentStyle = 'style="' ; if (leftAdjustment) adjustmentStyle += 'left: ' + leftAdjustment + '; ' ; if (rightAdjustment) adjustmentStyle += 'right: ' + rightAdjustment + ';' ; adjustmentStyle += '"' ; } context.push(''); value = this.get('escapeHTML') ? SC.RenderContext.escapeHTML(value) : value; if(!SC.platform.input.placeholder && (!value || (value && value.length===0))) { value = hint; context.setClass('sc-hint', YES); } //for gecko pre 1.9 vertical aligment is completely broken so we need //different styling. fieldClassNames = (SC.browser.mozilla && (parseFloat(SC.browser.mozilla)<1.9 || SC.browser.mozilla.match(/1\.9\.0|1\.9\.1/))) ? "field oldGecko": "field"; // Render the input/textarea field itself, and close off the padding. if (this.get('isTextArea')) { context.push('') ; } else { type = 'text'; // Internet Explorer won't let us change the type attribute later // so we force it to password if needed now, or if the value is not the hint if (this.get('isPassword') && (value !== hint || SC.browser.isIE || SC.platform.input.placeholder)) { type = 'password'; } context.push('') ; } } else { var input= this.$input(), elem = input[0], val = this.get('value'); if (!val || (val && val.length === 0)) { if (this._hintON && !this.get('isFirstResponder')) { // Internet Explorer doesn't allow you to modify the type afterwards // jQuery throws an exception as well, so set attribute directly if (this.get('isPassword') && elem.type === "password" && !SC.browser.isIE) { elem.type = 'text'; } if (!SC.platform.input.placeholder) { context.setClass('sc-hint', YES); } } else { // Internet Explorer doesn't allow you to modify the type afterwards // jQuery throws an exception as well, so set attribute directly if (this.get('isPassword') && elem.type === 'text' && !SC.browser.isIE) { elem.type = 'password'; } if (!SC.platform.input.placeholder) { context.setClass('sc-hint', NO); input.val(''); } } } if (SC.platform.input.placeholder) input.attr('placeholder', hint); // Enable/disable the actual input/textarea as appropriate. element = input[0]; if (element) { if (!this.get('isEnabled')) { element.disabled = 'true' ; } else { element.disabled = null ; } // Adjust the padding element to accommodate any accessory views. paddingElementStyle = element.parentNode.style; if (leftAdjustment) { if (paddingElementStyle.left !== leftAdjustment) { paddingElementStyle.left = leftAdjustment ; } } else { paddingElementStyle.left = null ; } if (rightAdjustment) { if (paddingElementStyle.right !== rightAdjustment) { paddingElementStyle.right = rightAdjustment ; } } else { paddingElementStyle.right = null ; } } } }, _getAccessoryViewWidths: function() { var widths = {}, accessoryViewPositions = ['left', 'right'], numberOfAccessoryViewPositions = accessoryViewPositions.length, i, position, accessoryView, frames, width, layout, offset, frame; for (i = 0; i < numberOfAccessoryViewPositions; i++) { position = accessoryViewPositions[i]; accessoryView = this.get(position + 'AccessoryView'); if (accessoryView) { // need acessoryView as an instance, not class... if (accessoryView.isClass) { accessoryView = accessoryView.create({ layoutView: this }); } // sanity check if (accessoryView.get) { frame = accessoryView.get('frame'); if (frame) { width = frame.width; if (width) { // Also account for the accessory view's inset. layout = accessoryView.get('layout'); if (layout) { offset = layout[position]; width += offset; } widths[position] = width; } } } } } return widths; }, // .......................................................... // HANDLE NATIVE CONTROL EVENTS // didCreateLayer: function() { sc_super(); // For some strange reason if we add focus/blur events to textarea // inmediately they won't work. However if I add them at the end of the // runLoop it works fine. if(!SC.platform.input.placeholder && this._hintON){ var currentValue = this.$input().val(); if(!currentValue || (currentValue && currentValue.length===0)){ this.$input().val(this.get('formattedHint')); } } if(this.get('isTextArea')) { this.invokeLast(this._addTextAreaEvents); } else { this._addTextAreaEvents(); // In Firefox, for input fields only (that is, not textarea elements), // if the cursor is at the end of the field, the "down" key will not // result in a "keypress" event for the document (only for the input // element), although it will be bubbled up in other contexts. Since // SproutCore's event dispatching requires the document to see the // event, we'll manually forward the event along. if (SC.browser.mozilla) { var input = this.$input(); SC.Event.add(input, 'keypress', this, this._firefox_dispatch_keypress); } } }, /** Adds all the textarea events. This functions is called by didCreateLayer at different moments depending if it is a textarea or not. Appending events to text areas is not reliable unless the element is already added to the DOM. */ _addTextAreaEvents: function() { var input = this.$input(); SC.Event.add(input, 'focus', this, this._textField_fieldDidFocus); SC.Event.add(input, 'blur', this, this._textField_fieldDidBlur); // There are certain ways users can select text that we can't identify via // our key/mouse down/up handlers (such as the user choosing Select All // from a menu). SC.Event.add(input, 'select', this, this._textField_selectionDidChange); if(SC.browser.mozilla){ // cache references to layer items to improve firefox hack perf this._cacheInputElement = this.$input(); this._cachePaddingElement = this.$('.padding'); } }, /** Removes all the events attached to the textfield */ willDestroyLayer: function() { sc_super(); var input = this.$input(); SC.Event.remove(input, 'focus', this, this._textField_fieldDidFocus); SC.Event.remove(input, 'blur', this, this._textField_fieldDidBlur); SC.Event.remove(input, 'select', this, this._textField_selectionDidChange); SC.Event.remove(input, 'keypress', this, this._firefox_dispatch_keypress); }, /** @private This function is called by the event when the textfield gets focus */ _textField_fieldDidFocus: function(evt) { SC.run(function() { this.set('focused',YES); this.fieldDidFocus(evt); var val = this.get('value'); if(!SC.platform.input.placeholder && ((!val) || (val && val.length===0))) { this._hintON = NO; } }, this); }, /** @private This function is called by the event when the textfield blurs */ _textField_fieldDidBlur: function(evt) { SC.run(function() { this.set('focused',NO); // passing the original event here instead that was potentially set from // loosing the responder on the inline text editor so that we can // use it for the delegate to end editing this.fieldDidBlur(this._origEvent || evt); var val = this.get('value'); if(!SC.platform.input.placeholder && ((!val) || (val && val.length===0))) { this._hintON = YES; } }, this); }, fieldDidFocus: function(evt) { this.becomeFirstResponder(); this.beginEditing(evt); // We have to hide the intercept pane, as it blocks the events. // However, show any that we previously hid, first just in case something wacky happened. if (this._didHideInterceptForPane) { this._didHideInterceptForPane.showTouchIntercept(); this._didHideInterceptForPane = null; } // now, hide the intercept on this pane if it has one var pane = this.get('pane'); if (pane && pane.get('hasTouchIntercept')) { // hide pane.hideTouchIntercept(); // and set our internal one so we can unhide it (even if the pane somehow changes) this._didHideInterceptForPane = this.get("pane"); } }, fieldDidBlur: function(evt) { this.resignFirstResponder() ; if(this.get('commitOnBlur')) this.commitEditing(evt); // get the pane we hid intercept pane for (if any) var touchPane = this._didHideInterceptForPane; if (touchPane) { touchPane.showTouchIntercept(); touchPane = null; } }, _field_fieldValueDidChange: function(evt) { if(this.get('focused')){ SC.run(function() { this.fieldValueDidChange(NO); }, this); } }, /** @private Move magic number out so it can be over-written later in inline editor */ _topOffsetForFirefoxCursorFix: 3, /** @private Mozilla had this bug until firefox 3.5 or gecko 1.8 They rewrote input text and textareas and now they work better. But we have to keep this for older versions. */ _applyFirefoxCursorFix: function() { // Be extremely careful changing this code. !!!!!!!! // Contact me if you need to change or improve the code. After several // iterations the new way to apply the fix seems to be the most // consistent. // This fixes: selection visibility, cursor visibility, and the ability // to fix the cursor at any position. As of FF 3.5.3 mozilla hasn't fixed this // bug, even though related bugs that I've found on their database appear // as fixed. // UPDATE: Things seem to be working on FF3.6 therefore we are disabling the // hack for the latest versions of FF. // // Juan Pinzon if (parseFloat(SC.browser.mozilla)<1.9 && !this.get('useStaticLayout')) { var top, left, width, height, p, layer, element, textfield; // I'm caching in didCreateLayer this elements to improve perf element = this._cacheInputElement; textfield = this._cachePaddingElement; if(textfield && textfield[0]){ layer = textfield[0]; p = SC.$(layer).offset() ; // this is to take into account an styling issue. // this is counterproductive in FF >= 3.6 if(SC.browser.compareVersion(1,9,2) < 0 && element[0].tagName.toLowerCase()==="input") { top = p.top+this._topOffsetForFirefoxCursorFix; } else top = p.top; left = p.left; width = layer.offsetWidth; height = layer.offsetHeight ; var style = 'position: fixed; top: %@px; left: %@px; width: %@px; height: %@px;'.fmt(top, left, width, height) ; // if the style is the same don't re-apply if(!this._prevStyle || this._prevStyle!=style) element.attr('style', style) ; this._prevStyle = style; } } return this ; }, /** @private In Firefox, as of 3.6 -- including 3.0 and 3.5 -- for input fields only (that is, not textarea elements), if the cursor is at the end of the field, the "down" key will not result in a "keypress" event for the document (only for the input element), although it will be bubbled up in other contexts. Since SproutCore's event dispatching requires the document to see the event, we'll manually forward the event along. */ _firefox_dispatch_keypress: function(evt) { var selection = this.get('selection'), value = this.get('value'), valueLen = value ? value.length : 0, responder; if (!selection || ((selection.get('length') === 0 && (selection.get('start') === 0) || selection.get('end') === valueLen))) { responder = SC.RootResponder.responder; if(evt.keyCode===9) return; responder.keypress.call(responder, evt); evt.stopPropagation(); } }, /** @private */ _textField_selectionDidChange: function() { this.notifyPropertyChange('selection'); }, // .......................................................... // FIRST RESPONDER SUPPORT // // When we become first responder, make sure the field gets focus and // the hint value is hidden if needed. /** @private When we become first responder, focus the text field if needed and hide the hint text. */ willBecomeKeyResponderFrom: function(keyView) { if(this.get('isVisibleInWindow')) { var inp = this.$input()[0]; try{ if(inp) inp.focus(); } catch(e){} if(!this._txtFieldMouseDown){ this.invokeLast(this._selectRootElement) ; } } }, /** @private In IE, you can't modify functions on DOM elements so we need to wrap the call to select() like this. */ _selectRootElement: function() { var inputElem = this.$input()[0]; // Make sure input element still exists, as a redraw could have remove it // already. if(inputElem) inputElem.select() ; else this._textField_selectionDidChange(); }, /** @private When we lose first responder, blur the text field if needed and show the hint text if needed. */ didLoseKeyResponderTo: function(keyView) { var el = this.$input()[0]; if (el) el.blur(); this.invokeLater("scrollToOriginIfNeeded", 100); }, /** @private Scrolls to origin if necessary (if the pane's current firstResponder is not a text field). */ scrollToOriginIfNeeded: function() { var pane = this.get("pane"); if (!pane) return; var first = pane.get("firstResponder"); if (!first || !first.get("isTextField")) { document.body.scrollTop = document.body.scrollLeft = 0; } }, parentViewDidResize: function() { if (SC.browser.mozilla) { this.invokeLast(this._applyFirefoxCursorFix); } sc_super(); }, /** Simply allow keyDown & keyUp to pass through to the default web browser implementation. */ keyDown: function(evt) { var which = evt.which, keyCode = evt.keyCode, maxLengthReached = false, value, view; // Handle return and escape. this way they can be passed on to the // responder chain. // If the event is triggered by a return while entering IME input, // don't got through this path. if ((which === SC.Event.KEY_RETURN && !evt.isIMEInput) && !this.get('isTextArea')) { return NO; } if (which === SC.Event.KEY_ESC) { return NO; } // handle tab key if ((which === SC.Event.KEY_TAB || keyCode === SC.Event.KEY_TAB) && this.get('defaultTabbingEnabled')) { view = evt.shiftKey ? this.get('previousValidKeyView') : this.get('nextValidKeyView'); if (view) view.becomeFirstResponder(); else evt.allowDefault(); return YES ; // handled } // maxlength for textareas if(!SC.platform.input.maxlength && this.get('isTextArea')){ var val = this.get('value'); // This code is nasty. It's thanks gecko .keycode table that has charters like & with the same keycode as up arrow key if(val && ((!SC.browser.mozilla && which>47) || (SC.browser.mozilla && ((which>32 && which<43) || which>47) && !(keyCode>36 && keyCode<41))) && (val.length >= this.get('maxLength'))) { maxLengthReached = true; } } // validate keyDown... // do not validate on touch, as it prevents return. if ((this.performValidateKeyDown(evt) || SC.platform.touch) && !maxLengthReached) { this._isKeyDown = YES; evt.allowDefault(); } else { evt.stop(); } if (this.get('applyImmediately')) { // We need this invokeLater as we need to get the value of the field // once the event has been processed. I tried with invokeLast , but // I guess the field doesn't repaint until js execution finishes and // therefore the field value doesn't update if we don't give it a break. this.invokeLater(this.fieldValueDidChange, 1); } return YES; }, keyUp: function(evt) { if (SC.browser.mozilla && evt.keyCode === SC.Event.KEY_RETURN) { this.fieldValueDidChange(); } // The caret/selection could have moved. In some browsers, though, the // element's values won't be updated until after this event is finished // processing. this.notifyPropertyChange('selection'); this._isKeyDown = NO; evt.allowDefault(); return YES; }, mouseDown: function(evt) { var fieldValue = this.get('fieldValue'); // use 'fieldValue' since we want actual text this._txtFieldMouseDown=YES; if (!this.get('isEnabled')) { evt.stop(); return YES; } else { return sc_super(); } }, mouseUp: function(evt) { this._txtFieldMouseDown=NO; // The caret/selection could have moved. In some browsers, though, the // element's values won't be updated until after this event is finished // processing. this.notifyPropertyChange('selection'); if (!this.get('isEnabled')) { evt.stop(); return YES; } return sc_super(); }, touchStart: function(evt) { return this.mouseDown(evt); }, touchEnd: function(evt) { return this.mouseUp(evt); }, /** Adds mouse wheel support for textareas. */ mouseWheel: function(evt) { if(this.get('isTextArea')) { evt.allowDefault(); return YES; } else return NO; }, /* Allows text selection in IE. We block the IE only event selectStart to block text selection in all other views. */ selectStart: function(evt) { return YES; }, /** @private This observer makes sure to hide the hint when a value is entered, or show it if it becomes empty. */ _valueObserver: function() { var val = this.get('value'), max; if (val && val.length>0) { this._hintON = NO; max = this.get('maxLength'); if (!SC.platform.input.maxlength && val.length > max) { this.set('value', val.substr(0, max)); } } else { this._hintON = YES; } }.observes('value') });