require 'arql/vd' require 'youplot' class Array def to_insert_sql(batch_size=500) raise 'All element should be an ActiveRecord instance object' unless all? { |e| e.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) } group_by(&:class).map do |(klass, records)| klass.to_insert_sql(records, batch_size) end.join("\n") end def to_upsert_sql(batch_size=500) raise 'All element should be an ActiveRecord instance object' unless all? { |e| e.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) } group_by(&:class).map do |(klass, records)| klass.to_upsert_sql(records, batch_size) end.join("\n") end def t(*attrs, **options) format = options[:format] || :terminal if (attrs.present? || options.present? && options[:except]) && present? && first.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) column_names = attrs = attrs.flat_map { |e| e.is_a?(Regexp) ? column_names.grep(e) : e }.uniq if options.present? && options[:except] attrs = column_names if attrs.empty? if options[:except].is_a?(Regexp) attrs.reject! { |e| e =~ options[:except] } else attrs -= [options[:except]].flatten end end # if options[:compact] # attrs = { |e| any { |r| r.attributes[e.to_s]&.present? } } # end tbl = { |t| t.headers = attrs each do |e| t.body << e.attributes.values_at(* end } else values = v(**options) tbl = { |t| t.headers = values&.first || [] (values[2..] || []).each { |row| t.body << (row || []) } if values.size > 2 } end if $iruby tbl.to_iruby else puts tbl.to_terminal(format) end end def vd(*attrs, **options) if (attrs.present? || options.present? && options[:except]) && present? && first.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) column_names = attrs = attrs.flat_map { |e| e.is_a?(Regexp) ? column_names.grep(e) : e }.uniq if options.present? && options[:except] attrs = column_names if attrs.empty? if options[:except].is_a?(Regexp) attrs.reject! { |e| e =~ options[:except] } else attrs -= [options[:except]].flatten end end do |vd| vd << attrs each do |e| vd << e.attributes.values_at(* end end else do |vd| v.each { |row| vd << row if row } end end nil end def v(**options) return self unless present? t = [] if map(&:class).uniq.size == 1 if first.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) attribute_names = first.attribute_names if options[:compact] attribute_names = { |e| any? { |r| r.attributes[e]&.present? } } end t << attribute_names t << nil each do |e| t << e.attributes.values_at(*attribute_names).map(&:as_json) end elsif first.is_a?(Array) t = map { |a| } elsif first.is_a?(Hash) || first.is_a?(ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess) keys = first.keys if options[:compact] keys = { |e| any? { |r| r[e]&.present? } } end t << keys t << nil each do |e| t << e.values_at(*keys).map(&:as_json) end else return self end end t end def write_csv(filename, *fields, **options) generate_csv(filename, **options) do |csv| if size > 0 && first.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) if fields.empty? fields = first.attributes.keys else fields = end csv << fields end if size > 0 && first.is_a?(Hash) if fields.empty? fields = first.keys end csv << fields end each do |row| if row.is_a?(Array) csv << else csv << row.slice(*fields) end end end end def write_excel(filename, *fields, **options) sheet_name = options[:sheet_name] || 'Sheet1' generate_excel(filename) do |workbook| workbook.add_worksheet(name: sheet_name) do |sheet| if size > 0 && first.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) if fields.empty? fields = first.attributes.keys else fields = end sheet.add_row(fields, types: [:string] * fields.size) end if size > 0 && first.is_a?(Hash) if fields.empty? fields = first.keys end sheet.add_row(fields, types: [:string] * fields.size) end each do |row| if row.is_a?(Array) sheet.add_row(, types: [:string] * row.size) else sheet.add_row(row.slice(*fields), types: [:string] * fields.size) end end end end end def dump(filename, batch_size=500), 'w') do |file| group_by(&:class).each do |(klass, records)| file.puts(klass.to_upsert_sql(records, batch_size)) end end {size: size, file: File.expand_path(filename)} end %i[bar barplot countplot hist histo line lineplot lines lineplots scatter density box boxplot].each do |type| define_method(type) do |*args| plot_backend = YouPlot::Backends::UnicodePlot params =, :width, :height, :border, :margin, :padding, :color, :xlabel, :ylabel, :labels, :symbol, :xscale, :nbins, :closed, :canvas, :xlim, :ylim, :grid, :name) do def to_hc to_h.compact end fmt = 'xyy' raw_data = map do |e| if e.is_a?(Array) e else [e] end end transposed = { |i| { |e| e[i] } } data =, :series).new(nil, transposed) plot = case type when :bar, :barplot plot_backend.barplot(data, params, fmt) when :countplot plot_backend.barplot(data, params, count: true, reverse: false) when :hist, :histo plot_backend.histogram(data, params) when :line, :lineplot plot_backend.line(data, params, fmt) when :lines, :lineplots plot_backend.lines(data, params, fmt) when :scatter plot_backend.scatter(data, params, fmt) when :density plot_backend.density(data, params, fmt) when :box, :boxplot plot_backend.boxplot(data, params) else raise "unrecognized plot_type: #{type}" end plot.render(STDOUT) end end def table_style_for_format(format) case format.to_s when 'md' { border_top: false, border_bottom: false, border_i: '|' } when 'org' { border_top: false, border_bottom: false, } else {} end end end