# Attempt to load RDF::RDFa first, so that RDF::Format.for(:rdfa) is defined begin require 'rdf/rdfa' rescue LoadError # Soft error end module RDF::Microdata ## # Microdata format specification. # # @example Obtaining a Microdata format class # RDF::Format.for(:microdata) #=> RDF::Microdata::Format # RDF::Format.for("etc/foaf.html") # RDF::Format.for(:file_name => "etc/foaf.html") # RDF::Format.for(file_extension: "html") # RDF::Format.for(:content_type => "text/html") # # @example Obtaining serialization format MIME types # RDF::Format.content_types #=> {"text/html" => [RDF::Microdata::Format]} # # @see http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-testcases/#ntriples class Format < RDF::Format content_encoding 'utf-8' # Only define content type if RDFa is not available. # The Microdata processor will be launched from there # otherwise. content_type 'text/html;q=0.5', extension: :html unless RDF::Format.for(:rdfa) reader { RDF::Microdata::Reader } ## # Sample detection to see if it matches Microdata (not RDF/XML or RDFa) # # Use a text sample to detect the format of an input file. Sub-classes implement # a matcher sufficient to detect probably format matches, including disambiguating # between other similar formats. # # @param [String] sample Beginning several bytes (~ 1K) of input. # @return [Boolean] def self.detect(sample) !!sample.match(/<[^>]*(itemprop|itemtype|itemref|itemscope|itemid)[^>]*>/m) end ## # Hash of CLI commands appropriate for this format # @return [Hash{Symbol => Hash}] def self.cli_commands { "to-rdfa": { description: "Transform HTML+Microdata into HTML+RDFa", parse: false, help: "to-rdfa files ...\nTransform HTML+Microdata into HTML+RDFa", filter: { format: :microdata }, option_use: {output_format: :disabled}, lambda: ->(files, options) do out = options[:output] || $stdout xsl = Nokogiri::XSLT(%( ).gsub(/^ /, '')) if files.empty? # If files are empty, either use options[::evaluate] input = options[:evaluate] ? StringIO.new(options[:evaluate]) : STDIN input.set_encoding(options.fetch(:encoding, Encoding::UTF_8)) RDF::Microdata::Reader.new(input, options.merge(rdfa: true)) do |reader| reader.rdfa.xpath("//text()").each do |txt| txt.content = txt.content.to_s.strip end out.puts xsl.apply_to(reader.rdfa).to_s end else files.each do |file| RDF::Microdata::Reader.open(file, options.merge(rdfa: true)) do |reader| reader.rdfa.xpath("//text()").each do |txt| txt.content = txt.content.to_s.strip end out.puts xsl.apply_to(reader.rdfa).to_s end end end end }, "to-jsonld": { description: "Transform HTML+Microdata into JSON-LD", parse: false, help: "to-jsonld files ...\nTransform HTML+Microdata into JSON-LD", filter: { format: :microdata }, option_use: {output_format: :disabled}, lambda: ->(files, options) do out = options[:output] || $stdout if files.empty? # If files are empty, either use options[::evaluate] input = options[:evaluate] ? StringIO.new(options[:evaluate]) : STDIN input.set_encoding(options.fetch(:encoding, Encoding::UTF_8)) RDF::Microdata::Reader.new(input, options.merge(jsonld: true)) do |reader| out.puts reader.jsonld.to_json(::JSON::LD::JSON_STATE) end else files.each do |file| RDF::Microdata::Reader.open(file, options.merge(jsonld: true)) do |reader| out.puts reader.jsonld.to_json(::JSON::LD::JSON_STATE) end end end end }, } end end end