require 'spec_helper' describe CatalogHelper do include Blacklight::SearchHelper class CatalogHelperTestClass < CatalogController cattr_accessor :blacklight_config include Blacklight::SearchHelper include CommonwealthVlrEngine::Finder def initialize blacklight_config self.blacklight_config = blacklight_config end end let(:blacklight_config) { CatalogController.blacklight_config } let(:catalog_helper_test_class) { blacklight_config } let(:item_pid) { 'bpl-dev:h702q6403' } let(:image_pid) { 'bpl-dev:h702q641c' } let (:collection_pid) { 'bpl-dev:h702q636h' } let(:document) {{:q => "id:\"#{item_pid}\"", :rows => 1}).documents.first } let(:files_hash) { catalog_helper_test_class.get_files(item_pid) } before(:each) do allow(helper).to receive_messages(blacklight_config: blacklight_config) end describe 'Creative Commons license helpers' do let(:license) { 'This work is licensed for use under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License (CC BY-NC-ND).' } let (:cc_url) { '' } describe '#cc_terms_code' do it 'should return the right value' do expect(helper.cc_terms_code(license)).to eq('by-nc-nd') end end describe '#cc_url' do it 'should return the right value' do expect(helper.cc_url(license)).to eq(cc_url) end end describe '#render_cc_license' do it 'should render the CC link and image' do expect(helper.render_cc_license(license)).to include('href="' + cc_url) expect(helper.render_cc_license(license)).to include('src="//') end end end describe '#collection_gallery_url' do it 'should return a thumbnail datastream if this is an OAI-harvested item' do expect(helper.collection_gallery_url({exemplary_image_ssi: 'oai-dev:123456'},'300')).to include('oai-dev:123456/datastreams/thumbnail300/content') end it 'should return a IIIF URL if this is a repository item' do expect(helper.collection_gallery_url({exemplary_image_ssi: image_pid},'300')).to include("#{IIIF_SERVER['url']}#{image_pid}/0,476,1496,1496/300,300/0/default.jpg") end it 'should return the icon path if there is no exemplary_image_ssi value' do expect(helper.collection_gallery_url({},'300')).to include('dc_collection-icon.png') end end describe '#collection_icon_path' do it 'should return the right value' do expect(helper.collection_icon_path).to include('dc_collection-icon.png') end end describe 'download_links helpers' do before do # copy :images to :documents, since we don't have any non-image items to test with at the moment files_hash[:documents] = files_hash[:images] @download_links = helper.create_download_links(document, files_hash, 'link_class') end describe '#create_download_links' do it 'should return an array of links' do expect(@download_links.length).to eq(2) expect(@download_links.first.match(/\A "id:\"#{book_with_volumes_pid}\"", :rows => 1}).documents.first } let(:has_volumes_output) { catalog_helper_test_class.has_volumes?(series_document) } it 'should return an array of hashes with the Volume documents and files' do expect(has_volumes_output.length).to eq(2) expect(has_volumes_output[0][:vol_doc].class).to eq(SolrDocument) expect(has_volumes_output[0][:vol_files][:ereader]).to_not be_empty end end describe 'collection link helpers' do let(:doc_with_two_cols) {{:q => 'id:"bpl-dev:g445cd14k"', :rows => 1}).documents.first } describe '#index_collection_link' do describe 'for an item with one collection affiliation' do it 'should render the collection link' do expect(helper.index_collection_link({document: document})).to include(' 'id:"' + collection_pid + '"', :rows => 1}).documents.first } before do allow(helper).to receive(:document_index_view_type).and_return('index') allow(helper).to receive(:controller_name).and_return('catalog') end it 'should return a collection icon' do expect(helper.index_relation_base_icon(coll_doc)).to include('dc_collection-icon.png') end end describe '#index_slideshow_img_url' do it 'should return a IIIF image URL if there is an exemplary image' do expect(helper.index_slideshow_img_url(document)).to eq("#{IIIF_SERVER['url']}#{image_pid}/full/,500/0/default.jpg") end end describe '#index_title_length' do it 'should return the default length if no params[:view] is present' do expect(helper.index_title_length).to eq(130) end end describe '#institution_icon_path' do it 'should return the right value' do expect(helper.institution_icon_path).to include('dc_institution-icon.png') end end describe '#link_to_az_value' do it 'should create a link with the correct letter, field, and path' do expect(helper.link_to_az_value('X', 'some_field_name', 'collections_path')).to include('collections?q=some_field_name%3AX%2A') end end describe '#normalize_date' do it 'should return normalized date values' do expect(helper.normalize_date('2015-07-05')).to eq('July 5, 2015') expect(helper.normalize_date('2015-07')).to eq('July 2015') end end describe '#render_hiergo_subject' do before { @rendered_hiergeo = helper.render_hiergo_subject(document[:subject_hiergeo_geojson_ssm].first, ' | ') } it 'should return a set of links to geographic subjects' do expect(@rendered_hiergeo.scan(/href=\"\/search\?f%5Bsubject_geographic_ssim/).length).to eq(3) end it 'should join the links using the separator' do expect(@rendered_hiergeo.scan(/ \| <\/span>/).length).to eq(2) end it 'should add the county label to the county value' do expect(@rendered_hiergeo).to include(' (county)') end end describe '#render_item_breadcrumb' do it 'should render the output of #setup_collection_links()' do expect(helper.render_item_breadcrumb(document)).to include(' 1}).documents.first } it 'should render the title correctly' do expect(helper.render_full_title(doc_with_subtitle)).to include('Massachusetts : based') end end describe '#render_main_title' do it 'should render the title correctly' do expect(helper.render_main_title({title_info_primary_tsi: 'Foo', title_info_partnum_tsi: 'vol.2'})).to eq('Foo. vol.2') end end describe '#render_volume_title' do it 'should return the correct value' do expect(helper.render_volume_title({title_info_partnum_tsi: 'vol.2', title_info_partname_tsi: 'Foo'})).to eq('Vol.2: Foo') end end end describe '#render_mlt_search_link' do it 'should render a search link with the mlt_id param' do expect(helper.render_mlt_search_link(document).match(/href=[a-z"\\\/?]*mlt_id=[a-z0-9]+/)).to be_truthy end end describe '#render_mods_dates' do it 'should return an array of date values' do expect(helper.render_mods_dates(document).first).not_to be_nil end end describe '#render_mods_date' do describe 'date with start, end, and qualifier' do it 'should return the correct date value' do expect(helper.render_mods_date('1984', '1985', 'approximate')).to eq('[ca. 1984–1985]') end end describe 'copyright date' do it 'should return the correct date value' do expect(helper.render_mods_date('1984', nil, nil, 'copyrightDate')).to eq('c1984') end end end describe '#render_mods_xml_record' do before { @mods_xml_doc = helper.render_mods_xml_record(item_pid) } it 'should return the XML document for the MODS record' do expect(@mods_xml_doc.class).to eq(REXML::Document) expect(@mods_xml_doc.to_s).to include('Beauregard') end end describe '#return_oai_inst_name' do it 'should return the institution name' do expect(helper.return_oai_inst_name(document)).to eq('Boston Public Library') end end describe '#setup_names_roles' do let(:doc_with_names) {{:q => 'id:"bpl-dev:df65v788h"', :rows => 1}).documents.first } before { @names, @roles = helper.setup_names_roles(doc_with_names) } it 'should return two arrays of values' do expect(@names.length).to eq(2) expect(@roles.first).not_to be_nil end it 'should have the correct values in the arrays' do expect(@names[0]).to include('Niccolo') expect(@roles[0]).to eq('Cartographer') expect(@names[1]).to include('Antonio') expect(@roles[1]).to eq('Creator') end end describe '#should_autofocus_on_search_box?' do it 'should return false' do expect(helper.should_autofocus_on_search_box?).to be_falsey end end describe 'thumbnail creation helpers' do describe '#create_thumb_img_element' do it 'should return an image tag with the thumbnail image' do expect(helper.create_thumb_img_element(document).match(/\A\z/)).to be_truthy expect(helper.create_thumb_img_element(document)).to include("src=\"#{FEDORA_URL['url']}/objects/#{image_pid}/datastreams/thumbnail300/content") end end describe '#thumbnail_url' do it 'should return the datastream path if there is an exemplary_image_ssi value' do expect(helper.thumbnail_url(document)).to eq("#{FEDORA_URL['url']}/objects/#{image_pid}/datastreams/thumbnail300/content") end describe 'with no exemplary image' do before { document.delete(:exemplary_image_ssi) } it 'should return the proper icon if there is a type_of_resource_ssim value' do expect(helper.thumbnail_url(document)).to include('dc_image-icon.png') end describe 'with no type_of_resource_ssim value' do before do document.delete(:type_of_resource_ssim) document[blacklight_config.index.display_type_field.to_sym] = 'Collection' end it 'should return the collection icon' do expect(helper.thumbnail_url(document)).to include('dc_collection-icon.png') end end end describe 'flagged item' do before { document[blacklight_config.flagged_field.to_sym] = true } it 'should return the icon rather than the exemplary image' do expect(helper.thumbnail_url(document)).to include('dc_image-icon.png') end end end end end