require 'dynamic_image'
module DynamicImage
@@filtersets =
# Singleton methods for the filtersets hash.
class << @@filtersets
def names; keys; end
# Accessor for the filtersets hash. Installed filter names are available through the names method. Example:
# @filter_names = DynamicImage.filtersets.names
def self.filtersets
# Base class for filter sets. Extending this with your own subclasses will automatically enable them for use.
# You'll need to overwrite Filterset.process in order to make your filter useful. Note that it's a class
# method.
# === Example
# class BlogThumbnailsFilterset < DynamicImage::Filterset
# def self.process(image)
# image = image.sepiatone # convert the image to sepia tones
# end
# end
# The filter set is now available for use in your application:
# <%= dynamic_image_tag( @blog_post.image, :size => "120x100", :filterset => 'blog_thumbnails' ) %>
# === Applying effects by default
# If Image.get_oricessed is called without filters, it will look for a set named 'default'.
# This means that you can automatically apply effects on resized images by defining a class called DefaultFilterset:
# class DefaultFilterset < DynamicImage::Filterset
# def self.process(image)
# image = image.unsharp_mask # apply unsharp mask on images by default.
# end
# end
# === Chaining filters
# You can only apply one filterset on an image, but compound filters can easily be created:
# class CompoundFilterset < DynamicImage::Filterset
# def self.process(image)
# image = MyFirstFilterset.process(image)
# image = SomeOtherFilterset.process(image)
# image = DefaultFilterset.process(image)
# end
# end
class Filterset
include ::Magick
# Detect inheritance and store the new filterset in the lookup table.
def self.inherited(sub)
filter_name =!( /Filterset$/, '' ).underscore
DynamicImage.filtersets[filter_name] = sub
# Get a Filterset class by name. Accepts a symbol or string, CamelCase and under_scores both work.
def self.[](filter_name)
filter_name = filter_name.to_s if filter_name.kind_of? Symbol
filter_name = filter_name.underscore
DynamicImage.filtersets[filter_name] || nil
# Process the image. This is a dummy method, you should overwrite it in your subclass.
def self.process(image)
# This is a stub