require "numru/gphys/axis" require "numru/gphys/assoccoords" =begin =class NumRU::Grid A class to handle discretized grids of physical quantities. ==Class Methods *axes ) Constructor. RETURN VALUE * a Grid ==Instance Methods ---axnames Returns the names of the axes RETURN VALUE * an Array of String ---lost_axes Returns info on axes eliminated during operations. Useful for annotation in plots, for example (See the code of GGraph for an application). RETURN VALUE * an Array of String ---axis(dim_or_dimname) Returns an Axis ARGUMENTS * dim_or_dimname (String or Integer) to specify an axis. RETURN VALUE * an Axis ---dim_index(dimname) Returns the integer id (count from zero) of the dimension ARGUMENT * dimname (String or Integer) : this method is trivial if is is an integer RETURN VALUE * an Integer ---coord_dim_indices(coordname) Coordinate name --> dimension indices. ARGUMENT * coordname (String) : Name of a coordinate RETURN VALUE * Array of Integer or nil -- If the coordinate is present it is an Array containing dimension indices (If the coordinate is 1D, the lengthof the array is 1.) ---set_axis(dim_or_dimname,ax) Sets an axis. ARGUMENTS * dim_or_dimname (String or Integer) to specify an axis. * ax (Axis) the axis RETURN VALUE * self ---set_lost_axes( lost ) Sets info on axes eliminated. RETURN VALUE * self ---add_lost_axes( lost ) Adds info on axes eliminated to existing ones. RETURN VALUE * self ---delete_axes( at, deleted_by=nil ) Delete an axis. ARGUMENTS * at (String or Integer) to specify an axis. * deleted_by (String or nil) if non-nil, it is written in the internal lost-axis info. Best if you put the name of the method, in which this method is called. RETURN VALUE * a Grid ---copy Makes a deep clone onto memory. RETURN VALUE * a Grid ---merge(other) merge two grids by basically using copies of self's axes but using the other's if the length in self is 1 and the length in the other is longer ARGUMENTS * other (Grid) RETURN VALUE * a Grid ---shape Returns the shape of self. RETURN VALUE * an Array of Integer ---[] (*slicer) Returns a subset. ARGUMENTS * Same as those for NArray#[], NetCDFVar#[], etc. RETURN VALUE * a Grid ---cut(*args) Similar to ((<[]>)), but the subset is specified by physical coordinate. ARGUMENTS * pattern 1: similar to those for ((<[]>)), where the first argument specifies a subset for the first dimension. * pattern 2: by a Hash, in which keys are axis names. EXAMPLES * Pattern 1 gphys.cut(135.5,0..20.5,false) * Pattern 2 gphys.cut({'lon'=>135.5,'lat'=>0..20}) RETURN VALUE * an Array : [a Grid, slicer], where slicer is an array to be used to make a subset of an corresponding varray (to be used in GPhys#cut). ---cut_rank_conserving(*args) Similar to (()), but the rank is conserved by not eliminating any dimension (whose length could be one). ---cut_assoccoord(hasharg) Cut with respect to the asscoated coordinates. Similar to cut, when the argeuemnt is a Hash, but hash keys are the names of the asscoated coordinates. #---exclude(dim_or_dimname) # Returns a Grid in which an axis is eliminated from self. # # ARGUMENTS # * dim_or_dimname (String or Integer) to specify an axis. # # RETURN VALUE # * a Grid # ---change_axis(dim, axis) Replaces an axis. (Returns a new object) ARGUMENTS * dim_or_dimname (String or Integer) to specify an axis. * axis (Axis) RETURN VALUE * a Grid # #---change_axis!(dim_or_dimname, axis) # Replaces an axis. (overwrites self) # # ARGUMENTS # * dim_or_dimname (String or Integer) to specify an axis. # * axis (Axis) # # RETURN VALUE # * self # ---insert_axis(dim, axis) Inserts an axis. (non destructive; returns a new object) ARGUMENTS * dim (Integer) to specify the position to insert * axis (Axis) RETURN VALUE * a Grid #---insert_axis!(dim_or_dimname, axis) # Inserts an axis. (overwrites self) # # ARGUMENTS # * dim_or_dimname (String or Integer) to specify an axis. # * axis (Axis) # # RETURN VALUE # * self ---transpose( *dims ) Transpose. ARGUMENTS * dims (integers) : for example, [1,0] to transpose a 2D object. For 3D objects, [1,0,2], [2,1,0], etc.etc. RETURN VALUE * a Grid =end module NumRu class Grid def initialize( *axes ) @axes = axes.each{|ag| ### commented out for the duck typing: #if ag.is_a?(Axis) @axes.push(ag) #else # raise ArgumentError, "each argument must be an Axis" #end } @lost_axes = # Array of String @rank = @axes.length @axnames = __check_and_set_axnames @assoc_coords = nil end # * assoc_crds : an Array of GPhys # def set_assoc_coords(assoc_crds) @assoc_coords =, @axnames) @assoc_coords.axlens.each do |nm,l| if l && l != (l0 = shape[dim_index(nm)]) raise ArgumentError, "Length mismatch in coord #{nm} (#{l0}) and assoc_crds (#{l}). You may need to regrid (use GPhys#regrid method) associated coordinate(s) in advance." end end self end # * assoc_coords : an AssocCoords # def assoc_coords=(assoc_coords) @assoc_coords = assoc_coords end def assoc_coords @assoc_coords end def inspect "<#{rank}D grid #{@axes.collect{|ax| ax.inspect}.join("\n\t")}#{@assoc_coords ? "\n"+@assoc_coords.inspect.gsub(/^/,"\t") : ''}>" end def __check_and_set_axnames @axnames.clear @axes.each{|ax| if @axnames.include?(nm) raise "Two or more axes share a name: #{nm}" end @axnames.push(nm) } end private :__check_and_set_axnames attr_reader :rank def axnames @axnames.dup end def lost_axes @lost_axes.dup end def coordnames ret = axnames ret.concat(@assoc_coords.coordnames) if @assoc_coords ret end def has_axis?(name) @axnames.include?(name) end def has_assoccoord?(*arg) if arg.length == 0 !@assoc_coords.nil? # if a grid has assoc coords else name = arg[0] if @assoc_coords @assoc_coords.has_coord?(name) else false end end end def has_coord?(name) has_axis?(name) || has_assoccoord?(name) end def assoccoordnames @assoc_coords && @assoc_coords.coordnames end # def axis(i) # @axes[i] # end def axis(dim_or_dimname) ax_dim(dim_or_dimname)[0] end alias get_axis axis def coord(i) if @assoc_coords && i.is_a?(String) && @assoc_coords.has_coord?(i) @assoc_coords.coord(i) else axis(i).pos end end def assoc_coord_gphys(name) @assoc_coords && @assoc_coords.coord_gphys(name) end def dim_index(dimname) ax_dim(dimname)[1] end def coord_dim_indices(coordname) dim = @axnames.index(coordname) if dim [dim] elsif @assoc_coords && @assoc_coords.has_coord?(coordname) axnms = @assoc_coords.coord_gphys(coordname).axnames axnms.collect{|nm| @axnames.index(nm)} else nil end end def set_axis(dim_or_dimname,ax) @axes[ i = dim_index(dim_or_dimname) ] = ax @axnames[ i ] = self end def set_lost_axes( lost ) @lost_axes = lost # Array of String self end def add_lost_axes( lost ) @lost_axes = @lost_axes + lost # Array of String self end def delete_axes( at, deleted_by=nil ) case at when String at = [dim_index(at)] when Numeric at = [at] when Array at = at.collect{|x| case x when String dim_index(x) when Integer x else raise ArgumentError,"'at' must consist of Integer and/or String" end } else raise TypeError, "1st arg not an Array" end at.collect!{|pos| if pos < 0 pos + a.length else pos end } at.sort! newaxes = @axes.dup at.reverse.each{|pos| del = newaxes.delete_at(pos) if !del raise ArgumentError, "dimension #{pos} does not exist in a #{rank}D Grid" end } newgrid = *newaxes ) newgrid.set_lost_axes( @lost_axes.dup ) if @assoc_coords if deleted_by && VArray::NArray_type3_methods.include?(deleted_by) assoc_coords = assoccoordnames.each do |aname| g = assoc_coord_gphys(aname) args = g.axnames & at.collect{|i| @axnames[i]} g = g.mean(*args) unless args.empty? assoc_coords.push g if GPhys === g end newgrid.set_assoc_coords assoc_coords else newgrid.assoc_coords = @assoc_coords.subset_having_axnames(newgrid.axnames) end end if !deleted_by msg = '(deleted) ' else raise TypeError, "2nd arg not a String" if !deleted_by.is_a?(String) msg = '('+deleted_by+') ' end lost = at.collect{|pos| mn = sprintf("%g", ( UNumeric===(a=@axes[pos].pos.min) ? a.val : a) ) mx = sprintf("%g", ( UNumeric===(a=@axes[pos].pos.max) ? a.val : a) ) msg + "#{@axes[pos].name}:#{mn}..#{mx}" } newgrid.add_lost_axes( lost ) newgrid end def copy # deep clone onto memory out = *@axes.collect{|ax| ax.copy} ) out.set_lost_axes( @lost_axes.dup ) out.assoc_coords = @assoc_coords.copy if @assoc_coords out end def merge(other) # merge two grids by basically using copies of self's axes but # using the other's if the length in self is 1 and # the length in the other is longer if self.rank != other.rank raise "ranks do not agree (self:#{self.rank} vs other:#{other.rank})" end axes = for i in 0...self.rank if @axes[i].length == 1 and other.axis(i).length > 1 axes[i] = other.axis(i) else axes[i] = @axes[i] end end out = *axes ) out.set_lost_axes( (@lost_axes.dup + other.lost_axes).uniq ) if (oac = other.assoc_coords) || (sac = self.assoc_coords) sac ? ac=sac.merge(oac) : ac=oac.merge(sac) out.assoc_coords = ac end out end def shape @axes.collect{|ax| ax.length} end alias shape_current shape # similar to [] but only for cut def _new_grid_for_cut(slicer, axes) axs = lost = self.lost_axes for i in 0...rank if axes[i].is_a?(String) lost.push( axes[i] ) else axs.push( axes[i] ) end end grid = *axs ) grid.set_lost_axes( lost ) if lost.length != 0 if @assoc_coords grid.assoc_coords = @assoc_coords[*slicer] end grid end private :_new_grid_for_cut def [] (*slicer) if slicer.length == 0 # make a clone axes = (0...rank).each{ |i| axes.push( @axes[i][0..-1] ) } grid = *axes ) else slicer = __rubber_expansion(slicer) if slicer.length != rank raise ArgumentError,"# of the args does not agree with the rank" end axes = lost = self.lost_axes for i in 0...rank ax = @axes[i][slicer[i]] if ax.is_a?(String) lost.push( ax ) else axes.push( ax ) end end grid = *axes ) grid.set_lost_axes( lost ) if lost.length != 0 end if @assoc_coords grid.assoc_coords = @assoc_coords[*slicer] end grid end def __rubber_expansion( args ) if (id = args.index(false)) # substitution into id # false is incuded alen = args.length if args.rindex(false) != id raise ArguemntError,"only one rubber dimension is permitted" elsif alen > rank+1 raise ArgumentError, "too many args" end ar = ( id!=0 ? args[] : [] ) args = ar + [true]*(rank-alen+1) + args[id+1..-1] end args end private :__rubber_expansion def cut_assoccoord(hasharg) ac, acsl = @assoc_coords.cut(hasharg) sl = @axnames.collect{|nm| acsl[nm] || true} [ self[*sl], sl ] end def cut(*args) _cut_(false, *args) end def cut_rank_conserving(*args) _cut_(true, *args) end # cut along the regular coorinates. # assume that the coordinates are monotonic (without checking). def _cut_(conserve_rank, *args) hasharg = ( args.length==1 && args[0].is_a?(Hash) ) if hasharg # specification by axis names spec = args[0] if (spec.keys - axnames).length > 0 raise ArgumentError,"One or more of the hash keys "+ "(#{spec.keys.inspect}) are not found in the axis names "+ "(#{axnames.inspect})." end args = axnames.collect{|ax| spec[ax] || true} end args = __rubber_expansion(args) if rank != args.length raise ArgumentError, "# of dims doesn't agree with the rank(#{rank})" end slicer = axes = for dim in 0...rank ax = @axes[dim] if conserve_rank axes[dim], slicer[dim] = ax.cut_rank_conserving(args[dim]) else axes[dim], slicer[dim] = ax.cut(args[dim]) end end [ _new_grid_for_cut(slicer,axes), slicer ] end private :_cut_ # def exclude(dim_or_dimname) # dim = dim_index(dim_or_dimname) # axes = @axes.dup # axes.delete_at(dim) # *axes ) # end def change_axis(dim, axis) axes = @axes.dup lost = @lost_axes.dup if axis.is_a?(Axis) axes[dim] = axis else lost.push(axis) if axis.is_a?(String) axes.delete_at(dim) end grid = *axes ).add_lost_axes( lost ) if @assoc_coords grid.assoc_coords=@assoc_coords.subset_having_axnames(grid.axnames) end grid end # def change_axis!(dim_or_dimname, axis) # if axis.is_a?(Axis) # @axes[ dim_index(dim_or_dimname) ] = axis # else # @lost_axes.push(axis) if axis.is_a?(String) # @axes.delete_at( dim_index(dim_or_dimname) ) # end # @rank = @axes.length # __check_and_set_axnames # self # end # def insert_axis!(dim_or_dimname, axis) # dim = dim_index(dim_or_dimname) # if axis == nil # # do nothing # else # @axes[dim+1,0] = axis # @axes.insert(dim, axis) if ruby 1.7 # @rank = @axes.length # __check_and_set_axnames # end # self # end def insert_axis(dim, axis) axes = @axes.dup ### commented out for the duck typing: #if axis.is_a?(Axis) axes.insert(dim, axis) #else # raise ArgumentError, "2nd arg must be an Axis" #end grid = *axes ) grid.set_lost_axes( lost_axes ) grid.assoc_coords = @assoc_coords.dup if @assoc_coords grid end def transpose( *dims ) if dims.sort !=!.to_a raise ArgumentError, "Args must a permutation of 0..rank-1 (eg, if 3D 2,1,0; 1,0,2;etc)" end axes = for i in 0...rank axes[i] = @axes[dims[i]] end grid =*axes) grid.set_lost_axes( lost_axes ) grid.assoc_coords = @assoc_coords.dup if @assoc_coords grid end # Define operations along each axis --- The following defines # instance methods such as "average" and "integrate": Axis.defined_operations.each do |method| eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{method}(vary, dim_or_dimname, *extra_args) ax, dim = self.ax_dim(dim_or_dimname) va, new_ax = ax.#{method}(vary, dim, *extra_args) if va.is_a?(Numeric) || va.is_a?(UNumeric) va else [va, self.change_axis(dim, new_ax)] end end EOS end ######### < protected methods > ########### protected def ax_dim(dim_or_dimname) if dim_or_dimname.is_a?(Integer) dim = dim_or_dimname if dim < -rank || dim >= rank raise ArgumentError,"rank=#{rank}: #{dim}th grid does not exist" end dim += rank if dim < 0 else dim = @axnames.index(dim_or_dimname) if !dim raise ArgumentError, "Axis #{dim_or_dimname} is not contained" end end [@axes[dim], dim] end end end ###################################################### ## < test > if $0 == __FILE__ include NumRu vx = NArray.float(10).indgen! + 0.5 ).rename("x") vy = NArray.float(6).indgen! ).rename("y") xax = yax = grid =, yax) z = NArray.float(vx.length, vy.length).indgen! ) p z.val p "average along x-axis:", grid.average(z,0)[0].val, grid.average(z,"x")[0].val p "average along y-axis:", grid.average(z,1)[0].val, grid.average(z,"y")[0].val p "grid set by an operation:", (g = grid.average(z,1)[1]).rank, g.shape p grid.shape, grid.axis(0).pos.val, grid.axis(1).pos.val subgrid = grid[1..3,1..2] p subgrid.shape, subgrid.axis(0).pos.val, subgrid.axis(1).pos.val p grid[3,2].lost_axes p grid gr,slice = grid.cut(1.0..4.0, 3.2) p "%%",gr.copy,slice,gr.lost_axes gr,slice = grid.cut_rank_conserving(-10,false) p "%%",gr.copy,slice,gr.lost_axes p grid[0,0] p,0) # --> scalar p "+++++" p grid.delete_axes(0).lost_axes p grid.delete_axes([0,1]).lost_axes p grid.delete_axes([0,1], 'mean').lost_axes p grid, grid.transpose(1,0) puts "Test insert_axis..." vz = NArray.float(3).indgen! + 10 ).rename("z") zax = grid3 = grid.insert_axis(-1,zax) p grid3 end