module Padrino module Cache module Store ## # Memory Cache Store # class Memory ## # Initialize Memory Store with memory size # # ==== Examples # Padrino.cache = # # or from your app # set :cache, # def initialize(size = 5000) @size, @entries, @index = size, [], {} end ## # Return the a value for the given key # # ==== Examples # # with MyApp.cache.set('records', records) # MyApp.cache.get('records') # def get(key) if @index.key?(key) and value = @index[key] expires_in, body = value if expires_in == -1 or < expires_in set(key, body, :expires_in => expires_in) body else delete(key) nil end else nil end end ## # Set the value for a given key and optionally with an expire time. # Default expiry is 86400. # # ==== Examples # MyApp.cache.set('records', records) # MyApp.cache.set('records', records, :expires_in => 30) # => 30 seconds # def set(key, value, opts = nil) delete(key) if @index.key?(key) if opts && opts[:expires_in] expires_in = opts[:expires_in].to_i expires_in = + expires_in if expires_in < EXPIRES_EDGE else expires_in = -1 end @entries.push(key) @index[key] = [expires_in, value] while @entries.size > @size delete(@entries.shift) end end ## # Delete the value for a given key # # ==== Examples # # with: MyApp.cache.set('records', records) # MyApp.cache.delete('records') # def delete(key) @index.delete(key) end ## # Reinitialize your cache # # ==== Examples # # with: MyApp.cache.set('records', records) # MyApp.cache.flush # MyApp.cache.get('records') # => nil # def flush @index = end end # Memory end # Store end # Cache end # Padrino