module DR class Eruby module BindingHelper extend self #complement TOPLEVEL_BINDING def empty_binding #wraps into anonymous module so that 'def foo' do not pollute namespace do #regenerate a new binding return binding end end #empty binding (at first) that stays the same and can be shared EMPTY_BINDING = empty_binding # add variables values to a binding; variables is a Hash def add_variables(variables, _binding=empty_binding) eval variables.collect{|k,v| "#{k} = variables[#{k.inspect}]; "}.join, _binding _binding end #From Tilt/template.rb #return a string extracting local_keys from a hash named _context def local_extraction(local_keys, context_name: '_context') do |k| if k.to_s =~ /\A[a-z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\z/ "#{k} = #{context_name}[#{k.inspect}]" else raise "invalid locals key: #{k.inspect} (keys must be variable names)" end end.join("\n")+"\n" end end module EngineHelper ### Stolen from erubis ## eval(@src) with binding object def result(_binding_or_hash=BindingHelper.empty_binding) _arg = _binding_or_hash if _arg.is_a?(Hash) _b=BindingHelper.add_variables(_arg, BindingHelper.empty_binding) elsif _arg.is_a?(Binding) _b = _arg elsif _arg.nil? _b = binding else raise"#{}#result(): argument should be Binding or Hash but passed #{} object.") end return eval(@src, _b, (@filename || '(eruby')) #erb.rb: # if @safe_level # proc { # $SAFE = @safe_level # eval(@src, b, (@filename || '(erb)'), @lineno) # }.call end #Note that when the result is not used afterwards via "instance_eval" #then the Klass of binding is important when src has 'def foo...' #If set, locals should be an array of variable names def compile(wrap: :proc, bind: BindingHelper.empty_binding, locals: nil, pre: nil, post: nil, context_name: '_context') src=@src src=BindingHelper.local_extraction(locals, context_name: context_name)+src if locals src=pre+"\n"+src if pre src<< post+"\n" if post to_eval=case wrap when :eval; @src when :lambda; "lambda { |#{context_name}| #{src} }" when :proc; " { |#{context_name}| #{src} }" when :module; " { |#{context_name}| #{src} }" when :unbound #wrapping in a method allows us to pass a block to a code #calling yield require 'dr/ruby_ext/meta_ext' return Meta.get_unbound_evalmethod('eruby', src, args: context_name) when :unbound_instance #here we wrap in a method that the calls instance_eval require 'dr/ruby_ext/meta_ext' return Meta.get_unbound_evalmethod('eruby', <<-RUBY, args: context_name) self.instance_eval do #{src} end RUBY when :string src.to_s else warn "wrap meth #{warn} not understood, defaulting to String" src end return eval(to_eval, bind, "(wrap #{@filename})") end ## by default invoke context.instance_eval(@src) def evaluate(, compile: {}, **opts, &b) #I prefer to pass context as a keyword, but we allow to pass it as #an argument to respect erubis's api _context=opts[:context] if opts.key?(:context) _context = if _context.is_a?(Hash) vars=opts[:vars] compile[:locals]||=vars.keys if vars #to pass a block we need to wrap in a method compile[:wrap]||=:unbound_instance if b _proc=compile(**compile) Eruby.evaluate(_proc, context: _context, **opts, &b) end ## if object is an Class or Module then define instance method to it, ## else define singleton method to it. def def_method(object, method_name, filename=nil) m = object.is_a?(Module) ? :module_eval : :instance_eval object.__send__(m, "def #{method_name}; #{@src}; end", filename || @filename || '(eruby)') #erb.rb: src = self.src.sub(/^(?!#|$)/) {"def #{methodname}\n"} << "\nend\n" #This pattern insert the 'def' after lines with leading comments end end class Template include EngineHelper def initialize(src, filename: nil) if src.respond_to?(:read) filename=src unless filename end @filename=filename || self.class.inspect @src=src end end module ClassHelpers def process_eruby(eruby_src, **opts, &b) process_ruby(src, **opts, &b) end def process_ruby(src, src_info: nil, **opts, &b), filename: src_info).evaluate(**opts, &b) end def evaluate(_proc, context:, vars: nil, &b) #we can only pass the block b when we get an UnboundMethod if _proc.is_a?(UnboundMethod) vars={} if _proc.arity > 0 and vars.nil? if !vars.nil? _proc.bind(context).call(vars,&b) else _proc.bind(context).call(&b) end elsif _proc.is_a?(String) #in this case we cannot pass vars warn "Cannot pass variables when _proc is a String" unless vars.nil? context.instance_eval(_proc) else if context.nil? if !vars.nil?,&b) else _proc.to_proc(&b) end else warn "Cannot pass block in context.instance_eval" unless b.nil? if !vars.nil? context.instance_exec(vars,&_proc) else context.instance_eval(&_proc) end end end end def include(template, **opts) file=File.expand_path(template) Dir.chdir(File.dirname(file)) do |cwd| erb = #if context is not empty, then we probably want to evaluate if opts[:evaluate] or opts[:context] r=erb.evaluate(opts[:context]) else bind=opts[:bind]||binding r=erb.result(bind) end #if using erubis, it is better to invoke the template in <%= =%> than #to use chomp=true r=r.chomp if opts[:chomp] return r end end end extend ClassHelpers begin require 'erubi' Engine=::Erubi::Engine rescue LoadError require 'erubis' Engine=::Erubis::Eruby rescue LoadError require 'erb' Engine=::ERB end #prepend so that we have the same implementation Engine.__send__(:prepend, EngineHelper) ## Copy/Pasted from erubis context.rb ## # context object for Engine#evaluate ## ## ex. ## template = <<'END' ## Hello <%= @user %>! ## <% for item in @list %> ## - <%= item %> ## <% end %> ## END ## ## context =>'World', :list=>['a','b','c']) ## # or ## # context = ## # context[:user] = 'World' ## # context[:list] = ['a', 'b', 'c'] ## ## eruby = ## print eruby.evaluate(context) ## class Context include Enumerable def initialize(hash=nil) hash.each do |name, value| self[name] = value end if hash end def [](key) return instance_variable_get("@#{key}") end def []=(key, value) return instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value) end def keys return instance_variables.collect { |name| name[1..-1] } end def each instance_variables.each do |name| key = name[1..-1] value = instance_variable_get(name) yield(key, value) end end # Was to_hash, but changed to 'to_h' in commit 25d0e1e4b1a4ada40fd64945eb79823ea074d030 # Indeed otherwise passing it to 'evaluate' it get interpreted as the options rather than as a context # cf # corrected in ruby 2.4.1? def to_h hash = {} self.keys.each { |key| hash[key] = self[key] } return hash end def update(context_or_hash) arg = context_or_hash if arg.is_a?(Hash) arg.each do |key, val| self[key] = val end else arg.instance_variables.each do |varname| key = varname[1..-1] val = arg.instance_variable_get(varname) self[key] = val end end end end end end