require "rails/generators" module Panda module Core module Generators class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path("templates", __dir__) desc "Installs Panda::Core and its dependencies" def install_dependencies manage_gem_dependencies end def install_initializer initializer_path = File.join(destination_root, "config/initializers/panda/core.rb") if File.exist?(initializer_path) append_missing_configurations(initializer_path) else begin FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(initializer_path)) rescue Errno::EEXIST # Directory already exists, that's fine end template "initializer.rb", initializer_path end end # def mount_engine # inject_into_file File.join(destination_root, "config/routes.rb"), # " mount Panda::Core::Engine => '/'\n", # before: /^end/ # end private def gems_to_add { "panda_core" => {} # "gem_name" => {version: "1.0.0"}, # "another_gem" => {git: ""} # Add other gems as needed } end def manage_gem_dependencies if File.exist?(File.join(destination_root, "Gemfile")) manage_gemfile_dependencies elsif Dir.glob(File.join(destination_root, "*.gemspec")).any? manage_gemspec_dependencies else create_file File.join(destination_root, "Gemfile") do content = "source ''\n\n" gems_to_add.each do |gem_name, options| content << if options[:git] "gem '#{gem_name}', git: '#{options[:git]}'\n" elsif options[:version] "gem '#{gem_name}', '#{options[:version]}'\n" else "gem '#{gem_name}'\n" end end content end end end def manage_gemfile_dependencies gemfile_content =, "Gemfile")) gems_to_add.each do |gem_name, options| next if should_skip_gem?(gemfile_content, gem_name, options) if options[:git] append_to_file File.join(destination_root, "Gemfile"), "\ngem '#{gem_name}', git: '#{options[:git]}'" elsif options[:version] append_to_file File.join(destination_root, "Gemfile"), "\ngem '#{gem_name}', '#{options[:version]}'" else append_to_file File.join(destination_root, "Gemfile"), "\ngem '#{gem_name}'" end end end def manage_gemspec_dependencies gemspec_file = Dir.glob(File.join(destination_root, "*.gemspec")).first if File.exist?(gemspec_file) content = gems_to_add.each do |gem_name, options| next if content.include?("spec.add_dependency \"#{gem_name}\"") dependency_line = if options[:version] " spec.add_dependency \"#{gem_name}\", \"#{options[:version]}\"\n" else " spec.add_dependency \"#{gem_name}\"\n" end # Insert before the last 'end' gsub_file gemspec_file, /end\s*\z/ do |match| "#{dependency_line}#{match}" end end end end def should_skip_gem?(gemfile_content, gem_name, new_options) gemfile_content.match?(/gem ['"]#{gem_name}['"]/) end def append_missing_configurations(path) content = missing_configs = [] unless content.include?("config.user_class") missing_configs << " # Set the user class for authentication (e.g., 'User')" missing_configs << " # config.user_class = nil" end unless content.include?("config.authentication_providers") missing_configs << " # Configure authentication providers (e.g., [:devise, :jwt])" missing_configs << " # config.authentication_providers = []" end unless content.include?("config.storage_provider") missing_configs << " # Set the storage provider (:active_storage or :aws)" missing_configs << " # config.storage_provider = :active_storage" end unless content.include?("config.cache_store") missing_configs << " # Set the cache store (:memory_store, :redis_cache_store, etc.)" missing_configs << " # config.cache_store = :memory_store" end if missing_configs.any? inject_into_file path, before: /^end/ do "\n#{missing_configs.join("\n")}\n" end end end end end end end