class Withings::User attr_reader :short_name, :user_id, :birthdate, :fat_method, :first_name, :last_name, :gender, :oauth_token, :oauth_token_secret def self.authenticate(user_id, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret) response = Withings::Connection.get_request('/user', oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, :action => :getbyuserid, :userid => user_id) user_data = response['users'].detect { |item| item['id'] == user_id.to_i } raise, 'No user found', '') unless user_data{:oauth_token => oauth_token, :oauth_token_secret => oauth_token_secret})) end # If you create a user yourself, then the only attributes of interest (required for calls to the API) are 'user_id' and 'oauth_token' and 'oauth_token_secret' def initialize(params) params = params.stringify_keys @short_name = params['shortname'] @first_name = params['firstname'] @last_name = params['lastname'] @user_id = params['id'] || params['user_id'] @birthdate =['birthdate']) if params['birthdate'] @gender = params['gender'] == 0 ? :male : params['gender'] == 1 ? :female : nil @fat_method = params['fatmethod'] @oauth_token = params['oauth_token'] @oauth_token_secret = params['oauth_token_secret'] end def subscribe_notification(callback_url, description, device = Withings::SCALE) connection.get_request('/notify', :action => :subscribe, :callbackurl => callback_url, :comment => description, :appli => device) end def revoke_notification(callback_url, device = Withings::SCALE) connection.get_request('/notify', :action => :revoke, :callbackurl => callback_url, :appli => device) end def describe_notification(callback_url, device = Withings::SCALE) response = connection.get_request('/notify', :action => :get, :callbackurl => callback_url, :appli => device) => callback_url)) end # List the notifications for a device (defaults to Withings::SCALE), pass nil to list all devices. def list_notifications(device = Withings::SCALE) options = (device.nil? ? {} : {:appli => device}) response = connection.get_request('/notify', options.merge({:action => :list})) response['profiles'].map do |item| end end # List the activity metrics. # Params: # - :date # - :startdateymd # - :enddateymd # Either date OR startdateymd AND enddate need to be supplied. def get_activities(params = {}) connection.get_request('/v2/measure', params.merge(:action => :getactivity)) end # list measurement groups # The limit and offset parameters are converted to will_paginate style parameters (:per_page, :page) # - :per_page (default: 100) # - :page (default: 1) # - :category (default: empty) # - :measurement_type (default: empty) # - :start_at (default: empty) # - :end_at (default: empty) # - :last_udpated_at (default: empty) # - :device (default: empty) # Parameters are described in WBS api def measurement_groups(params = {}) params = params.stringify_keys options = {:limit => 100, :offset => 0} options[:limit] = params['per_page'] if params.has_key?('per_page') options[:offset] = ((params['page'] || 1) - 1) * options[:limit] options[:category] = params['category'] if params.has_key?('category') options[:meastype] = params['measurement_type'] if params.has_key?('measurement_type') options[:startdate] = params['start_at'].to_i if params['start_at'] options[:enddate] = params['end_at'].to_i if params['end_at'] options[:lastupdate] = params['last_updated_at'].to_i if params['last_updated_at'] options[:devtype] = params['device'] if params['device'] response = connection.get_request('/measure', options.merge(:action => :getmeas)) response['measuregrps'].map do |group| end end def to_s "[User #{short_name} / #{:user_id}]" end protected def devices_bitmask(*devices) devices = [Withings::SCALE, Withings::BLOOD_PRESSURE_MONITOR] if Array(devices).empty? devices.inject('|'.to_sym) end def connection @connection ||= end end