require "spec_helper" module Octopolo describe CLI do subject { CLI } context ".perform(command)" do let(:command) { "ls" } let(:result) { "result" } let(:error) { "error message" } let(:exception_message) { "Error with something" } it "passes the given command to the shell" do subject.should_receive(:say).with(command) Open3.should_receive(:capture3).with(command).and_return([result, nil]) subject.should_receive(:say).with(result) subject.perform(command).should == result end it "uses Kernel#` if Open3 has no capture3 method (e.g., Ruby 1.8.7)" do subject.should_receive(:say).with(command) # simulating ruby 1.8.7 not having an Open3.capture3 method Open3.should_receive(:respond_to?).with(:capture3).and_return(false) subject.should_receive(:`).with(command).and_return(result) subject.should_receive(:say).with(result) subject.perform(command).should == result end it "should handle errors gracefully" do subject.should_receive(:say).with(command) Open3.should_receive(:capture3).with(command).and_raise(exception_message) subject.should_receive(:say).with("Unable to perform '#{command}': #{exception_message}") subject.perform(command).should be_nil end it "should not speak the command if told not to" do subject.should_receive(:say).with(command).never subject.perform(command, false) end end context ".perform_quietly(command)" do let(:command) { "ls" } it "performs the command without displaying itself" do subject.should_receive(:perform).with(command, false) subject.perform_quietly(command) end end context ".perform_and_exit(command)" do let(:command) { "ls" } it "should use the 'exec' command to replace the Ruby process with the command" do subject.should_receive(:say).with(command) subject.should_receive(:exec).with(command) subject.perform_and_exit(command) end end context ".say(message)" do let(:message) { "asdf" } it "displays the given message" do subject.should_receive(:puts).with(message) subject.say message end it "does nothing if the message is nil" do subject.should_receive(:puts).never subject.say nil end it "does nothing if the message is an empty string" do subject.should_receive(:puts).never subject.say "" end end context ".spacer_line" do it "displays a blank space" do subject.should_receive(:say).with(" ") subject.spacer_line end end context ".perform_in(dir, &block)" do let(:dir) { "/tmp" } let(:command) { "ls" } it "changes the script to the given directory" do subject.should_receive(:say).with("Performing in #{dir}:") Dir.should_receive(:chdir).with(dir).and_yield subject.should_receive(:perform).with(command) subject.perform_in(dir) do subject.perform(command) end end end context ".ask(question, choices)" do let(:question) { "What do you want to eat?" } let(:choices) { ["sandwich", "carrots", "cake"] } let(:one_choice) { [choices.first] } let(:valid_string_answer) { choices[valid_numeric_answer - 1] } let(:invalid_string_answer) { "pineapple" } # answers start at 1, not at 0, so +1 let(:valid_numeric_answer) { rand(choices.size) + 1 } let(:invalid_low_numeric_answer) { 0 } let(:invalid_high_numeric_answer) { choices.size + 2 } it "provides the given list of choices for the given question" do subject.should_receive(:say).with(question) subject.should_receive(:say).with("1) sandwich") subject.should_receive(:say).with("2) carrots") subject.should_receive(:say).with("3) cake") subject.should_receive(:prompt).and_return(valid_string_answer) # only specifying return value to prevent infinite loop subject.ask(question, choices) end it "skips printing the question and choices if told not to (useful to avoid cluttering spec output)" do subject.should_receive(:say).with(question).never subject.should_receive(:say).with("1) sandwich").never subject.should_receive(:say).with("2) carrots").never subject.should_receive(:say).with("3) cake").never subject.should_receive(:prompt).and_return(valid_string_answer) # only specifying return value to prevent infinite loop subject.ask(question, choices, true) end it "simply returns the value if given only one choice" do subject.should_receive(:say).never subject.should_receive(:prompt).never subject.ask(question, one_choice).should == one_choice.first end context "when answering with the string value" do it "returns the user's selection, if in the available choices" do subject.should_receive(:prompt).and_return(valid_string_answer) subject.ask(question, choices, true).should == valid_string_answer end it "asks again if given a string other than one of the choices" do subject.should_receive(:prompt).and_return(invalid_string_answer) subject.should_receive(:say).with("Not a valid choice.") subject.should_receive(:prompt).and_return(valid_string_answer) subject.ask(question, choices, true).should == valid_string_answer end end context "when answering with the numeric value" do it "returns the user's selection, if in the available choices" do subject.should_receive(:prompt).and_return(valid_numeric_answer) subject.ask(question, choices, true).should == valid_string_answer end it "asks again if given a answer 0 or less" do subject.should_receive(:prompt).and_return(invalid_low_numeric_answer) subject.should_receive(:say).with("Not a valid choice.") subject.should_receive(:prompt).and_return(valid_numeric_answer) subject.ask(question, choices, true).should == valid_string_answer end it "asks again if given a answer greater than the list of choices" do subject.should_receive(:prompt).and_return(invalid_high_numeric_answer) subject.should_receive(:say).with("Not a valid choice.") subject.should_receive(:prompt).and_return(valid_numeric_answer) subject.ask(question, choices, true).should == valid_string_answer end end end context ".ask_boolean question" do let(:question) { "Are you truly happy?" } it "asks the question and prompts for an answer" do subject.should_receive(:prompt).with("#{question} (y/n)") { "y" } subject.ask_boolean(question) end it "returns true for 'y'" do subject.should_receive(:prompt) { "y" } subject.ask_boolean(question).should be_true end it "returns true for 'yes'" do subject.should_receive(:prompt) { "yes" } subject.ask_boolean(question).should be_true end it "returns true for 'Y'" do subject.should_receive(:prompt) { "Y" } subject.ask_boolean(question).should be_true end it "returns false for 'n'" do subject.should_receive(:prompt) { "n" } subject.ask_boolean(question).should be_false end it "returns false for 'no'" do subject.should_receive(:prompt) { "no" } subject.ask_boolean(question).should be_false end it "returns false for 'N'" do subject.should_receive(:prompt) { "N" } subject.ask_boolean(question).should be_false end end context ".prompt prompt_text" do let(:input) { "asdf" } let(:highline) { stub } let(:prompt_text) { "Foo: " } before do subject.stub(highline: highline) end it "retrieves response from the user" do highline.should_receive(:ask).with("> ").and_return(input) subject.prompt.should == input end it "uses the given text as the prompt" do highline.should_receive(:ask).with(prompt_text) subject.prompt prompt_text end end context ".prompt_secret prompt_text" do let(:input) { "asdf" } let(:prompt_text) { "Foo: " } let(:highline) { stub } let(:highline_config) { stub } before do subject.stub(highline: highline) end it "retrieves response from the user without displaying what they type" do highline.should_receive(:ask).with(prompt_text).and_yield(highline_config).and_return(input) highline_config.should_receive(:echo=).with(false) highline_config.should_receive(:readline=).with(true) subject.prompt_secret(prompt_text).should == input end end context ".prompt_multiline prompt_text" do let(:input) { %w(a s d f) } let(:prompt_text) { "Steps:" } let(:highline) { stub } let(:highline_config) { stub } before do subject.stub(highline: highline) end it "retreives response from the user across multiple lines, returning an array of their input" do highline.should_receive(:ask).with(prompt_text).and_yield(highline_config).and_return(input) highline_config.should_receive(:gather=).with("") highline_config.should_receive(:readline=).with(true) subject.prompt_multiline(prompt_text).should == input end end context ".highline" do let(:result) { stub } it "instantiates a HighLine object" do HighLine.should_receive(:new) { result } subject.highline.should == result end end context ".open path" do let(:path) { "" } it "exits and opens the path with Mac OS X's `open` command" do subject.should_receive(:perform_and_exit).with("open '#{path}'") path end end context ".copy_to_clipboard(input)" do let(:input) { "something#{rand(1000)}" } # FIXME figure out a better way to test this on non-Mac systems, which don't have pbcopy or pbpaste # # only run on the test on a mac and when not in tmux if RUBY_PLATFORM.include?("darwin") and !ENV['TMUX'] it "puts the text on the system clipboard (for pasting)" do subject.should_receive(:say).with("Putting '#{input}' on the clipboard.") subject.copy_to_clipboard input # and to test that it's on the clipboard `pbpaste`.should == input end end end end end