# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' class Rubytter describe Rubytter do before do @rubytter = Rubytter.new('test', 'test') end it 'should receive ...' do @rubytter.should_receive(:user_timeline).with(1) @rubytter.user_timeline(1) @rubytter.should_receive(:friend_timeline) @rubytter.friend_timeline @rubytter.should_receive(:replies).with({:page => 2}) @rubytter.replies(:page => 2) # more... end it 'should get or post' do # TODO: split specs @rubytter.should_receive(:get).with('/statuses/replies', {}) @rubytter.replies @rubytter.should_receive(:get).with('/statuses/replies', {:page => 2}) @rubytter.replies(:page => 2) @rubytter.should_receive(:get).with('/statuses/user_timeline/1', {}) @rubytter.user_timeline(1) @rubytter.should_receive(:get).with('/users/show/1', {}) @rubytter.user(1) @rubytter.should_receive(:delete).with('/statuses/destroy/1', {}) @rubytter.remove_status(1) end # direct_messages it 'should respond to direct_messages' do @rubytter.should_receive(:get).with('/direct_messages', {}) @rubytter.direct_messages() end it 'should respond to sent_direct_messages' do @rubytter.should_receive(:get).with('/direct_messages/sent', {}) @rubytter.sent_direct_messages() end it 'should respond to send_direct_message' do @rubytter.should_receive(:post).with('/direct_messages/new', {}) @rubytter.send_direct_message() end it 'should respond to destroy_direct_message' do @rubytter.should_receive(:delete).with('/direct_messages/destroy/1', {}) @rubytter.remove_direct_message(1) end it 'should respond to direct_message' do @rubytter.should_receive(:post).with('/direct_messages/new', {:user => 'test', :text => 'aaaaaaaaaaaaa'}) @rubytter.direct_message('test', 'aaaaaaaaaaaaa') end # statuses it 'should respond to update' do @rubytter.should_receive(:post).with('/statuses/update', {:status => 'test'}) @rubytter.update('test') end it 'should respond to update_status' do @rubytter.should_receive(:post).with('/statuses/update', {:status => 'test'}) @rubytter.update_status(:status => 'test') end # friendship it 'should respond to follow' do @rubytter.should_receive(:post).with('/friendships/create/test', {}) @rubytter.follow('test') end it 'should respond to leave' do @rubytter.should_receive(:delete).with('/friendships/destroy/test', {}) @rubytter.leave('test') end it 'should respond to friendship_exists' do @rubytter.should_receive(:get).with('/friendships/exists', {:user_a => 'a', :user_b => 'b'}) @rubytter.friendship_exists(:user_a => 'a', :user_b => 'b') end # Social Graph Methods it 'should respond to followers_ids' do @rubytter.should_receive(:get).with('/friends/ids/test', {}) @rubytter.friends_ids('test') end it 'should respond to followers_ids' do @rubytter.should_receive(:get).with('/followers/ids/test', {}) @rubytter.followers_ids('test') end it 'should respond to http_request' do @rubytter.should_receive(:http_request) {|host, req, param_str| param_str.should == 'status=test'} @rubytter.update_status(:status => 'test') end it 'should respond to search (1)' do @rubytter.should_receive(:http_request) do |host, req, param_str| req.path.should == '/search.json?q=test' host.should == 'search.twitter.com' {'results' => []} end @rubytter.search('test') end it 'should respond to search with params (1)' do @rubytter.should_receive(:http_request) do |host, req, param_str| req.path.should =~ /\/search.json\?/ req.path.should =~ /q=test/ req.path.should =~ /lang=ja/ {'results' => []} end @rubytter.search('test', :lang => 'ja') end it 'should respond to to_param_str' do param_str = Rubytter.to_param_str(:page => 2, :foo => 'bar') param_str.should =~ /^.+?=.+?&.+?=.+?$/ param_str.should =~ /page=2/ param_str.should =~ /foo=bar/ end it 'should raise when call to_param_str with invalid arg' do lambda { Rubytter.to_param_str(nil) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { Rubytter.to_param_str('foo') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { Rubytter.to_param_str(:bar) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should set default header' do rubytter = Rubytter.new('test', 'test') rubytter.header.should == {'User-Agent', "Rubytter/#{VERSION} (http://github.com/jugyo/rubytter)"} end it 'should able to set custom header 1' do rubytter = Rubytter.new('test', 'test', { :header => { 'foo' => 'bar' } } ) rubytter.header['foo'].should == 'bar' rubytter.header.has_key?('User-Agent').should == true end it 'should able to set custom header 2' do rubytter = Rubytter.new('test', 'test', { :header => { 'User-Agent' => 'foo' } } ) rubytter.header.should == {'User-Agent' => 'foo'} end it 'should create struct from json' do hash = { :a => 'a', 'b' => 1, 1 => 'a', /regex/ => 'regex', nil => nil, :c => {:a => 1, :b => 2}, :d => {:a => {:a => 1, :b => 2}, :b => 1}, :e => [{:a => 1, :b => 2}, {:c => '"<>&'}] } struct = Rubytter.json_to_struct(hash) struct.a.should == 'a' struct.b.should == 1 struct.c.a.should == 1 struct.c.b.should == 2 struct.d.a.a.should == 1 struct.e[0].a.should == 1 struct.e[0].b.should == 2 struct.e[1].c.should == '"<>&' struct.x.should == nil struct.regex.should == nil end it 'should convert struct to hash' do hash = { :a => 'a', 'b' => 1, 1 => 'a', /regex/ => 'regex', nil => nil, :c => {:a => 1, :b => 2}, :d => {:a => {:a => 1, :b => 2}, :b => 1}, :e => [{:a => 1, :b => 2}, {:c => '"<>&'}] } struct = Rubytter.json_to_struct(hash) struct.to_hash.should == {"a"=>"a", "b"=>1, "c"=>{"a"=>1, "b"=>2}, "d"=>{"a"=>{"a"=>1, "b"=>2}, "b"=>1}, "e"=>[{"a"=>1, "b"=>2}, {"c"=>"\"<>&"}]} end it 'should convert struct to hash with escape as HTML' do hash = { :e => [{:a => 1, :b => 2}, {:c => '"<>&'}] } struct = Rubytter.json_to_struct(hash) struct.to_hash(true).should == {"e"=>[{"a"=>1, "b"=>2}, {"c"=>""<>&"}]} end it 'should convert struct to json' do hash = { :a => 'a', 'b' => 1, 1 => 'a', /regex/ => 'regex', nil => nil, :c => {:a => 1, :b => 2}, :d => {:a => {:a => 1, :b => 2}, :b => 1}, :e => [{:a => 1, :b => 2}, {:c => '"<>&'}] } struct = Rubytter.json_to_struct(hash) struct.to_json.should == '{"a":"a","b":1,"c":{"a":1,"b":2},"d":{"a":{"a":1,"b":2},"b":1},"e":[{"a":1,"b":2},{"c":"\"<>&"}]}' end it 'should convert struct to json with escape as HTML' do hash = { :e => [{:a => 1, :b => 2}, {:c => '"<>&'}] } struct = Rubytter.json_to_struct(hash) struct.to_json(true).should == '{"e":[{"a":1,"b":2},{"c":""<>&"}]}' end it 'should create same structs from same datas' do Rubytter.json_to_struct({:a => 'a'}).should == Rubytter.json_to_struct({:a => 'a'}) Rubytter.json_to_struct({:a => 'a', :b => {:c => 'c'}}).should == Rubytter.json_to_struct({:a => 'a', :b => {:c => 'c'}}) end it 'should be set app_name' do rubytter = Rubytter.new('test', 'teat', :app_name => "Foo") rubytter.should_receive(:__update_status).with({:status => 'test', :source => "Foo"}) rubytter.update('test') end it 'should convert search results to struct' do json_data = { 'id' => '123', 'text' => 'foo foo bar bar', 'created_at' => 'Sat, 21 Mar 2009 09:48:20 +0000', 'source' => '<a href="http:\/\/twitter.com\/">web<\/a>', 'to_usre_id' => '20660692', 'to_usre' => 'jugyo_test', 'from_user_id' => '3748631', 'from_user' => 'jugyo', 'profile_image_url' => 'http://s3.amazonaws.com/twitter_production/profile_images/63467667/megane2_normal.png' } rubytter = Rubytter.new('test', 'teat') result = Rubytter.search_result_to_hash(json_data) result['id'].should == '123' result['text'].should == 'foo foo bar bar' result['created_at'].should == 'Sat, 21 Mar 2009 09:48:20 +0000' result['source'].should == '<a href="http:\/\/twitter.com\/">web<\/a>' result['in_reply_to_user_id'].should == '20660692' result['in_reply_to_screen_name'].should == 'jugyo_test' result['user']['id'].should == '3748631' result['user']['screen_name'].should == 'jugyo' result['user']['profile_image_url'].should == 'http://s3.amazonaws.com/twitter_production/profile_images/63467667/megane2_normal.png' end it 'should work search' do json_data = JSON.parse open(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/search.json').read @rubytter.stub!(:http_request).and_return(json_data) statuses = @rubytter.search('termtter') status = statuses[0] status.id.should == 1365281728 status.text.should == "よし、add_hook 呼んでるところが無くなった #termtter" status.created_at.should == "Sat, 21 Mar 2009 09:48:20 +0000" status.source.should == "web" status.in_reply_to_user_id.should == nil status.in_reply_to_screen_name.should == nil status.in_reply_to_status_id.should == nil status.user.id.should == 74941 status.user.screen_name.should == "jugyo" status.user.profile_image_url.should == "http://s3.amazonaws.com/twitter_production/profile_images/63467667/megane2_normal.png" end it 'should post using access_token' do access_token = Object.new rubytter = OAuthRubytter.new(access_token) access_token.should_receive(:post).with('/statuses/update.json', {:status => 'test'}, {"User-Agent"=>"Rubytter/#{Rubytter::VERSION} (http://github.com/jugyo/rubytter)"}) rubytter.update('test') end it 'should get using access_token' do access_token = Object.new rubytter = OAuthRubytter.new(access_token) access_token.should_receive(:get).with('/statuses/friends_timeline.json', {}, {"User-Agent"=>"Rubytter/#{Rubytter::VERSION} (http://github.com/jugyo/rubytter)"}) rubytter.friends_timeline end it 'should get with params using access_token' do access_token = Object.new rubytter = OAuthRubytter.new(access_token) access_token.should_receive(:get).with('/statuses/friends_timeline.json', {:page => 2}, {"User-Agent"=>"Rubytter/#{Rubytter::VERSION} (http://github.com/jugyo/rubytter)"}) rubytter.friends_timeline(:page => 2) end end end