module Deface module Applicator module ClassMethods # applies all applicable overrides to given source # def apply(source, details, log=true, haml=false) overrides = find(details) if log && overrides.size > 0 Rails.logger.debug "\e[1;32mDeface:\e[0m #{overrides.size} overrides found for '#{details[:virtual_path]}'" end unless overrides.empty? if haml #convert haml to erb before parsing before source = end doc = Deface::Parser.convert(source) overrides.each do |override| if override.disabled? Rails.logger.debug("\e[1;32mDeface:\e[0m '#{}' is disabled") if log next end override.parsed_document = doc matches = override.matcher.matches(doc, log) if log Rails.logger.send(matches.size == 0 ? :error : :debug, "\e[1;32mDeface:\e[0m '#{}' matched #{matches.size} times with '#{override.selector}'") end if matches.empty? override.failure = "failed to match :#{override.action} selector '#{override.selector}'" else override.failure = nil matches.each {|match| override.execute_action match } end end #prevents any caching by rails in development mode details[:updated_at] = source = doc.to_s Deface::Parser.undo_erb_markup!(source) end source end end def execute_action(target_element) validate_original(target_element) create_action_command.execute(target_element) end def execute_action_on_range(target_range) create_action_command.execute_on_range(target_range) end def create_action_command commands = Rails.application.config.deface.actions command = commands.find { |command| command.to_sym == action } raise(DefaceError, "Action #{action} not found") unless command => safe_source_element, :attributes => attributes) end def compatible_with_end_selector? create_action_command.range_compatible? end def matcher if end_selector.blank? # single css selector else unless compatible_with_end_selector? raise Deface::NotSupportedError, ":#{action} action does not support :closing_selector" end # targeting range of elements as end_selector is present, selector, end_selector) end end end end