# 🌲 Timber - Great Ruby Logging Made Easy
Timber for Ruby is a drop in replacement for your Ruby logger that
[unobtrusively augments](https://timber.io/docs/concepts/structuring-through-augmentation) your
logs with [rich metadata and context](https://timber.io/docs/concepts/metadata-context-and-events)
making them [easier to search, use, and read](#get-things-done-with-your-logs). It pairs with the
[Timber console](#the-timber-console) to deliver a tailored Ruby logging experience designed to make
you more productive.
1. [**Installation** - One command: `bundle exec timber install`](#installation)
2. [**Usage** - Simple & powerful API](#usage)
3. [**Integrations** - Automatic context and metadata for your existing logs](#integrations)
4. [**The Timber Console** - Designed for applications & developers](#the-timber-console)
5. [**Get things done with your logs 💪**](#get-things-done-with-your-logs)
## Installation
1. In your `Gemfile`, add the `timber` gem:
gem 'timber', '~> 2.1'
2. In your `shell`, run:
bundle install && bundle exec timber install
## Usage
Use the `Timber::Logger` just like you would `::Logger`:
logger.debug("Debug message")
logger.info("Info message")
logger.warn("Warn message")
logger.error("Error message")
logger.fatal("Fatal message")
1. [Search it](https://timber.io/docs/app/console/searching) with queries like: `error message`
2. [Alert on it](https://timber.io/docs/app/console/alerts) with threshold based alerts
3. [View this event's metadata and context](https://timber.io/docs/app/console/view-metadata-and-context)
[...read more in our docs](https://timber.io/docs/languages/ruby/usage/basic-logging)
Log structured data without sacrificing readability:
logger.warn "Payment rejected", payment_rejected: {customer_id: "abcd1234", amount: 100, reason: "Card expired"}
1. [Search it](https://timber.io/docs/app/console/searching) with queries like: `type:payment_rejected` or `payment_rejected.amount:>100`
2. [Alert on it](https://timber.io/docs/app/console/alerts) with threshold based alerts
4. [View this event's data and context](https://timber.io/docs/app/console/view-metadata-and-context)
...[read more in our docs](https://timber.io/docs/languages/ruby/usage/custom-events)
Add shared structured data across your logs:
Timber.with_context(job: {id: 123}) do
logger.info("Background job execution started")
# ... code here
logger.info("Background job execution completed")
1. [Search it](https://timber.io/docs/app/console/searching) with queries like: `job.id:123`
2. [View this context when viewing a log's metadata](https://timber.io/docs/app/console/view-metadata-and-context)
...[read more in our docs](https://timber.io/docs/languages/ruby/usage/custom-context)
Time code blocks:
timer = Timber.start_timer
# ... code to time ...
logger.info("Processed background job", background_job: {time_ms: timer})
Log generic metrics:
logger.info("Credit card charged", credit_card_charge: {amount: 123.23})
1. [Search it](https://timber.io/docs/app/console/searching) with queries like: `background_job.time_ms:>500`
2. [Alert on it](https://timber.io/docs/app/console/alerts) with threshold based alerts
3. [View this log's metadata in the console](https://timber.io/docs/app/console/view-metadata-and-context)
...[read more in our docs](https://timber.io/docs/languages/ruby/usage/metrics-and-timings)
Silence noisy logs that aren't of value to you, just like
# config/initializers/timber.rb
It turns this:
Started GET "/" for at 2012-03-10 14:28:14 +0100
Processing by HomeController#index as HTML
Rendered text template within layouts/application (0.0ms)
Rendered layouts/_assets.html.erb (2.0ms)
Rendered layouts/_top.html.erb (2.6ms)
Rendered layouts/_about.html.erb (0.3ms)
Rendered layouts/_google_analytics.html.erb (0.4ms)
Completed 200 OK in 79ms (Views: 78.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
Into this:
Get "/" sent 200 OK in 79ms
### Pro-tip: Keep controller call logs (recommended)
Feel free to deviate and customize which logs you silence. We recommend a slight deviation
from lograge with the following settings:
# config/initializers/timber.rb
Timber.config.integrations.action_view.silence = true
Timber.config.integrations.active_record.silence = true
Timber.config.integrations.rack.http_events.collapse_into_single_event = true
This does _not_ silence the controller call log event. This is because Timber captures the
parameters passed to the controller, which are generally valuable when debugging.
For a full list of integration settings, see
Silencing noisy requests can be helpful for silencing load balance health checks, bot scanning,
or activity that generally is not meaningful to you. The following will silence all
`[GET] /_health` requests:
# config/initializers/timber.rb
Timber.config.integrations.rack.http_events.silence_request = lambda do |rack_env, rack_request|
rack_request.path == "/_health"
We require a block because it gives you complete control over how you want to silence requests.
The first parameter being the traditional Rack env hash, the second being a
[Rack Request](http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/rack/Rack/Request) object.
By default Timber automatically captures user context for most of the popular authentication
libraries (Devise, and Clearance). See
for a complete list.
In cases where you Timber doesn't support your strategy, or you want to customize it further,
you can do so like:
# config/initializers/timber.rb
Timber.config.integrations.rack.user_context.custom_user_hash = lambda do |rack_env|
user = rack_env['warden'].user
if user
id: user.id, # unique identifier for the user, can be an integer or string,
name: user.name, # identifiable name for the user,
email: user.email, # user's email address
*All* of the user hash keys are optional, but you must provide at least one.
tracks the current application release and version.
If you're on Heroku, simply enable the
[dyno metadata](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/dyno-metadata) feature. If you are not,
set the following environment variables and this context will be added automatically:
1. `RELEASE_COMMIT` - Ex: `2c3a0b24069af49b3de35b8e8c26765c1dba9ff0`
2. `RELEASE_CREATED_AT` - Ex: `2015-04-02T18:00:42Z`
3. `RELEASE_VERSION` - Ex: `v2.3.1`
All variables are optional, but at least one must be present.
Basic logging
Logging events (structured data)
Setting context
Metrics, Timings, & Tracing
Logrageify. Silence noisy logs.
Silence specific requests (LB health checks, etc)
Capture custom user context
Capture release / deploy context