require 'optparse' class OptionsFactory def self.options_for(command, options) do |opts| self.send(command, opts, options[command]) end end def self.init(opts, set) opts.banner = "phrase init" opts.on("--secret=YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", String, "Your auth token") do |secret| set[:secret] = secret end opts.on("--default-locale=en", String, "The default locale for your application") do |default_locale| set[:default_locale] = default_locale end opts.on("--default-format=json", String, "The default format for locale files") do |format| set[:format] = format end opts.on("--domain=phrase", String, "The default domain or app prefix for locale files") do |domain| set[:domain] = domain end opts.on("--locale-directory=./", String, "The directory naming for locale files, e.g ./<>/ for subfolders with 'en' or 'de'") do |locale_directory| set[:locale_directory] = locale_directory end opts.on("--locale-filename=<domain>.<format>", String, "The filename for locale files") do |locale_filename| set[:locale_filename] = locale_filename end opts.on("--default-target=phrase/locales/", String, "The default target directory for locale files") do |target_directory| set[:target_directory] = target_directory end end private_class_method :init def self.push(opts, set) opts.banner = "phrase push FILE|DIRECTORY" opts.on("--tags=foo,bar", Array, "List of tags for phrase push (separated by comma)") do |tags| set[:tags] = tags end opts.on("-R", "--recursive", "Push files in subfolders as well (recursively)") do |recursive| set[:recursive] = true end opts.on("--locale=en", String, "Locale of the translations your file contain (required for formats that do not include the name of the locale in the file content)") do |locale| set[:locale] = locale end opts.on("--format=yml", String, "See documentation for list of allowed formats") do |format| set[:format] = format end opts.on("--force-update-translations", "Force update of existing translations with the file content") do |update_translations| set[:update_translations] = update_translations end opts.on("--skip-unverification", "When force updating translations, skip unverification of non-main locale translations") do |skip_unverification| set[:skip_unverification] = skip_unverification end opts.on("--secret=YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", String, "The Auth Token to use for this operation instead of the saved one (optional)") do |secret| set[:secret] = secret end end private_class_method :push def self.pull(opts, set) opts.banner = "phrase pull [LOCALE]" opts.on("--format=yml", String, "See documentation for list of allowed formats") do |format| set[:format] = format end opts.on("--target=./phrase/locales", String, "Target folder to store locale files") do |target| set[:target] = target end opts.on("--tag=foo", String, "Limit results to a given tag instead of all translations") do |tag| set[:tag] = tag end opts.on("--secret=YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", String, "The Auth Token to use for this operation instead of the saved one (optional)") do |secret| set[:secret] = secret end end private_class_method :pull def self.tags(opts, set) opts.banner = "phrase tags" opts.on("-l", "--list", "List all tags") do |list| set[:list] = list end end private_class_method :tags def self.default(opts, set) opts.banner = "" opts.on_tail("-v", "--version", "Show version number") do |version| set[:version] = true end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show help") do |help| set[:help] = true end end private_class_method :default end