#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w # encoding: UTF-8 # # = TjpExportRE.rb -- The TaskJuggler III Project Management Software # # Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 # by Chris Schlaeger # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # require 'taskjuggler/reports/ReportBase' class TaskJuggler # This specialization of ReportBase implements an export of the # project data in the TJP syntax format. class TjpExportRE < ReportBase # Create a new object and set some default values. def initialize(report) super(report) @supportedTaskAttrs = %w( booking complete depends flags maxend maxstart minend minstart note priority projectid responsible ) @supportedResourceAttrs = %w( flags vacation workinghours ) end def generateIntermediateFormat super end # Return the project data in TJP syntax format. def to_tjp # Prepare the resource list. @resourceList = PropertyList.new(@project.resources) @resourceList.setSorting(a('sortResources')) @resourceList = filterResourceList(@resourceList, nil, a('hideResource'), a('rollupResource'), a('openNodes')) @resourceList.sort! # Prepare the task list. @taskList = PropertyList.new(@project.tasks) @taskList.setSorting(a('sortTasks')) @taskList = filterTaskList(@taskList, nil, a('hideTask'), a('rollupTask'), a('openNodes')) @taskList.sort! getBookings @file = '' generateProjectProperty if a('definitions').include?('project') generateFlagDeclaration if a('definitions').include?('flags') generateProjectIDs if a('definitions').include?('projectids') generateResourceList if a('definitions').include?('resources') generateTaskList if a('definitions').include?('tasks') generateTaskAttributes unless a('taskAttributes').empty? generateResourceAttributes unless a('resourceAttributes').empty? @file end private def generateProjectProperty @file << "project #{@project['projectid']} \"#{@project['name']}\" " + "\"#{@project['version']}\" #{@project['start']} - " + "#{@project['end']} {\n" generateAttributeText("timezone \"#{@project['timezone']}\"", 2) generateCustomAttributeDeclarations('resource', @project.resources, a('resourceAttributes')) generateCustomAttributeDeclarations('task', @project.tasks, a('taskAttributes')) generateScenarioDefinition(@project.scenario(0), 2) @file << "}\n\n" end def generateScenarioDefinition(scenario, indent) @file << "#{' ' * indent}scenario #{scenario.id} " + "#{quotedString(scenario.name)} {\n" scenario.children.each do |sc| generateScenarioDefinition(sc, indent + 2) end @file << "#{' ' * (indent + 2)}active " + "#{scenario.get('active') ? 'yes' : 'no'}\n" @file << "#{' ' * indent}}\n" end def generateCustomAttributeDeclarations(tag, propertySet, attributes) # First we search the attribute definitions for any user defined # attributes and count them. customAttributes = 0 propertySet.eachAttributeDefinition do |ad| customAttributes += 1 if ad.userDefined end # Return if there are no user defined attributes. return if customAttributes == 0 # Generate definitions for each user defined attribute that is in the # taskAttributes list. @file << ' extend ' + tag + "{\n" propertySet.eachAttributeDefinition do |ad| next unless ad.userDefined && attributes.include?(ad.id) @file << " #{ad.objClass.tjpId} #{ad.id} " + "#{quotedString(ad.name)}\n" end @file << " }\n" end def generateFlagDeclaration flags = [] properties = @resourceList + @taskList properties.each do |property| a('scenarios').each do |scenarioIdx| property['flags', scenarioIdx].each do |flag| flags << flag unless flags.include?(flag) end end end flags.sort unless flags.empty? @file << "flags #{flags.join(', ')}\n\n" end end def generateProjectIDs # Compile a list of all projectIDs from the tasks in the taskList. projectIDs = [] a('scenarios').each do |scenarioIdx| @taskList.each do |task| pid = task['projectid', scenarioIdx] projectIDs << pid unless pid.nil? || projectIDs.include?(pid) end end @file << "projectids #{projectIDs.join(', ')}\n\n" unless projectIDs.empty? end def generateResourceList # The resource definitions are generated recursively. So we only need to # start it for the top-level resources. @resourceList.each do |resource| if resource.parent.nil? generateResource(resource, 0) end end @file << "\n" end def generateResource(resource, indent) Log.activity if resource.sequenceNo % 100 == 0 @file << ' ' * indent + "resource #{resource.id} " + "#{quotedString(resource.name)}" @file << ' {' unless resource.children.empty? @file << "\n" # Call this function recursively for all children that are included in the # resource list as well. resource.children.each do |subresource| if @resourceList.include?(subresource) generateResource(subresource, indent + 2) end end @file << ' ' * indent + "}\n" unless resource.children.empty? end def generateTaskList # The task definitions are generated recursively. So we only need to start # it for the top-level tasks. @taskList.each do |task| if task.parent.nil? generateTask(task, 0) end end end # Generate a task definition. It only contains a very small set of # attributes that have to be passed on the the nested tasks at creation # time. All other attributes are declared in subsequent supplement # statements. def generateTask(task, indent) Log.activity if task.sequenceNo % 100 == 0 @file << ' ' * indent + "task #{task.id} " + "#{quotedString(task.name)} {\n" if a('taskAttributes').include?('depends') a('scenarios').each do |scenarioIdx| generateTaskDependency(scenarioIdx, task, 'depends', indent + 2) generateTaskDependency(scenarioIdx, task, 'precedes', indent + 2) end end # Call this function recursively for all children that are included in the # task list as well. task.children.each do |subtask| if @taskList.include?(subtask) generateTask(subtask, indent + 2) end end # Determine whether this task has subtasks that are included in the # report or whether this is a leaf task for the report. isLeafTask = true task.children.each do |subtask| if @taskList.include?(subtask) isLeafTask = false break end end # For leaf tasks we put some attributes right here. if isLeafTask a('scenarios').each do |scenarioIdx| generateAttribute(task, 'start', indent + 2, scenarioIdx) if task['milestone', scenarioIdx] if task['scheduled', scenarioIdx] generateAttributeText('milestone', indent + 2, scenarioIdx) end else generateAttribute(task, 'end', indent + 2, scenarioIdx) generateAttributeText('scheduling ' + (task['forward', scenarioIdx] ? 'asap' : 'alap'), indent + 2, scenarioIdx) end if task['scheduled', scenarioIdx] && !inheritable?(task, 'scheduled', scenarioIdx) generateAttributeText('scheduled', indent + 2, scenarioIdx) end end end @file << ' ' * indent + "}\n" end # Generate 'depends' or 'precedes' attributes for a task. def generateTaskDependency(scenarioIdx, task, tag, indent) return unless a('taskAttributes').include?('depends') taskDeps = task[tag, scenarioIdx] unless taskDeps.empty? str = "#{tag} " first = true taskDeps.each do |dep| next if inheritable?(task, tag, scenarioIdx, dep) || (task.parent && task.parent[tag, scenarioIdx].include?(dep)) if first first = false else str << ', ' end str << dep.task.fullId end generateAttributeText(str, indent, scenarioIdx) unless first end end # Generate a list of resource supplement statements that include the rest of # the attributes. def generateResourceAttributes @resourceList.each do |resource| Log.activity if resource.sequenceNo % 100 == 0 @file << "supplement resource #{resource.fullId} {\n" @project.resources.eachAttributeDefinition do |attrDef| id = attrDef.id next if (!@supportedResourceAttrs.include?(id) && !attrDef.userDefined) || !a('resourceAttributes').include?(id) if attrDef.scenarioSpecific a('scenarios').each do |scenarioIdx| next if inheritable?(resource, id, scenarioIdx) generateAttribute(resource, id, 2, scenarioIdx) end else generateAttribute(resource, id, 2) end end @file << "}\n" end end # Generate a list of task supplement statements that include the rest of the # attributes. def generateTaskAttributes @taskList.each do |task| Log.activity if task.sequenceNo % 100 == 0 @file << "supplement task #{task.fullId} {\n" # Declare adopted tasks. adoptees = "" task.adoptees.each do |adoptee| next unless @taskList.include?(adoptee) adoptees += ', ' unless adoptees.empty? adoptees += adoptee.fullId end generateAttributeText("adopt #{adoptees}", 2) unless adoptees.empty? @project.tasks.eachAttributeDefinition do |attrDef| id = attrDef.id next if (!@supportedTaskAttrs.include?(id) && !attrDef.userDefined) || !a('taskAttributes').include?(id) if attrDef.scenarioSpecific a('scenarios').each do |scenarioIdx| # Some attributes need special treatment. case id when 'depends' next # already taken care of when 'booking' generateBooking(task, 2, scenarioIdx) else generateAttribute(task, id, 2, scenarioIdx) end end else generateAttribute(task, id, 2) end end @file << "}\n" end end def generateAttribute(property, attrId, indent, scenarioIdx = nil) val = scenarioIdx ? property[attrId, scenarioIdx] : property.get(attrId) return if val.nil? || (val.is_a?(Array) && val.empty?) || (scenarioIdx && inheritable?(property, attrId, scenarioIdx)) generateAttributeText(property.getAttribute(attrId, scenarioIdx).to_tjp, indent, scenarioIdx) end def generateAttributeText(text, indent, scenarioIdx = nil) @file << ' ' * indent tag = '' if !scenarioIdx.nil? && scenarioIdx != 0 tag = "#{@project.scenario(scenarioIdx).id}:" @file << tag end @file << "#{indentBlock(text, indent + tag.length + 2)}\n" end # Get the booking data for all resources that should be included in the # report. def getBookings @bookings = {} if a('taskAttributes').include?('booking') a('scenarios').each do |scenarioIdx| @bookings[scenarioIdx] = {} @resourceList.each do |resource| # Get the bookings for this resource hashed by task. bookings = resource.getBookings(scenarioIdx, Interval.new(a('start'), a('end'))) next if bookings.nil? # Now convert/add them to a tripple-stage hash by scenarioIdx, task # and then resource. bookings.each do |task, booking| next unless @taskList.include?(task) if !@bookings[scenarioIdx].include?(task) @bookings[scenarioIdx][task] = {} end @bookings[scenarioIdx][task][resource] = booking end end end end end def generateBooking(task, indent, scenarioIdx) return unless @bookings[scenarioIdx].include?(task) # Convert Hash into an [ Resource, Booking ] Array sorted by Resource # ID. This guarantees a reproducible order. resourceBookings = @bookings[scenarioIdx][task].sort do |a, b| a[0].fullId <=> b[0].fullId end resourceBookings.each do |resourceId, booking| generateAttributeText('booking ' + booking.to_tjp, indent, scenarioIdx) end end # This utility function is used to indent multi-line attributes. All # attributes should be filtered through this function. Attributes that # contain line breaks will be indented properly. In addition to the # indentation specified by _indent_ all but the first line will be indented # after the first word of the first line. The text may not end with a line # break. def indentBlock(text, indent) out = '' firstSpace = 0 text.length.times do |i| if firstSpace == 0 && text[i] == ?\ # There must be a space after ? firstSpace = i end out << text[i] if text[i] == ?\n out += ' ' * (indent + firstSpace - 1) end end out end def quotedString(str) if str[-1] == ?\n "-8<-\n#{str}\n->8-" else escaped = str.gsub("\"", '\"') "\"#{escaped}\"" end end # Return true if the attribute value for _attrId_ can be inherited from # the parent scenario. def inheritable?(property, attrId, scenarioIdx, listItem = nil) parentScenario = @project.scenario(scenarioIdx).parent return false unless parentScenario parentScenarioIdx = @project.scenarioIdx(parentScenario) parentAttr = property[attrId, parentScenarioIdx] if parentAttr.is_a?(Array) && listItem return parentAttr.include?(listItem) else return property[attrId, scenarioIdx] == parentAttr end end end end