if RUBY_ENGINE == "rbx" require "codeclimate-test-reporter" CodeClimate::TestReporter.start end require 'rspec' require 'bogus/rspec' require 'virtus' require 'inflecto' # for resolving namespaced constant names module Virtus def self.warn(*) # shut up in tests end end ENV['TZ'] = 'UTC' # require spec support files and shared behavior Dir[File.expand_path('../shared/**/*.rb', __FILE__)].each { |file| require file } RSpec.configure do |config| # Remove anonymous- and example- Attribute classes from Attribute descendants config.after :all do stack = [ Virtus::Attribute ] while klass = stack.pop klass.descendants.delete_if do |descendant| descendant.name.nil? || descendant.name.empty? || descendant.name.start_with?('Examples::') end stack.concat(klass.descendants) end end # Remove constants in the Example-Module config.after :each do if defined?(Examples) Examples.constants.each do |const_name| ConstantsHelpers.undef_constant(Examples, const_name) end end end end