# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: true # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/activesupport/all/activesupport.rbi # # activesupport- class Array def as_json(options = nil); end def blank?; end def extract_options!; end def to_default_s; end def to_formatted_s(format = nil); end def to_param; end def to_query(key); end def to_sentence(options = nil); end def to_xml(options = nil); end end class Regexp def as_json(options = nil); end def multiline?; end end class Hash def _deep_transform_keys_in_object!(object, &block); end def _deep_transform_keys_in_object(object, &block); end def as_json(options = nil); end def assert_valid_keys(*valid_keys); end def blank?; end def deep_merge!(other_hash, &block); end def deep_merge(other_hash, &block); end def deep_stringify_keys!; end def deep_stringify_keys; end def deep_symbolize_keys!; end def deep_symbolize_keys; end def deep_transform_keys!(&block); end def deep_transform_keys(&block); end def except!(*keys); end def except(*keys); end def extract!(*keys); end def extractable_options?; end def nested_under_indifferent_access; end def reverse_merge!(other_hash); end def reverse_merge(other_hash); end def reverse_update(other_hash); end def slice!(*keys); end def stringify_keys!; end def stringify_keys; end def symbolize_keys!; end def symbolize_keys; end def to_options!; end def to_options; end def to_param(namespace = nil); end def to_query(namespace = nil); end def with_defaults!(other_hash); end def with_defaults(other_hash); end def with_indifferent_access; end end module ActiveSupport def parse_json_times; end def parse_json_times=(obj); end def self.eager_load!; end def self.escape_html_entities_in_json(*args, &block); end def self.escape_html_entities_in_json=(arg); end def self.gem_version; end def self.json_encoder(*args, &block); end def self.json_encoder=(arg); end def self.parse_json_times; end def self.parse_json_times=(obj); end def self.test_order; end def self.test_order=(obj); end def self.time_precision(*args, &block); end def self.time_precision=(arg); end def self.to_time_preserves_timezone; end def self.to_time_preserves_timezone=(value); end def self.use_standard_json_time_format(*args, &block); end def self.use_standard_json_time_format=(arg); end def self.version; end def test_order; end def test_order=(obj); end extend ActiveSupport::Autoload extend ActiveSupport::LazyLoadHooks end module ActiveSupport::LazyLoadHooks def execute_hook(name, base, options, block); end def on_load(name, options = nil, &block); end def run_load_hooks(name, base = nil); end def self.extended(base); end def with_execution_control(name, block, once); end end module Kernel def class_eval(*args, &block); end def enable_warnings; end def self.enable_warnings; end def self.silence_warnings; end def self.suppress(*exception_classes); end def self.with_warnings(flag); end def silence_warnings; end def suppress(*exception_classes); end def with_warnings(flag); end end class Module def alias_attribute(new_name, old_name); end def cattr_accessor(*syms, instance_reader: nil, instance_writer: nil, instance_accessor: nil, default: nil, &blk); end def cattr_reader(*syms, instance_reader: nil, instance_accessor: nil, default: nil); end def cattr_writer(*syms, instance_writer: nil, instance_accessor: nil, default: nil); end def delegate(*methods, to: nil, prefix: nil, allow_nil: nil); end def delegate_missing_to(target); end def deprecate(*method_names); end def mattr_accessor(*syms, instance_reader: nil, instance_writer: nil, instance_accessor: nil, default: nil, &blk); end def mattr_reader(*syms, instance_reader: nil, instance_accessor: nil, default: nil); end def mattr_writer(*syms, instance_writer: nil, instance_accessor: nil, default: nil); end def method_visibility(method); end def redefine_method(method, &block); end def redefine_singleton_method(method, &block); end def silence_redefinition_of_method(method); end end class Module::DelegationError < NoMethodError end class ActiveSupport::Deprecation def self.behavior(*args, &block); end def self.behavior=(arg); end def self.debug(*args, &block); end def self.debug=(arg); end def self.deprecate_methods(*args, &block); end def self.deprecation_horizon(*args, &block); end def self.deprecation_horizon=(arg); end def self.deprecation_warning(deprecated_method_name, message = nil, caller_backtrace = nil); end def self.gem_name(*args, &block); end def self.gem_name=(arg); end def self.initialize(*args, &block); end def self.instance; end def self.silence(*args, &block); end def self.silenced(*args, &block); end def self.silenced=(arg); end def self.warn(message = nil, callstack = nil); end extend ActiveSupport::Deprecation::InstanceDelegator::ClassMethods extend Singleton::SingletonClassMethods include ActiveSupport::Deprecation::Behavior include ActiveSupport::Deprecation::InstanceDelegator include ActiveSupport::Deprecation::MethodWrapper include ActiveSupport::Deprecation::Reporting include Singleton end module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::InstanceDelegator def self.included(base); end end module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::InstanceDelegator::ClassMethods def include(included_module); end def method_added(method_name); end end module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::InstanceDelegator::OverrideDelegators def deprecation_warning(deprecated_method_name, message = nil, caller_backtrace = nil); end def warn(message = nil, callstack = nil); end end module ActiveSupport::Notifications def self.instrument(name, payload = nil); end def self.instrumenter; end def self.notifier; end def self.notifier=(arg0); end def self.publish(name, *args); end def self.subscribe(*args, &block); end def self.subscribed(callback, *args, &block); end def self.unsubscribe(subscriber_or_name); end end class ActiveSupport::Notifications::Instrumenter def finish(name, payload); end def finish_with_state(listeners_state, name, payload); end def id; end def initialize(notifier); end def instrument(name, payload = nil); end def start(name, payload); end def unique_id; end end class ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event def <<(event); end def children; end def duration; end def end; end def end=(arg0); end def initialize(name, start, ending, transaction_id, payload); end def name; end def parent_of?(event); end def payload; end def time; end def transaction_id; end end class ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout def finish(name, id, payload, listeners = nil); end def initialize; end def listeners_for(name); end def listening?(name); end def lock; end def locked?; end def publish(name, *args); end def start(name, id, payload); end def subscribe(pattern = nil, callable = nil, &block); end def synchronize(&block); end def try_lock; end def unlock; end def unsubscribe(subscriber_or_name); end def wait; end include Mutex_m end module ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout::Subscribers def self.new(pattern, listener); end end class ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout::Subscribers::Evented def finish(name, id, payload); end def initialize(pattern, delegate); end def matches?(name); end def publish(name, *args); end def start(name, id, payload); end def subscribed_to?(name); end end class ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout::Subscribers::Timed < ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout::Subscribers::Evented def finish(name, id, payload); end def publish(name, *args); end def start(name, id, payload); end end class ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout::Subscribers::AllMessages def finish(name, id, payload); end def initialize(delegate); end def matches?(arg0); end def publish(name, *args); end def start(name, id, payload); end def subscribed_to?(name); end end module ActiveSupport::PerThreadRegistry def instance; end def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end def self.extended(object); end end class ActiveSupport::Notifications::InstrumentationRegistry def initialize; end def instrumenter_for(notifier); end extend ActiveSupport::PerThreadRegistry end class ActiveSupport::DeprecationException < StandardError end module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::Behavior def arity_coerce(behavior); end def behavior; end def behavior=(behavior); end def debug; end def debug=(arg0); end end module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::Reporting def _extract_callstack(callstack); end def deprecated_method_warning(method_name, message = nil); end def deprecation_caller_message(callstack); end def deprecation_message(callstack, message = nil); end def deprecation_warning(deprecated_method_name, message = nil, caller_backtrace = nil); end def extract_callstack(callstack); end def gem_name; end def gem_name=(arg0); end def ignored_callstack(path); end def silence; end def silenced; end def silenced=(arg0); end def warn(message = nil, callstack = nil); end end module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedConstantAccessor def self.included(base); end end module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::MethodWrapper def deprecate_methods(target_module, *method_names); end end class ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecationProxy def inspect; end def method_missing(called, *args, &block); end def self.new(*args, &block); end end class ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedObjectProxy < ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecationProxy def initialize(object, message, deprecator = nil); end def target; end def warn(callstack, called, args); end end class ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedInstanceVariableProxy < ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecationProxy def initialize(instance, method, var = nil, deprecator = nil); end def target; end def warn(callstack, called, args); end end class ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedConstantProxy < ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecationProxy def class; end def initialize(old_const, new_const, deprecator = nil, message: nil); end def target; end def warn(callstack, called, args); end end module ActiveSupport::Inflector def apply_inflections(word, rules, locale = nil); end def camelize(term, uppercase_first_letter = nil); end def classify(table_name); end def const_regexp(camel_cased_word); end def constantize(camel_cased_word); end def dasherize(underscored_word); end def deconstantize(path); end def demodulize(path); end def foreign_key(class_name, separate_class_name_and_id_with_underscore = nil); end def humanize(lower_case_and_underscored_word, capitalize: nil, keep_id_suffix: nil); end def inflections(locale = nil); end def ordinal(number); end def ordinalize(number); end def parameterize(string, separator: nil, preserve_case: nil); end def pluralize(word, locale = nil); end def safe_constantize(camel_cased_word); end def singularize(word, locale = nil); end def tableize(class_name); end def titleize(word, keep_id_suffix: nil); end def transliterate(string, replacement = nil); end def underscore(camel_cased_word); end def upcase_first(string); end extend ActiveSupport::Inflector extend ActiveSupport::Inflector end class ActiveSupport::Inflector::Inflections def acronym(word); end def acronym_regex(*args, &block); end def acronym_regex_with_deprecation(*args, &block); end def acronym_regex_without_deprecation; end def acronyms; end def acronyms_camelize_regex; end def acronyms_underscore_regex; end def clear(scope = nil); end def define_acronym_regex_patterns; end def human(rule, replacement); end def humans; end def initialize; end def initialize_dup(orig); end def irregular(singular, plural); end def plural(rule, replacement); end def plurals; end def self.instance(locale = nil); end def singular(rule, replacement); end def singulars; end def uncountable(*words); end def uncountables; end end class ActiveSupport::Inflector::Inflections::Uncountables < Array def <<(*word); end def add(words); end def delete(entry); end def initialize; end def to_regex(string); end def uncountable?(str); end end module ActiveSupport::Autoload def autoload(const_name, path = nil); end def autoload_at(path); end def autoload_under(path); end def autoloads; end def eager_autoload; end def eager_load!; end def self.extended(base); end end module ActiveSupport::VERSION end module ActiveSupport::Concern def append_features(base); end def class_methods(&class_methods_module_definition); end def included(base = nil, &block); end def self.extended(base); end end class ActiveSupport::Concern::MultipleIncludedBlocks < StandardError def initialize; end end module LoggerSilence def silence(temporary_level = nil); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern end module ActiveSupport::LoggerThreadSafeLevel def after_initialize; end def level; end def local_level; end def local_level=(level); end def local_log_id; end extend ActiveSupport::Concern end class ActiveSupport::Logger < Logger def add(severity, message = nil, progname = nil, &block); end def debug?; end def error?; end def fatal?; end def info?; end def initialize(*args); end def self.broadcast(logger); end def self.logger_outputs_to?(logger, *sources); end def self.silencer; end def self.silencer=(obj); end def silencer; end def silencer=(obj); end def unknown?; end def warn?; end include ActiveSupport::LoggerThreadSafeLevel include LoggerSilence end class ActiveSupport::Logger::SimpleFormatter < Logger::Formatter def call(severity, timestamp, progname, msg); end end module DateAndTime end module DateAndTime::Compatibility def preserve_timezone; end def self.preserve_timezone; end def self.preserve_timezone=(obj); end end module ActiveSupport::JSON def self.convert_dates_from(data); end def self.decode(json); end def self.encode(value, options = nil); end def self.parse_error; end end module ActiveSupport::BigDecimalWithDefaultFormat def to_s(format = nil); end end class Object < BasicObject def acts_like?(duck); end def as_json(options = nil); end def blank?; end def instance_values; end def instance_variable_names; end def presence; end def present?; end def to_param; end def to_query(key); end include ActiveSupport::Tryable end class NilClass def as_json(options = nil); end def blank?; end def to_param; end def try!(*args); end def try(*args); end end class FalseClass def as_json(options = nil); end def blank?; end def to_param; end end class TrueClass def as_json(options = nil); end def blank?; end def to_param; end end class String def as_json(options = nil); end def at(position); end def blank?; end def camelcase(first_letter = nil); end def camelize(first_letter = nil); end def classify; end def constantize; end def dasherize; end def deconstantize; end def demodulize; end def first(limit = nil); end def foreign_key(separate_class_name_and_id_with_underscore = nil); end def from(position); end def humanize(capitalize: nil, keep_id_suffix: nil); end def is_utf8?; end def last(limit = nil); end def mb_chars; end def parameterize(separator: nil, preserve_case: nil); end def pluralize(count = nil, locale = nil); end def remove!(*patterns); end def remove(*patterns); end def safe_constantize; end def singularize(locale = nil); end def squish!; end def squish; end def tableize; end def titlecase(keep_id_suffix: nil); end def titleize(keep_id_suffix: nil); end def to(position); end def truncate(truncate_at, options = nil); end def truncate_words(words_count, options = nil); end def underscore; end def upcase_first; end end class Numeric def as_json(options = nil); end def blank?; end def day; end def days; end def fortnight; end def fortnights; end def hour; end def hours; end def in_milliseconds; end def minute; end def minutes; end def second; end def seconds; end def week; end def weeks; end end class Time def acts_like_time?; end def advance(options); end def ago(seconds); end def as_json(options = nil); end def at_beginning_of_day; end def at_beginning_of_hour; end def at_beginning_of_minute; end def at_end_of_day; end def at_end_of_hour; end def at_end_of_minute; end def at_midday; end def at_middle_of_day; end def at_midnight; end def at_noon; end def beginning_of_day; end def beginning_of_hour; end def beginning_of_minute; end def blank?; end def change(options); end def compare_with_coercion(other); end def compare_without_coercion(arg0); end def end_of_day; end def end_of_hour; end def end_of_minute; end def eql_with_coercion(other); end def eql_without_coercion(arg0); end def formatted_offset(colon = nil, alternate_utc_string = nil); end def in(seconds); end def midday; end def middle_of_day; end def midnight; end def minus_with_coercion(other); end def minus_with_duration(other); end def minus_without_coercion(other); end def minus_without_duration(arg0); end def noon; end def plus_with_duration(other); end def plus_without_duration(arg0); end def rfc3339(fraction_digits = nil); end def sec_fraction; end def seconds_since_midnight; end def seconds_until_end_of_day; end def self.===(other); end def self.at_with_coercion(*args); end def self.at_without_coercion(*arg0); end def self.current; end def self.days_in_month(month, year = nil); end def self.days_in_year(year = nil); end def self.find_zone!(time_zone); end def self.find_zone(time_zone); end def self.rfc3339(str); end def self.use_zone(time_zone); end def self.zone; end def self.zone=(time_zone); end def self.zone_default; end def self.zone_default=(arg0); end def since(seconds); end def to_default_s; end def to_formatted_s(format = nil); end include DateAndTime::Calculations include DateAndTime::Zones end class ActiveSupport::TimeZone def <=>(zone); end def =~(re); end def at(secs); end def encode_with(coder); end def formatted_offset(colon = nil, alternate_utc_string = nil); end def init_with(coder); end def initialize(name, utc_offset = nil, tzinfo = nil); end def iso8601(str); end def local(*args); end def local_to_utc(time, dst = nil); end def name; end def now; end def parse(str, now = nil); end def parts_to_time(parts, now); end def period_for_local(time, dst = nil); end def period_for_utc(time); end def periods_for_local(time); end def rfc3339(str); end def self.[](arg); end def self.all; end def self.clear; end def self.country_zones(country_code); end def self.create(*arg0); end def self.find_tzinfo(name); end def self.load_country_zones(code); end def self.new(name); end def self.seconds_to_utc_offset(seconds, colon = nil); end def self.us_zones; end def self.zones_map; end def strptime(str, format, now = nil); end def time_now; end def to_s; end def today; end def tomorrow; end def tzinfo; end def utc_offset; end def utc_to_local(time); end def yesterday; end include Comparable end class DateTime < Date def <=>(other); end def advance(options); end def ago(seconds); end def as_json(options = nil); end def at_beginning_of_day; end def at_beginning_of_hour; end def at_beginning_of_minute; end def at_end_of_day; end def at_end_of_hour; end def at_end_of_minute; end def at_midday; end def at_middle_of_day; end def at_midnight; end def at_noon; end def beginning_of_day; end def beginning_of_hour; end def beginning_of_minute; end def change(options); end def default_inspect; end def end_of_day; end def end_of_hour; end def end_of_minute; end def formatted_offset(colon = nil, alternate_utc_string = nil); end def getgm; end def getlocal(utc_offset = nil); end def getutc; end def gmtime; end def in(seconds); end def inspect; end def localtime(utc_offset = nil); end def midday; end def middle_of_day; end def midnight; end def noon; end def nsec; end def offset_in_seconds; end def readable_inspect; end def seconds_since_midnight; end def seconds_since_unix_epoch; end def seconds_until_end_of_day; end def self.civil_from_format(utc_or_local, year, month = nil, day = nil, hour = nil, min = nil, sec = nil); end def self.current; end def since(seconds); end def subsec; end def to_default_s; end def to_f; end def to_formatted_s(format = nil); end def to_i; end def usec; end def utc; end def utc?; end def utc_offset; end end module DateAndTime::Zones def in_time_zone(zone = nil); end def time_with_zone(time, zone); end end class Date def acts_like_date?; end def advance(options); end def ago(seconds); end def as_json(options = nil); end def at_beginning_of_day; end def at_end_of_day; end def at_midday; end def at_middle_of_day; end def at_midnight; end def at_noon; end def beginning_of_day; end def change(options); end def compare_with_coercion(other); end def compare_without_coercion(arg0); end def default_inspect; end def end_of_day; end def in(seconds); end def midday; end def middle_of_day; end def midnight; end def minus_with_duration(other); end def minus_without_duration(arg0); end def noon; end def plus_with_duration(other); end def plus_without_duration(arg0); end def readable_inspect; end def self.beginning_of_week; end def self.beginning_of_week=(week_start); end def self.beginning_of_week_default; end def self.beginning_of_week_default=(arg0); end def self.current; end def self.find_beginning_of_week!(week_start); end def self.tomorrow; end def self.yesterday; end def since(seconds); end def to_default_s; end def to_formatted_s(format = nil); end include DateAndTime::Calculations include DateAndTime::Zones end module ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder def to_json(options = nil); end end class Struct def as_json(options = nil); end end class Symbol def as_json(options = nil); end end class Float < Numeric def as_json(options = nil); end end class BigDecimal < Numeric def as_json(options = nil); end end module Enumerable def as_json(options = nil); end end class IO def as_json(options = nil); end end class Range def as_json(options = nil); end end class URI::Generic def as_json(options = nil); end end class Pathname def as_json(options = nil); end end class Process::Status def as_json(options = nil); end end class Exception def as_json(options = nil); end end module ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding def self.escape_html_entities_in_json; end def self.escape_html_entities_in_json=(arg0); end def self.json_encoder; end def self.json_encoder=(arg0); end def self.time_precision; end def self.time_precision=(arg0); end def self.use_standard_json_time_format; end def self.use_standard_json_time_format=(arg0); end end class ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding::JSONGemEncoder def encode(value); end def initialize(options = nil); end def jsonify(value); end def options; end def stringify(jsonified); end end class ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding::JSONGemEncoder::EscapedString < String def to_json(*arg0); end def to_s; end end class ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess < Hash def [](key); end def []=(key, value); end def assoc(key); end def compact; end def convert_key(key); end def convert_value(value, options = nil); end def deep_stringify_keys!; end def deep_stringify_keys; end def deep_symbolize_keys; end def default(*args); end def delete(key); end def dig(*args); end def dup; end def extractable_options?; end def fetch(key, *extras); end def fetch_values(*indices, &block); end def has_key?(key); end def include?(key); end def initialize(constructor = nil); end def key?(key); end def member?(key); end def merge!(other_hash); end def merge(hash, &block); end def nested_under_indifferent_access; end def regular_update(*arg0); end def regular_writer(arg0, arg1); end def reject(*args, &block); end def replace(other_hash); end def reverse_merge!(other_hash); end def reverse_merge(other_hash); end def select(*args, &block); end def self.[](*args); end def set_defaults(target); end def slice!(*keys); end def slice(*keys); end def store(key, value); end def stringify_keys!; end def stringify_keys; end def symbolize_keys; end def to_hash; end def to_options!; end def to_options; end def transform_keys!; end def transform_keys(*args, &block); end def transform_values(*args, &block); end def update(other_hash); end def values_at(*indices); end def with_defaults!(other_hash); end def with_defaults(other_hash); end def with_indifferent_access; end end module ActiveSupport::Multibyte def self.proxy_class; end def self.proxy_class=(klass); end end module ActiveSupport::XmlMini_REXML def collapse(element, depth); end def empty_content?(element); end def get_attributes(element); end def merge!(hash, key, value); end def merge_element!(hash, element, depth); end def merge_texts!(hash, element); end def parse(data); end extend ActiveSupport::XmlMini_REXML end module ActiveSupport::XmlMini def _dasherize(key); end def _parse_binary(bin, entity); end def _parse_file(file, entity); end def backend; end def backend=(name); end def cast_backend_name_to_module(name); end def current_thread_backend; end def current_thread_backend=(name); end def depth; end def depth=(arg0); end def parse(*args, &block); end def rename_key(key, options = nil); end def to_tag(key, value, options); end def with_backend(name); end extend ActiveSupport::XmlMini end module ActiveSupport::XmlMini::FileLike def content_type; end def content_type=(arg0); end def original_filename; end def original_filename=(arg0); end end class ActiveSupport::Duration def %(other); end def *(other); end def +(other); end def -(other); end def -@; end def /(other); end def <=>(other); end def ==(other); end def after(time = nil); end def ago(time = nil); end def as_json(options = nil); end def before(time = nil); end def coerce(other); end def encode_with(coder); end def eql?(other); end def from_now(time = nil); end def hash; end def init_with(coder); end def initialize(value, parts); end def inspect; end def instance_of?(klass); end def is_a?(klass); end def iso8601(precision: nil); end def kind_of?(klass); end def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end def parts; end def parts=(arg0); end def raise_type_error(other); end def respond_to_missing?(method, _); end def self.===(other); end def self.build(value); end def self.calculate_total_seconds(parts); end def self.days(value); end def self.hours(value); end def self.minutes(value); end def self.months(value); end def self.parse(iso8601duration); end def self.seconds(value); end def self.weeks(value); end def self.years(value); end def since(time = nil); end def sum(sign, time = nil); end def to_i; end def to_s; end def until(time = nil); end def value; end def value=(arg0); end end class ActiveSupport::Duration::Scalar < Numeric def %(other); end def *(other); end def +(other); end def -(other); end def -@; end def /(other); end def <=>(other); end def calculate(op, other); end def coerce(other); end def initialize(value); end def raise_type_error(other); end def to_f(*args, &block); end def to_i(*args, &block); end def to_s(*args, &block); end def value; end end class ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone def +(other); end def -(other); end def <=>(other); end def acts_like_time?; end def advance(options); end def ago(other); end def as_json(options = nil); end def between?(min, max); end def blank?; end def change(options); end def comparable_time; end def day; end def dst?; end def duration_of_variable_length?(obj); end def encode_with(coder); end def eql?(other); end def formatted_offset(colon = nil, alternate_utc_string = nil); end def freeze; end def future?; end def get_period_and_ensure_valid_local_time(period); end def getgm; end def getlocal(utc_offset = nil); end def getutc; end def gmt?; end def gmt_offset; end def gmtime; end def gmtoff; end def hash; end def hour; end def httpdate; end def in(other); end def in_time_zone(new_zone = nil); end def init_with(coder); end def initialize(utc_time, time_zone, local_time = nil, period = nil); end def inspect; end def is_a?(klass); end def isdst; end def iso8601(fraction_digits = nil); end def kind_of?(klass); end def localtime(utc_offset = nil); end def marshal_dump; end def marshal_load(variables); end def mday; end def method_missing(sym, *args, &block); end def min; end def mon; end def month; end def nsec; end def past?; end def period; end def respond_to?(sym, include_priv = nil); end def respond_to_missing?(sym, include_priv); end def rfc2822; end def rfc3339(fraction_digits = nil); end def rfc822; end def sec; end def self.name; end def since(other); end def strftime(format); end def time; end def time_zone; end def to_a; end def to_date; end def to_datetime; end def to_f; end def to_formatted_s(format = nil); end def to_i; end def to_r; end def to_s(format = nil); end def to_time; end def today?; end def transfer_time_values_to_utc_constructor(time); end def tv_sec; end def usec; end def utc; end def utc?; end def utc_offset; end def wday; end def wrap_with_time_zone(time); end def xmlschema(fraction_digits = nil); end def yday; end def year; end def zone; end include Comparable end module ActiveSupport::Tryable def try!(*a, &b); end def try(*a, &b); end end class Delegator < BasicObject include ActiveSupport::Tryable end module DateAndTime::Calculations def all_day; end def all_month; end def all_quarter; end def all_week(start_day = nil); end def all_year; end def at_beginning_of_month; end def at_beginning_of_quarter; end def at_beginning_of_week(start_day = nil); end def at_beginning_of_year; end def at_end_of_month; end def at_end_of_quarter; end def at_end_of_week(start_day = nil); end def at_end_of_year; end def beginning_of_month; end def beginning_of_quarter; end def beginning_of_week(start_day = nil); end def beginning_of_year; end def copy_time_to(other); end def days_ago(days); end def days_since(days); end def days_span(day); end def days_to_week_start(start_day = nil); end def end_of_month; end def end_of_quarter; end def end_of_week(start_day = nil); end def end_of_year; end def first_hour(date_or_time); end def future?; end def last_hour(date_or_time); end def last_month; end def last_quarter; end def last_week(start_day = nil, same_time: nil); end def last_weekday; end def last_year; end def monday; end def months_ago(months); end def months_since(months); end def next_day(days = nil); end def next_month(months = nil); end def next_occurring(day_of_week); end def next_quarter; end def next_week(given_day_in_next_week = nil, same_time: nil); end def next_weekday; end def next_year(years = nil); end def on_weekday?; end def on_weekend?; end def past?; end def prev_day(days = nil); end def prev_month(months = nil); end def prev_occurring(day_of_week); end def prev_quarter; end def prev_week(start_day = nil, same_time: nil); end def prev_weekday; end def prev_year(years = nil); end def sunday; end def today?; end def tomorrow; end def weeks_ago(weeks); end def weeks_since(weeks); end def years_ago(years); end def years_since(years); end def yesterday; end end class Class < Module def class_attribute(*attrs); end def descendants; end def subclasses; end end module ActiveSupport::NumberHelper def number_to_currency(number, options = nil); end def number_to_delimited(number, options = nil); end def number_to_human(number, options = nil); end def number_to_human_size(number, options = nil); end def number_to_percentage(number, options = nil); end def number_to_phone(number, options = nil); end def number_to_rounded(number, options = nil); end extend ActiveSupport::Autoload extend ActiveSupport::NumberHelper end class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberConverter def default_format_options; end def default_value(key); end def execute; end def format_options; end def i18n_format_options; end def initialize(number, options); end def namespace; end def namespace=(val); end def namespace?; end def number; end def options; end def opts; end def self.convert(number, options); end def self.namespace; end def self.namespace=(val); end def self.namespace?; end def self.validate_float; end def self.validate_float=(val); end def self.validate_float?; end def translate_in_locale(key, i18n_options = nil); end def translate_number_value_with_default(key, i18n_options = nil); end def valid_float?; end def validate_float; end def validate_float=(val); end def validate_float?; end end class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToPhoneConverter < ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberConverter def convert; end def convert_to_phone_number(number); end def convert_with_area_code(number); end def convert_without_area_code(number); end def country_code(code); end def delimiter; end def phone_ext(ext); end def regexp_pattern(default_pattern); end def start_with_delimiter?(number); end end