# Releasing 1. Update the version number in these places: - `lib/neat/version.rb` - `core/neat/_neat.scss` - `package.json` - `bower.json` 1. Update `CHANGELOG.md` 1. Commit changes. Use the convention “Neat vX.X.X” in your commit message. There shouldn’t be code changes, and thus CI doesn’t need to run. 1. Run `bundle exec rake release`, which tags the release, pushes the tag to GitHub, and pushes the gem to RubyGems.org. 1. Run `npm publish`, which pushes the new version to npm’s registry (if releasing a pre-release, run `npm publish --tag beta`). 1. Add a [new GitHub release](//github.com/thoughtbot/neat/releases/new). 1. Re-generate and publish the [documentation website](//github.com/thoughtbot/neat-docs), using the available Gulp tasks. 1. Announce the new release, making sure to say “thank you” to the contributors who helped shape this version!