LOG.inform("XMLDOC.Parser loaded"); /** * XML Parser object. Returns an {@link #XMLDOC.Parser.node} which is * the root element of the parsed document. *

* By default, this parser will only handle well formed XML. To * allow the parser to handle HTML, set the XMLDOC.Parser.strictMode * variable to false before calling XMLDOC.Parser.parse(). *

* Note: If you pass poorly formed XML, it will cause the parser to throw * an exception. * * @author Brett Fattori (bfattori@fry.com) * @author $Author$ * @version $Revision$ */ XMLDOC.Parser = {}; /** * Strict mode setting. Setting this to false allows HTML-style source to * be parsed. Normally, well formed XML has defined end tags, or empty tags * are properly formed. Default: true * @type Boolean */ XMLDOC.Parser.strictMode = true; /** * A node in an XML Document. Node types are ROOT, ELEMENT, COMMENT, PI, and TEXT. * @param parent {XMLDOC.Parser.node} The parent node * @param name {String} The node name * @param type {String} One of the types */ XMLDOC.Parser.node = function(parent, name, type) { this.name = name; this.type = type || "ELEMENT"; this.parent = parent; this.charData = ""; this.attrs = {}; this.nodes = []; this.cPtr = 0; XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.getAttributeNames = function() { var a = []; for (var o in this.attrs) { a.push(o); } return a; }; XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.getAttribute = function(attr) { return this.attrs[attr]; }; XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.setAttribute = function(attr, val) { this.attrs[attr] = val; }; XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.getChild = function(idx) { return this.nodes[idx]; }; XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.parentNode = function() { return this.parent; }; XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.firstChild = function() { return this.nodes[0]; }; XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.lastChild = function() { return this.nodes[this.nodes.length - 1]; }; XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.nextSibling = function() { var p = this.parent; if (p && (p.nodes.indexOf(this) + 1 != p.nodes.length)) { return p.getChild(p.nodes.indexOf(this) + 1); } return null; }; XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.prevSibling = function() { var p = this.parent; if (p && (p.nodes.indexOf(this) - 1 >= 0)) { return p.getChild(p.nodes.indexOf(this) - 1); } return null; }; }; /** * Parse an XML Document from the specified source. The XML should be * well formed, unless strict mode is disabled, then the parser will * handle HTML-style XML documents. * @param src {String} The source to parse */ XMLDOC.Parser.parse = function(src) { var A = []; // Normailize whitespace A = src.split("\r\n"); src = A.join("\n"); A = src.split("\r"); src = A.join("\n"); // Remove XML and DOCTYPE specifier src.replace(/<\?XML .*\?>/i, ""); src.replace(//i, ""); // The document is the root node and cannot be modified or removed var doc = new XMLDOC.Parser.node(null, "ROOT", "DOCUMENT"); // Let's break it down XMLDOC.Parser.eat(doc, src); return doc; }; /** * The XML fragment processing routine. This method is private and should not be called * directly. * @param parentNode {XMLDOC.Parser.node} The node which is the parent of this fragment * @param src {String} The source within the fragment to process * @private */ XMLDOC.Parser.eat = function(parentNode, src) { // A simple tag def var reTag = new RegExp("<(!|)(\\?|--|)((.|\\s)*?)\\2>","g"); // Special tag types var reCommentTag = //; var rePITag = /<\?((.|\s)*?)\?>/; // A start tag (with potential empty marker) var reStartTag = /<(.*?)( +([\w_\-]*)=(\"|')(.*)\4)*(\/)?>/; // An empty HTML style tag (not proper XML, but we'll accept it so we can process HTML) var reHTMLEmptyTag = /<(.*?)( +([\w_\-]*)=(\"|')(.*)\4)*>/; // Fully enclosing tag with nested tags var reEnclosingTag = /<(.*?)( +([\w_\-]*)=(\"|')(.*?)\4)*>((.|\s)*?)<\/\1>/; // Breaks down attributes var reAttributes = new RegExp(" +([\\w_\\-]*)=(\"|')(.*?)\\2","g"); // Find us a tag var tag; while ((tag = reTag.exec(src)) != null) { if (tag.index > 0) { // The next tag has some text before it var text = src.substring(0, tag.index).replace(/^[ \t\n]+((.|\n)*?)[ \t\n]+$/, "$1"); if (text.length > 0 && (text != "\n")) { var txtnode = new XMLDOC.Parser.node(parentNode, "", "TEXT"); txtnode.charData = text; // Append the new text node parentNode.nodes.push(txtnode); } // Reset the lastIndex of reTag reTag.lastIndex -= src.substring(0, tag.index).length; // Eat the text src = src.substring(tag.index); } if (reCommentTag.test(tag[0])) { // Is this a comment? var comment = new XMLDOC.Parser.node(parentNode, "", "COMMENT"); comment.charData = reCommentTag.exec(tag[0])[1]; // Append the comment parentNode.nodes.push(comment); // Move the lastIndex of reTag reTag.lastIndex -= tag[0].length; // Eat the tag src = src.replace(reCommentTag, ""); } else if (rePITag.test(tag[0])) { // Is this a processing instruction? var pi = new XMLDOC.Parser.node(parentNode, "", "PI"); pi.charData = rePITag.exec(tag[0])[1]; // Append the processing instruction parentNode.nodes.push(pi); // Move the lastIndex of reTag reTag.lastIndex -= tag[0].length; // Eat the tag src = src.replace(rePITag, ""); } else if (reStartTag.test(tag[0])) { // Break it down var e = reStartTag.exec(tag[0]); var elem = new XMLDOC.Parser.node(parentNode, e[1], "ELEMENT"); // Get attributes from the tag var a; while ((a = reAttributes.exec(e[2])) != null ) { elem.attrs[a[1]] = a[3]; } // Is this an empty XML-style tag? if (e[6] == "/") { // Append the empty element parentNode.nodes.push(elem); // Move the lastIndex of reTag (include the start tag length) reTag.lastIndex -= e[0].length; // Eat the tag src = src.replace(reStartTag, ""); } else { // Check for malformed XML tags var htmlParsed = false; var htmlStartTag = reHTMLEmptyTag.exec(src); // See if there isn't an end tag within this block var reHTMLEndTag = new RegExp(""); var htmlEndTag = reHTMLEndTag.exec(src); if (XMLDOC.Parser.strictMode && htmlEndTag == null) { // Poorly formed XML fails in strict mode var err = new Error("Malformed XML passed to XMLDOC.Parser... Error contains malformed 'src'"); err.src = src; throw err; } else if (htmlEndTag == null) { // This is an HTML-style empty tag, store the element for it in non-strict mode parentNode.nodes.push(elem); // Eat the tag src = src.replace(reHTMLEmptyTag, ""); htmlParsed = true; } // If we didn't parse HTML-style, it must be an enclosing tag if (!htmlParsed) { var enc = reEnclosingTag.exec(src); // Go deeper into the document XMLDOC.Parser.eat(elem, enc[6]); // Append the new element node parentNode.nodes.push(elem); // Eat the tag src = src.replace(reEnclosingTag, ""); } } // Reset the lastIndex of reTag reTag.lastIndex = 0; } } // No tag was found... append the text if there is any src = src.replace(/^[ \t\n]+((.|\n)*?)[ \t\n]+$/, "$1"); if (src.length > 0 && (src != "\n")) { var txtNode = new XMLDOC.Parser.node(parentNode, "", "TEXT"); txtNode.charData = src; // Append the new text node parentNode.nodes.push(txtNode); } };