Release notes for Kendo UI v2012.2.710
What's new
- Cannot parse JSON data attribute values which start or end with a whitespace
- kendo.parseDate supports ISO8601 formatted date.
- Kendo Web widgets are initialized in a mobile application based on data role (using kendo.all.js).
- kendo.init supports variable amount of suites to initialize from
What's new
- Custom data handler has access to predefined request data
- Add support for filtering on values not contained in a given string
What's fixed
- Inserting a new record in XML data source throws JavaScript error
- Filter expressions are not cleared if additional data is assigned through the transport's data
- Group values are not converted to the field types when server grouping is enabled
What's new
- Draggable supports container constraint option
- Draggable supports axis (x | y) constraint option
What's new
- kendo.parseDate supports Date strings with timezone.
- kendo.parseDate returns null if no AM/PM specifier is provided
What's fixed
- Currency formatted strings are not parsed correctly if "en-ZA" culture is used
What's new
- ObservableObject's toJSON method should be recursive
What's fixed
- Changes in parent fields bound to a template are not reflected
- Value of the input with update on keyup is not updated in some cases
What's fixed
- Pattern rule should be executed for input elements of type password
- Show decoded validation message text
What's new
- Transformation effects can't be stacked
What's fixed
- Popup based widgets can now be nested in other Popup based widgets
- Popup closes with click on a Draggable inside it.
What's fixed
- Prevent click events through widget's popup in mobile devices.
- Placeholder is not shown in IE if value is cleared using widget's API
- Do not raise select event when ENTER is pressed and no item is selected
- Widget placed in editable grid throws exception in IE9 while typing
What's fixed
- Widget throws an exception when try to search empty datasource.
- iOS: Fix styling on DropDown (combo) opening
- Widget does not show the loading icon when bound using MVVM
- Initializing from <select> element does not select the correct item after rebind
- Prevent click events through widget's popup in mobile devices.
- Placeholder is not shown in IE if value is cleared using widget's API
- Do not raise select event when ENTER is pressed and no item is selected
- Widget placed in editable grid throws exception in IE9 while typing
What's new
- Widget restricts the entered value if it's date part is equal to the min value
- Define multiple parsing formats.
What's new
- Widget restricts the entered value if it's date part is equal to the min value
- Ability to define the available times in the drop-down list.
- Define multiple parsing formats.
What's new
- Allow to set an object as optionLabel
What's fixed
- iOS: Fix styling on DropDown (combo) opening
- Widget does not show the loading icon when bound using MVVM
- Widget does not select an item with 0 value
- Prevent click events through widget's popup in mobile devices.
- Initializing from <select> does not copy the tabindex attribute properly
What's new
- Allow declarative item customization of the Editor's FontName, FontSize and FormatBlock tools
- Change "Text" and "Value" fields used by Editor DropDowns to "text" and "value"
- ViewHTML command that allows access to plain-text HTML editing
What's fixed
- Unbreakable text shows horizontal scrollbar
- Android and BlackBerry support regression
- IE8 injects invalid attributes in the Editor's value for particular DOM elements (originalsrc for iframes and altHtml for objects)
What's new
- Aggregates are set to zero when grid is bound to empty data
- Grid column menu
- Foreign key column support
- Ability to set column header template
- Implement "Refresh" button in the pager
- Allow the user to change the page size of the grid
- Ability to attach click handler to custom commands
- First, last, next and previous buttons in the pager
- Ability to change the current page by typing it in a textbox
- Show which items are currently displayed in the pager
- Show message in the pager when the grid is empty
- Support for setting per column header, footer and cell html attributes
What's fixed
- Group header and toolbar are with switched positions
- Grid headers are misaligned when printed in Firefox and scrolling is enabled
- Calling editRow fails when the grid is in "incell" editing mode
- Group reordering does not work properly
- Column editor is not displayed when no Model definition is provided and field value is 0
- Multiple filter menus for a single column are created when bound through MVVM to a DataSource instance
- Destroy confirmation message is not displayed
What's new
- Close method without parameters should close all open root items
What's fixed
- Preventing Select event should stop navigation
- Javascript error on init in frameset in IE9
- Document click handling is not needed
- Click event is handled inside a template
What's new
- Ability to set the min, max and step values using the widget API
- Use placeholder attribute of the input where it is supported
What's fixed
- Widget with "c" format and "en-ZA" culture does not work correctly
- Cannot clear value of the numerictextbox with defined min/max value
What's fixed
- PanelBar clears embedded widget selected state.
What's new
- Breaking change: Slider and RangeSlider should not have default value.
What's fixed
- Collapsed Splitter pane has scrollbars in IE9
What's new
- Ability to define the available times in the drop-down list.
- Define multiple parsing formats.
What's new
- Allow disabled items to be expanded / collapsed through the API
What's fixed
- checkboxTemplate does not work with templates passed as a string
What's new
- Alert dialog is no longer shown on upload/remove error
- Error event is raised when the response code is not 2xx
- Add progress event
- Add RemoveField to Async settings
- Add SaveUrl and RemoveUrl options to Async section
What's fixed
- Drag and drop is not enabled in Chrome
- Unable to set data in upload event on retry
- Status icon should not be rendered in synchronous mode
What's new
- Infer visible configuration from content element visibility
What's fixed
- Resizing is broken in IE8
- Maximizing a Window in Firefox resets the document scroll position
- Creating hidden modal windows hides the modal overlay