# Flapjack::Diner
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Access the JSON API of a [Flapjack](http://flapjack.io/) system monitoring server.
Please note that the following documentation refers to the `v2.0.0b1` pre-release of this gem. You may instead be looking for [documentation for the latest stable version](https://github.com/flapjack/flapjack-diner/blob/maint/1.x/README.md).
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'flapjack-diner', :github => 'flapjack/flapjack-diner'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Note, you can also install from [RubyGems.org](https://rubygems.org/gems/flapjack-diner) as usual.
## Usage
Set the URI of the Flapjack server:
Optionally, set a logger to log requests & responses:
Flapjack::Diner.logger = Logger.new('logs/flapjack_diner.log')
If you want to alter timeout periods for HTTP connection open and reading responses:
# Set HTTP connect timeout to 30 seconds
# Set HTTP read timeout to 5 minutes
If you want the old behaviour with respect to returning hashes with keys as strings (they're now symbols by default) then:
Flapjack::Diner.return_keys_as_strings = true
## Functions
Options for all of **flapjack-diner**'s functions are organised as either:
* Ids -- One or more String or Integer values; or
* Parameters -- One or more Hashes
While these can be passed in in any order, the convention is that they will be ordered as listed above.
If any operation fails (returning nil), the `Flapjack::Diner.last_error` method will return an error message regarding the failure.
### [Checks](#section_checks)
* [create_checks](#create_checks)
* [checks](#get_checks)
* [update_checks](#update_checks)
* [delete_checks](#delete_checks)
### [Contacts](#section_contacts)
* [create_contacts](#create_contacts)
* [contacts](#get_contacts)
* [update_contacts](#update_contacts)
* [delete_contacts](#delete_contacts)
### [Media](#section_media)
* [create_media](#create_media)
* [media](#get_media)
* [update_media](#update_media)
* [delete_media](#delete_media)
### [Rules](#section_rules)
* [create_rules](#create_rules)
* [rules](#get_rules)
* [update_rules](#update_rules)
* [delete_rules](#delete_rules)
### [Tags](#section_tags)
* [create_tags](#create_tags)
* [tags](#get_tags)
* [update_tags](#update_tags)
* [delete_tags](#delete_tags)
### [Maintenance periods](#section_maintenance_periods)
* [create_scheduled_maintenances](#create_scheduled_maintenances)
* [scheduled_maintenances](#get_scheduled_maintenances)
* [update_scheduled_maintenances](#update_scheduled_maintenances)
* [delete_scheduled_maintenances](#delete_scheduled_maintenances)
* [unscheduled_maintenances](#get_unscheduled_maintenances)
* [update_unscheduled_maintenances](#update_unscheduled_maintenances)
* [delete_unscheduled_maintenances](#delete_unscheduled_maintenances)
### [Events](#section_events)
* [create_acknowledgements](#create_acknowledgements)
* [create_test_notifications](#create_test_notifications)
### [Miscellaneous](#section_miscellaneous)
* [states](#get_states)
* [metrics](#get_metrics)
* [statistics](#get_statistics)
### Checks [^](#contents_section_checks)
### create_checks
Create one or more checks.
Flapjack::Diner.create_checks(CHECK, ...)
:name => STRING,
:enabled => BOOLEAN,
:initial_failure_delay => INTEGER,
:repeat_failure_delay => INTEGER,
:tags => [UUID_STRING, ...]
Returns false if creation failed, or the created object(s) if it succeeded.
### checks
Return data for one, some or all checks.
check = Flapjack::Diner.checks(UUID_STRING)
some_checks = Flapjack::Diner.checks(UUID_STRING, UUID_STRING, ...)
first_page_of_checks = Flapjack::Diner.checks
### update_checks
Update data for one or more checks.
# update values for one check
Flapjack::Diner.update_checks(UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...)
# update values for multiple checks
Flapjack::Diner.update_checks({UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...}, {UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...})
Acceptable update field keys are
`:enabled`, `:name`, `:initial_failure_delay`, `:repeat_failure_delay` and `:tags`
Returns true if updating succeeded or false if updating failed.
#### delete_checks
Delete one or more checks.
# delete one check
# delete multiple check
Flapjack::Diner.delete_checks(UUID_STRING, UUID_STRING, ...)
Returns true if deletion succeeded or false if deletion failed.
### Contacts [^](#contents_section_contacts)
#### create_contacts
Create one or more contacts.
Flapjack::Diner.create_contacts(CONTACT, ...)
:name => STRING,
:timezone => STRING,
:tags => [UUID_STRING, ...]
Returns false if creation failed, or the created object(s) if it succeeded.
#### contacts
Return data for one, some or all contacts.
contact = Flapjack::Diner.contacts(UUID_STRING)
some_contacts = Flapjack::Diner.contacts(UUID_STRING, UUID_STRING, ...)
first_page_of_contacts = Flapjack::Diner.contacts
#### update_contacts
Update data for one or more contacts.
# update values for one contact
Flapjack::Diner.update_contacts(UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...)
# update values for multiple contacts
Flapjack::Diner.update_contacts({UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...}, {UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...})
Acceptable update field keys are
`:name`, `:timezone` and `:tags`
Returns true if updating succeeded, false if updating failed.
#### delete_contacts
Delete one or more contacts.
# delete one contact
# delete multiple contacts
Flapjack::Diner.delete_contacts(UUID_STRING, UUID_STRING, ...)
Returns true if deletion succeeded or false if deletion failed.
### Media [^](#contents_section_media)
#### create_media
Create one or more notification media.
Flapjack::Diner.create_media(MEDIUM, MEDIUM, ...)
:transport => STRING, # required
:address => STRING, # required (context depends on transport)
:interval => INTEGER, # required (if transport != 'pagerduty')
:rollup_threshold => INTEGER, # required (if transport != 'pagerduty')
:pagerduty_subdomain => STRING, # required (if transport == 'pagerduty')
:pagerduty_token => STRING, # required (if transport == 'pagerduty')
:pagerduty_ack_duration => INTEGER, # required (if transport == 'pagerduty')
:contact => UUID_STRING, # required
:rules => [UUID_STRING, UUID_STRING, ...]
Returns false if creation failed, or the created object(s) if it succeeded.
#### media
Return data for one, some or all notification media.
medium = Flapjack::Diner.media(UUID_STRING)
some_media = Flapjack::Diner.media(UUID_STRING, UUID_STRING, ...)
first_page_of_media = Flapjack::Diner.media
#### update_media
Update data for one or more notification media.
# update values for one medium
Flapjack::Diner.update_media(UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...)
# update values for multiple media
Flapjack::Diner.update_media({UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...}, {UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...})
Acceptable update field keys are
`:address`, `:interval`, `:rollup_threshold`, `:pagerduty_subdomain`, `:pagerduty_token`, `:pagerduty_ack_duration` and `:rules`
Returns true if updating succeeded or false if updating failed.
#### delete_media
Delete one or more notification media.
# delete one medium
# delete multiple media
Flapjack::Diner.delete_media(UUID_STRING, UUID_STRING, ...)
Returns true if deletion succeeded or false if deletion failed.
### Rules [^](#contents_section_rules)
#### create_rules
Create one or more notification rules.
Flapjack::Diner.create_rules(RULE, ...)
:name => STRING,
:enabled => BOOLEAN,
:blackhole => BOOLEAN,
:strategy => STRING, # one of ['global', 'all_tags', 'any_tag', 'no_tag']
:conditions_list => STRING, # which conditions the rule will match;
# all if empty, or comma-separated subset
# of 'critical,warning,unknown'
:time_restriction_ical => STRING,
:contact => UUID_STRING, # required
:media => [UUID_STRING, ...]
:tags => [UUID_STRING, ...]
Returns false if creation failed, or the created object(s) if it succeeded.
#### rules
Return data for one, some or all notification rules.
rule = Flapjack::Diner.rules(UUID_STRING)
some_rules = Flapjack::Diner.rules(UUID_STRING, UUID_STRING, ...)
first_page_of_rules = Flapjack::Diner.rules
#### update_rules
Update data for one or more notification rules.
# update values for one rule
Flapjack::Diner.update_rules(:id => UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...)
# update values for multiple rules
Flapjack::Diner.update_rules({:id => UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...}, {:id => UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...})
Acceptable update field keys are
`:name`, `:enabled`, `:blackhole`, `:strategy`, `:conditions_list`, `:time_restrictiosn_ical`, `:media` and `:tags`
Returns true if updating succeeded or false if updating failed.
#### delete_rules
Delete one or more notification rules.
# delete one rule
# delete multiple rules
Flapjack::Diner.delete_rules(UUID_STRING, UUID_STRING, ...)
Returns true if deletion succeeded or false if deletion failed.
### Tags [^](#contents_section_tags)
#### create_tags
Create one or more tags.
Flapjack::Diner.create_tags(TAG, ...)
:name => STRING, # required
:checks => [UUID_STRING, ...],
:contacts => [UUID_STRING, ...],
:rules => [UUID_STRING, ...]
Returns false if creation failed, or the created object(s) if it succeeded.
#### tags
Return data for one, some or all tags.
tag = Flapjack::Diner.tags(UUID_STRING)
some_tags = Flapjack::Diner.tags(UUID_STRING, UUID_STRING, ...)
first_page_of_tags = Flapjack::Diner.tags
#### update_tags
Update data for one or more tags.
# update values for one tag
Flapjack::Diner.update_tags(:id => UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...)
# update values for multiple tags
Flapjack::Diner.update_tags({:id => UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...}, {:id => UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...})
Acceptable update field keys are
`:checks`, `:contacts` and `:rules`
Returns true if updating succeeded or false if updating failed.
#### delete_tags
Delete one or more tags.
# delete one tag
# delete multiple tags
Flapjack::Diner.delete_tags(UUID_STRING, UUID_STRING, ...)
Returns true if deletion succeeded or false if deletion failed.
### Maintenance periods [^](#contents_section_maintenance_periods)
### create_scheduled_maintenances
Create one or more scheduled maintenance periods (`duration` seconds in length) on one or more checks.
Flapjack::Diner.create_scheduled_maintenances(SCHEDULED_MAINTENANCE, ...)
:start_time => DATETIME, # required
:end_time => DATETIME, # required
:summary => STRING,
:check => UUID_STRING, # one (and only one) of :check or :tag must be provided
:tag => UUID_STRING # :tag will create scheduled maintenance periods for all checks that this tag is associated with
Returns false if creation failed, or the created object(s) if it succeeded.
### scheduled_maintenances
Return data for one, some or all scheduled maintenance periods.
scheduled_maintenance = Flapjack::Diner.scheduled_maintenances(UUID_STRING)
some_scheduled_maintenances = Flapjack::Diner.scheduled_maintenances(UUID_STRING, UUID_STRING, ...)
first_page_of_scheduled_maintenances = Flapjack::Diner.scheduled_maintenances
### update_scheduled_maintenances
Update data for one or more scheduled maintenance periods.
# update values for one scheduled maintenance period
Flapjack::Diner.update_scheduled_maintenances(:id => UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...)
# update values for multiple scheduled maintenance periods
Flapjack::Diner.update_scheduled_maintenances({:id => UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...}, {:id => UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE, ...})
Acceptable update field keys are
`:start_time`, `:end_time` and `:summary`
Returns true if updating succeeded or false if updating failed.
**FIXME** we may make it a configuration setting as to whether times in the past may be edited
### delete_scheduled_maintenances
Delete one or more scheduled maintenance periods.
Flapjack::Diner.delete_scheduled_maintenances(UUID_STRING, UUID_STRING, ...)
Returns true if deletion succeeded or false if deletion failed.
**FIXME** we may make it a configuration setting as to whether scheduled maintenance periods that have already started (or finished) may be deleted
### unscheduled_maintenances
Return data for one, some or all unscheduled maintenance periods.
unscheduled_maintenance = Flapjack::Diner.unscheduled_maintenances(UUID_STRING)
some_unscheduled_maintenances = Flapjack::Diner.unscheduled_maintenances(UUID_STRING, UUID_STRING, ...)
first_page_of_unscheduled_maintenances = Flapjack::Diner.unscheduled_maintenances
### update_unscheduled_maintenances
Update data for one or more unscheduled maintenance periods.
Flapjack::Diner.update_unscheduled_maintenances(:id => UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE)
Flapjack::Diner.update_unscheduled_maintenances({:id => UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE},
{:id => UUID_STRING, KEY => VALUE}, ...)
Acceptable update field keys are
`:start_time`, `:end_time` and `:summary`
Returns true if updating succeeded or false if updating failed.
**FIXME** we may make it a configuration setting as to whether times in the past may be edited
### delete_unscheduled_maintenances
Delete one or more unscheduled maintenance periods.
Flapjack::Diner.delete_unscheduled_maintenances(UUID_STRING, UUID_STRING, ...)
Returns true if deletion succeeded or false if deletion failed.
**FIXME** we may make it a configuration setting as to whether unscheduled maintenance periods may be deleted
### Events [^](#contents_section_events)
### create_acknowledgements
Acknowledges any failing checks from those passed and sets up unscheduled maintenance (`duration` seconds long) on them.
Flapjack::Diner.create_acknowledgements(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, ...)
:summary => STRING,
:duration => INTEGER,
:check => UUID_STRING, # one (and only one) of :check or :tag must be provided
:tag => UUID_STRING # :tag will acknowledge all failing checks that this tag is associated with
Returns false if creation failed, or the created object(s) if it succeeded.
### create_test_notifications
Instructs Flapjack to issue test notifications on the passed checks. These notifications will be sent to contacts configured to receive notifications for those checks.
Flapjack::Diner.create_test_notifications(TEST_NOTIFICATION, ...)
:summary => STRING,
:condition => STRING,
:check => UUID_STRING, # one (and only one) of :check or :tag must be provided
:tag => UUID_STRING # :tag will send test notifications for all checks that this tag is associated with
Returns false if creation failed, or the created object(s) if it succeeded.
### Miscellaneous [^](#contents_section_miscellaneous)
### states
Return data for one, some or all check states.
states = Flapjack::Diner.states(UUID_STRING)
some_states = Flapjack::Diner.states(UUID_STRING, UUID_STRING, ...)
first_page_of_states = Flapjack::Diner.states
### metrics
Return global metric data for the flapjack instance (i.e. all components backed by the shared data store).
metrics = Flapjack::Diner.metrics
### statistics
Return data for one, some or all flapjack processor instances.
statistics = Flapjack::Diner.statistics(UUID_STRING)
some_statistics = Flapjack::Diner.statistics(UUID_STRING, UUID_STRING, ...)
first_page_of_statistics = Flapjack::Diner.statistics
### Common options for all GET requests
| Option | Type | Description |
| `:fields` | String or Array of Strings | Limit the fields of `:include`d records |
| `:filter` | Hash | Resources must match query terms |
| `:include` | String or Array of Strings | Full resources to return with the response |
| `:sort` | String or Array of Strings | How the resources should be sorted |
| `:page` | Integer, > 0 | Page number |
| `:per_page` | Integer, > 0 | Number of resources per page |
### Associated data allowed for the include parameter
| Method | Association | Assoc. Type |
| `.checks` | 'alerting_media' | ['medium', ...] |
| `.checks` | 'contacts' | ['contact', ...] |
| `.checks` | 'current_scheduled_maintenances' | ['scheduled_maintenance', ...] |
| `.checks` | 'current_state' | 'state' |
| `.checks` | 'current_unscheduled_maintenance' | 'unscheduled_maintenance' |
| `.checks` | 'latest_notifications' | ['state', ...] |
| `.checks` | 'tags' | ['tag', ...] |
| `.contacts` | 'checks' | ['check', ...] |
| `.contacts` | 'media' | ['medium', ...] |
| `.contacts` | 'rules' | ['rule', ...] |
| `.contacts` | 'tags' | ['tag', ...] |
| `.media` | 'alerting_checks' | ['check', ...] |
| `.media` | 'contact' | 'contact' |
| `.media` | 'rules' | ['rule', ...] |
| `.rules` | 'contact' | 'contact' |
| `.rules` | 'media' | ['medium', ...] |
| `.rules` | 'tags' | ['tag', ...] |
| `.scheduled_maintenances` | 'check' | 'check' |
| `.states` | 'check' | 'check' |
| `.tags` | 'checks' | ['check', ...] |
| `.tags` | 'contacts' | ['contact', ...] |
| `.tags` | 'rules' | ['rule', ...] |
| `.unscheduled_maintenances` | 'check' | 'check' |
NB: these may be chained, as long as they follow the allowed paths above; e.g.
Flapjack::Diner.contacts(CONTACT_ID, :include => 'media.alerting_checks')
The above will include both the contact's media *and* any alerting checks in extra data accessible via the `Flapjack::Diner.context` method; specifically, from the value held for`:included` key in the resulting Hash.
### Retrieving object relationships
The following operations are supported: they will all return data in the format
{:type => LINKED_TYPE, :id => UUID}
(for singular resources), or
[{:type => LINKED_TYPE, :id => UUID}, {:type => LINKED_TYPE, :id => UUID}, ...]
for multiple resources.
check_link_alerting_media(check_id, opts = {})
check_link_contacts(check_id, opts = {})
check_link_current_scheduled_maintenances(check_id, opts = {})
check_link_current_state(check_id, opts = {})
check_link_current_unscheduled_maintenance(check_id, opts = {})
check_link_latest_notifications(check_id, opts = {})
check_link_scheduled_maintenances(check_id, opts = {})
check_link_states(check_id, opts = {})
check_link_tags(check_id, opts = {})
check_link_unscheduled_maintenances(check_id, opts = {})
contact_link_checks(contact_id, opts = {})
contact_link_media(contact_id, opts = {})
contact_link_rules(contact_id, opts = {})
contact_link_tags(contact_id, opts = {})
medium_link_alerting_checks(medium_id, opts = {})
medium_link_contact(medium_id, opts = {})
medium_link_rules(medium_id, opts = {})
rule_link_contact(rule_id, opts = {})
rule_link_media(rule_id, opts = {})
rule_link_tags(rule_id, opts = {})
state_link_check(state_id, opts = {})
tag_link_checks(tag_id, opts = {})
tag_link_contacts(tag_id, opts = {})
tag_link_rules(tag_id, opts = {})
tag_link_scheduled_maintenances(tag_id, opts = {})
tag_link_states(tag_id, opts = {})
tag_link_unscheduled_maintenances(tag_id, opts = {})
All returned results are paginated, and the [common options for GET requests](#common_options_get) apply here too.
### Manipulating object relationships
The following operations are supported; please note that some associations (e.g. associating an rule with a contact) must be made on object creation, via the secondary resource's create method, and cannot be altered later.
create_check_link_tags(check_id, *tags_ids)
update_check_link_tags(check_id, *tags_ids)
delete_check_link_tags(check_id, *tags_ids)
create_contact_link_tags(contact_id, *tags_ids)
update_contact_link_tags(contact_id, *tags_ids)
delete_contact_link_tags(contact_id, *tags_ids)
create_medium_link_rules(medium_id, *rules_ids)
update_medium_link_rules(medium_id, *rules_ids)
delete_medium_link_rules(medium_id, *rules_ids)
create_rule_link_media(rule_id, *media_ids)
update_rule_link_media(rule_id, *media_ids)
delete_rule_link_media(rule_id, *media_ids)
create_rule_link_tags(rule_id, *tags_ids)
update_rule_link_tags(rule_id, *tags_ids)
delete_rule_link_tags(rule_id, *tags_ids)
create_tag_link_checks(tag_id, *checks_ids)
update_tag_link_checks(tag_id, *checks_ids)
delete_tag_link_checks(tag_id, *checks_ids)
create_tag_link_contacts(tag_id, *contacts_ids)
update_tag_link_contacts(tag_id, *contacts_ids)
delete_tag_link_contacts(tag_id, *contacts_ids)
create_tag_link_rules(tag_id, *rules_ids)
update_tag_link_rules(tag_id, *rules_ids)
delete_tag_link_rules(tag_id, *rules_ids)
#### `create_{resource}_link_{related}`
Creates new links between the `resource` represented by the first argument and the `related` resources represented by the rest of the arguments. At least one `related` resource identifier must be provided. If the `related` resource is already linked, it is skipped.
#### `update_{resource}_link_{related}`
Replace all current links between the `resource` represented by the first argument with the `related` resources represented by the rest of the arguments. If there are no further arguments, removes all current links of that type for the `resource`, otherwise removes any not present in the passed `related` resources and adds any that are passed but not already present.
#### `delete_{resource}_link_{related}`
Remove the link between the `resource` represented by the first argument, and the `related` resources represented by the rest of the arguments. If there is no link for a related resource, deletion is skipped for that linkage.
## Contributing
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request