class Factory class << self attr_accessor :aliases #:nodoc: end self.aliases = [ [/(.*)_id/, '\1'], [/(.*)/, '\1_id'] ] # Defines a new alias for attributes. # # Arguments: # * pattern: +Regexp+ # A pattern that will be matched against attributes when looking for # aliases. Contents captured in the pattern can be used in the alias. # * replace: +String+ # The alias that results from the matched pattern. Captured strings can # be substituded like with +String#sub+. # # Example: # # Factory.alias /(.*)_confirmation/, '\1' # # factory_girl starts with aliases for foreign keys, so that a :user # association can be overridden by a :user_id parameter: # # Factory.define :post do |p| # p.association :user # end # # # The user association will not be built in this example. The user_id # # will be used instead. # Factory(:post, :user_id => 1) def self.alias (pattern, replace) self.aliases << [pattern, replace] end def self.aliases_for (attribute) #:nodoc: aliases.collect do |params| pattern, replace = *params if pattern.match(attribute.to_s) attribute.to_s.sub(pattern, replace).to_sym else nil end end.compact << attribute end end