# Toolrack

Toolrack just the collection of utilities that helps in my code clarity

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'toolrack'

And then execute:

    $ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install toolrack

## Usage

Toolrack is meant to be utilities hence it is prefixed with an entity.
Therefore the two utilities are both packaged in namespace:

module Antrapol::MyToolRack::ConditionUtils

module Antrapol::MyToolRack::ExceptionUtils
Besides, all the utilities so far is a module by itself, which means it is meant to be included/extended into application classes.

For example:
class EditController
  include Antrapol::MyToolRack::ConditionUtils
  include Antrapol::MyToolRack::ExceptionUtils

Currently it has 3 modules:
* Condition Utilities
  * is_empty?(obj) - I find rather effort intensive to call if not (obj.nil? or obj.empty?) for items that I want to check for validity before process. Hence this method shall test for .nil?. If the object also respond to :empty? it shall be called again. For example integer type does not support .empty?
  * not_empty?(obj) - Reverse of the is\_empty?(obj) above

* Exception Utilities
  * raise_if_empty(obj, message, error) - Extension from the is_empty?() above, usually if it is empty, an exception shall be raised. It is just combined the conditions with raise of exception. 
    * obj is the object to test for is_empty
    * message is the one that shall be thrown with the exception. 
    * error is the exception type 
  * raise_if_false(obj, message, error) - As the name implied
  * raise_if_true(obj, message, error) -  As the name implied

* Process Utilities
  * exec(command, options = { ), &block) - Passing in the command into the method and result is returned to caller. If options is not given shall go to basic execution which is the backtick (\`). If block empty, result of the command is returned to caller. If block is given, result (true or false of the execution of command and any result from STDOUT is call to block provider(e.g. block.call($?, result)

# Note on Process Utilities

The command is passed as it is to the operating system which includes fatal operation such as "rm -rf". Library at current stage made no filtering on system harmful command hence the caller of the library has to take extra precaution on what command is being passed into the library