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Versions: 1
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.TH aeolus-image 1 "July 07, 2011" "version 0.4" "USER COMMANDS" .SH NAME aeolus-image import \- command for importing existing provider images into aeolus .SH SYNOPSIS .B aeolus-image import [\-h|--help] [\-u|--username] [\-w|--password] [\-r|--provider [provider-name]] [\--id [provider-image-id]] [--description [path-to-file|xml string]] [\T|--target [target]] [\-d|--daemon] .SH DESCRIPTION aeolus-image import allows users to import pre-existing images that exist in cloud provders for example AMI from EC2, into aeolus. .SH OPTIONS .TP \-u, --user <username> Conductor username .TP \-w, --password <password> Conductor password .TP \-r, --provider <provider-name> The provider name as it exists in conductor from where the importing image resides .TP \--id <provider-image-id> The providers ID given to the importing image .TP \-T, --target The target type for the given provider .TP \--description <path-to-xml-description|xml string> A user defined description to associate with the importing image .TP \-d, --daemon Run as a background process .TP Get usage information for this command and associated commmands \-h, --help .SH EXAMPLES .TP Import the AMI ami-1234567 from the provider ec2-us-east-1 into aeolus .B aeolus-image import \--provider ec2-us-east-1 \--target ec2 \--id ami-1234567 .TP Import the AMI ami-1234567 from the provider ec2-us-west-1 into aeolus with a given xml description .B aeolus-image import \--provider ec2-us-west-1 \--target ec2 \--id ami-1234567 \--description '<image><name>myAMI</name></image>' .TP Import the AMI ami-1234567 from the provider ec2-us-west-1 into aeolus providing a path to the description XML file .B aeolus-image import \--provider ec2-us-west-1 \--target ec23 \--id ami-1234567 \--description /foo/bar/description.xml .SH AUTHOR Martyn Taylor (, Jason Guiditta ( .SH SEE ALSO aeolus-image-list(1), aeolus-image-push(1), aeolus-image-build(1)
Version data entries
1 entries across 1 versions & 1 rubygems
Version | Path |
aeolus-image-0.0.1 | man/aeolus-image-import.1 |