--- version: "5.3.4" changelog: - date: 2024-04-29 version: v5.3.4 changes: - type: bug text: "Fix issue because of which client didn't encode App Context get all event `filter` query value." - date: 2024-01-29 version: v5.3.3 changes: - type: improvement text: "Bump required version to the minimum officially supported Ruby version." - date: 2023-11-23 version: v5.3.2 changes: - type: improvement text: "Return source event data when a client configured with crypto is unable to decrypt it (can be not encrypted data or encrypted with different options)." - date: 2023-11-03 version: v5.3.1 changes: - type: improvement text: "Update license information." - date: 2023-10-16 version: v5.3.0 changes: - type: feature text: "Add crypto module that allows to configure SDK to encrypt and decrypt messages." - type: bug text: "Improved security of crypto implementation by adding enhanced AES-CBC cryptor." - date: 2023-03-14 version: v5.2.2 changes: - type: bug text: "Fix issue which raised an exception when PubNub client has been configured with a secret key." - date: 2022-12-13 version: v5.2.1 changes: - type: bug text: "Fix format which is used to return server data from `get_message_actions` method call." - date: 2022-12-12 version: v5.2.0 changes: - type: feature text: "Add api which allow to work with message actions endpoints." - type: improvement text: "Migrate test suite run from Travis to GitHub Actions." - date: 2022-11-23 version: v5.1.2 changes: - type: bug text: "Fix issue because of which channel hasn't been encoded properly with endpoint call." - date: 2022-10-26 version: v5.1.1 changes: - type: bug text: "Fix issue because of which `callback` and `http_sync` provided during client configuration not used when missing in method call." - date: 2022-07-26 version: v5.1.0 changes: - type: feature text: "Add support for spaces and users permissions in grant_token." - type: feature text: "Add user_id and deprecate uuid when creating new pubnub instance." - date: 2022-01-13 version: v5.0.0 changes: - type: improvement text: "BREAKING CHANGES: uuid is required parameter to create PubNub instance." - date: 2021-12-16 version: v4.8.0 changes: - type: feature text: "Add revoke token feature." - date: 2021-11-24 version: v4.7.1 changes: - type: feature text: "Add new method `all_history_messages` which return messages from requested interval or `since` / `before` date in single object." - type: bug text: "Fix exception raised when optional start / end not passed to `paged_history`." - date: 2021-11-09 version: v4.7.0 changes: - type: feature text: "Grant_token allows generation of signed token with permissions for channels, channel groups and uuids." - changes: - text: "Add new `sdks` section to `.pubnub.yml` with information about available artifacts and distribution variants." type: improvement date: 2021-06-09 version: v4.6.2 - changes: - text: "Exclude `spec` and `fixtures` from built gem file." type: improvement - text: "Fix Ruby SDK repository location under `sdks` section in `.pubnub.yml`." type: improvement - text: "Add new section to `.pubnub.yml` file with information about SDK and destribution types." type: improvement date: 2021-05-19 version: v4.6.1 - changes: - text: "BREAKING CHANGE: Add randomized initialization vector usage by default for data encryption / decryption in publish / subscribe / history API calls." type: feature - text: "Fix issue which caused Object request body encryption when `cipher_key` is set." type: bug date: 2021-03-08 version: v4.6.0 - changes: - text: "Add support for APNS2 device/channel management." type: feature - text: "Resolved issue with multiple timetokens in message counts endpoint" type: bug date: 2020-12-03 version: v4.5.0 - changes: - text: "Add simplified Objects API support with UUID and Channel metadata / membership management." type: feature - text: "Add uuid and parameter to Grant API along with new Objects permissions: `get`, `update` and `join`." type: feature date: 2020-10-21 version: v4.4.0 - changes: - text: "Add `delete` permission for `channel` to Grant." type: feature date: 2020-10-18 version: v4.3.0 - changes: - text: "Don't suppress runtime errors." type: bug date: 2020-09-14 version: v4.2.7 - changes: - text: "History can now respond with message meta information." type: feature - text: "Added official support for Ruby 2.7.X" type: feature - text: "History properly decrypts messages when using the \"include_token\" parameter." type: bug date: 2020-08-25 version: v4.2.6 - changes: - text: "Fixed Message Counts channel timetokens by disabling alphabetic sorting of the channels list." type: bug date: 2020-06-02 version: v4.2.5 - changes: - text: "Replace event name with full endpoint path in PAM signatures, for compatibility with PAM v2 signatures." type: bug - text: "Change paths for PAM endpoints from v1 to v2." type: bug - text: "Update PAM signature generator to correctly sort the query string parameters based on key instead of combined key and value." type: bug date: 2020-05-22 version: v4.2.4 - changes: - text: "Resolved issue with multiple timetokens in message counts endpoint" type: bug date: 2019-11-11 version: "4.2.2" - changes: - text: "Updated listener methods" type: feature date: 2019-10-25 version: "4.2.1" - changes: - text: "Added objects feature" type: feature date: 2019-10-11 version: "4.2.0" - changes: - text: "Added signal feature" type: feature date: 2019-08-21 version: "4.1.6" - changes: - text: "Updated dependencies" type: improvement date: 2019-07-29 version: "4.1.5" - changes: - text: "Added push API" type: feature date: 2019-04-08 version: "4.1.1" - changes: - text: "Added 'message_count' API endpoint" type: feature date: 2019-02-28 version: "4.1.0" - changes: - text: "Switch from Celluloid to concurrent-ruby." type: bug date: 2018-08-28 version: "4.0.28" - changes: - text: "Fixed telemetry issues." type: bug date: 2017-11-17 version: "4.0.27" - changes: - text: "Secured telemetry call. Fixed crash when an app was exiting." type: bug date: 2017-10-23 version: "4.0.26" - changes: - text: "Added telemetry" type: feature date: 2017-09-12 version: "4.0.25" - changes: - text: "Added #delete_messages method" type: feature - text: "Improved timeout error handling (thanks @f1sherman)" type: improvement date: 2017-08-29 version: "4.0.24" - changes: - text: "Fixed HereNow envelope generation" type: bug date: 2017-07-26 version: "4.0.23" - changes: - text: "Fixed signature generation and channel name escaping" type: bug date: 2017-05-31 version: "4.0.22" - changes: - text: "Fixed signature generation" type: bug date: 2017-04-18 version: "4.0.21" - changes: - text: "origin can now be set in initialized client" type: improvement - text: "presence interval support" type: improvement - text: "allows using multiple cipher keys" type: improvement date: 2017-04-11 version: "4.0.20" - changes: - text: "Fixed sync subscribe not terminating actors" type: bug date: 2017-03-02 version: v4.0.18 - changes: - text: "Added a bit more debug logging" type: improvement - text: "Updated default origin" type: improvement date: 2016-12-21 version: v4.0.17 - changes: - text: "Fixed missing channel group parameter in leave event" type: bug date: 2016-11-23 version: v4.0.16 - changes: - text: "Fixed PAM signature when some special characters are present" type: bug date: 2016-11-21 version: v4.0.15 - changes: - text: "Added ttl parameter for publish" type: improvement date: 2016-11-04 version: v4.0.14 - changes: - text: "Changed init message log level to debug" type: improvement date: 2016-11-04 version: v4.0.13 - changes: - text: "Added alert on catchup failure (REQUEST_MESSAGE_COUNT_EXCEEDED)" type: improvement date: 2016-10-31 version: v4.0.12 - changes: - text: "Added super admin mode (Enabled when secret key is set on Pubnub::Client init)" type: improvement date: 2016-10-31 version: v4.0.11 - changes: - text: "Better single events timeout handling" type: improvement - text: "DRYed envelope formatting a bit" type: improvement date: 2016-10-31 version: v4.0.10 - changes: - text: "Removed json dependency" type: improvement - text: "Updated dependecies" type: improvement date: 2016-10-31 version: v4.0.9 - changes: - text: "Updated dry-validation." type: improvement - text: "Dropped support for ruby 2.0." type: improvement date: 2016-10-31 version: v4.0.8 - changes: - text: "Added message decrypting in history." type: improvement date: 2016-08-23 version: v4.0.7 - changes: - text: "channel and channels are the same argument." type: improvement - text: "channel_group and channel_groups are the same argument." type: improvement - text: "added `with_presence` flag for subscribe, default false." type: improvement date: 2016-08-17 version: v4.0.6 - changes: - text: "Required CGI." type: improvement date: 2016-08-17 version: v4.0.5 - changes: - text: "Added #subscribe_filter for client" type: feature date: 2016-08-17 version: v4.0.2 - changes: - text: "Updated dry-validation and EnvelopeSchema." type: improvement date: 2016-08-17 version: v4.0.1 - changes: - text: "Removed auth_key and uuid setters (#set_auth_key," type: feature - text: Added type: improvement date: 2016-08-17 version: v4.0.0 - changes: - text: "Restored auth_key and uuid setters. Important notice: they will be removed" type: improvement date: 2016-08-17 version: v3.8.3 - changes: - text: "Added :include_token parameter to history call." type: feature date: 2016-08-17 version: v3.8.2 - changes: - text: "Updated celluloid dependency." type: improvement date: 2016-08-17 version: v3.8.1 - changes: - text: "Release of celluloid version of pubnub gem. It's complete rewrite but public API doesn't change." type: improvement date: 2017-08-17 version: v3.8.0 features: access: - ACCESS-GRANT - ACCESS-SECRET-KEY-ALL-ACCESS - ACCESS-GRANT-TOKEN - ACCESS-PARSE-TOKEN - ACCESS-SET-TOKEN - ACCESS-REVOKE-TOKEN channel-groups: - CHANNEL-GROUPS-ADD-CHANNELS - CHANNEL-GROUPS-REMOVE-CHANNELS - CHANNEL-GROUPS-REMOVE-GROUPS - CHANNEL-GROUPS-LIST-CHANNELS-IN-GROUP message-actions: - MESSAGE-ACTIONS-GET - MESSAGE-ACTIONS-ADD - MESSAGE-ACTIONS-REMOVE notify: - REQUEST-MESSAGE-COUNT-EXCEEDED presence: - PRESENCE-HERE-NOW - PRESENCE-WHERE-NOW - PRESENCE-SET-STATE - PRESENCE-GET-STATE - PRESENCE-HEARTBEAT publish: - PUBLISH-STORE-FLAG - PUBLISH-RAW-JSON - PUBLISH-WITH-METADATA - PUBLISH-GET - PUBLISH-POST - PUBLISH-SYNC - PUBLISH-ASYNC - PUBLISH-MESSAGE-TTL push: - PUSH-ADD-DEVICE-TO-CHANNELS - PUSH-REMOVE-DEVICE-FROM-CHANNELS - PUSH-LIST-CHANNELS-FROM-DEVICE - PUSH-REMOVE-DEVICE - PUSH-TYPE-APNS - PUSH-TYPE-APNS2 - PUSH-TYPE-FCM storage: - STORAGE-REVERSE - STORAGE-INCLUDE-TIMETOKEN - STORAGE-START-END - STORAGE-COUNT - STORAGE-DELETE-MESSAGES - STORAGE-MESSAGE-COUNT subscribe: - SUBSCRIBE-CHANNELS - SUBSCRIBE-CHANNEL-GROUPS - SUBSCRIBE-PRESENCE-CHANNELS - SUBSCRIBE-PRESENCE-CHANNELS-GROUPS - SUBSCRIBE-WITH-TIMETOKEN - SUBSCRIBE-WILDCARD - SUBSCRIBE-FILTER-EXPRESSION - SUBSCRIBE-SIGNAL-LISTENER - SUBSCRIBE-MEMBERSHIP-LISTENER - SUBSCRIBE-OBJECTS-CHANNEL-LISTENER - SUBSCRIBE-OBJECTS-UUID-LISTENER signal: - SIGNAL-SEND objects: - OBJECTS-GET-ALL-UUID-METADATA - OBJECTS-GET-UUID-METADATA - OBJECTS-SET-UUID-METADATA - OBJECTS-REMOVE-UUID-METADATA - OBJECTS-GET-ALL-CHANNEL-METADATA - OBJECTS-GET-CHANNEL-METADATA - OBJECTS-SET-CHANNEL-METADATA - OBJECTS-REMOVE-CHANNEL-METADATA - OBJECTS-GET-MEMBERSHIPS-V2 - OBJECTS-SET-MEMBERSHIPS-V2 - OBJECTS-REMOVE-MEMBERSHIPS-V2 - OBJECTS-MANAGE-MEMBERSHIPS-V2 - OBJECTS-GET-CHANNEL-MEMBERS-V2 - OBJECTS-SET-CHANNEL-MEMBERS-V2 - OBJECTS-REMOVE-CHANNEL-MEMBERS-V2 - OBJECTS-MANAGE-CHANNEL-MEMBERS-V2 - OBJECTS-FILTERING - OBJECTS-SORTING time: - TIME-TIME name: ruby schema: 1 scm: github.com/pubnub/ruby supported-platforms: - editors: - "ruby 3.2" - "ruby 3.1" - "ruby 3.0" platforms: - "FreeBSD 8-STABLE or later, amd64, 386" - "Linux 2.6 or later, amd64, 386" - "macOS 10.8 or later, amd64" - "Windows 7 or later, amd64, 386, use rubyinstaller and dev pack" - "Apart from the above, the PubNub Ruby SDK works on almost every platform where the supported Ruby versions work. To use an SSL connection, Ruby should be compiled with OpenSSL support." version: "PubNub Ruby SDK" sdks: - full-name: Ruby SDK short-name: Ruby artifacts: - artifact-type: api-client language: Ruby tier: 1 tags: - Server source-repository: https://github.com/pubnub/ruby documentation: https://www.pubnub.com/docs/sdks/ruby distributions: - distribution-type: source distribution-repository: GitHub package-name: PubNub Ruby SDK location: https://github.com/pubnub/ruby requires: - name: addressable min-version: 2.0.0 max-version: 2.8.6 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/addressable license: Apache License 2.0 license-url: https://github.com/sporkmonger/addressable/blob/main/LICENSE.txt is-required: Required notes: Will be installed along with SDK - name: concurrent-ruby min-version: 1.1.5 max-version: 1.1.10 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/concurrent-ruby license: MIT License license-url: https://github.com/ruby-concurrency/concurrent-ruby/blob/master/LICENSE.txt is-required: Required notes: Will be installed along with SDK - name: concurrent-ruby-edge min-version: 0.5.0 max-version: 0.5.0 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/concurrent-ruby-edge license: MIT License license-url: https://github.com/ruby-concurrency/concurrent-ruby/blob/master/LICENSE.txt is-required: Required notes: Will be installed along with SDK - name: dry-validation min-version: 1.0.0 max-version: 1.10.0 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/dry-validation license: MIT License license-url: https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-validation/blob/master/LICENSE is-required: Required notes: Will be installed along with SDK - name: httpclient min-version: 2.8.3 max-version: 2.8.3 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/httpclient license: Ruby License license-url: https://github.com/nahi/httpclient#license is-required: Required notes: Will be installed along with SDK - name: json min-version: 2.2.0 max-version: 2.7.1 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/json license: Ruby License license-url: https://github.com/flori/json/blob/master/LICENSE is-required: Required notes: Will be installed along with SDK - name: timers min-version: 4.3.0 max-version: 4.3.5 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/timers license: MIT License license-url: https://github.com/socketry/timers#license is-required: Required notes: Will be installed along with SDK supported-platforms: supported-operating-systems: macOS: runtime-version: - Ruby 3.0.x - Ruby 3.1.x - Ruby 3.2.x - Ruby 3.3.x minimum-os-version: - OS X 10.10 maximum-os-version: - macOS 11.2.3 target-architecture: - arm64 - x86-64 Windows: runtime-version: - Ruby 3.0.x - Ruby 3.1.x - Ruby 3.2.x - Ruby 3.3.x minimum-os-version: - Windows 7 Professional - Windows 7 Enterprise - Windows 7 Ultimate maximum-os-version: - Windows 10 Pro - Windows 10 Enterprise target-architecture: - x86 - x86-64 Linux: runtime-version: - Ruby 3.0.x - Ruby 3.1.x - Ruby 3.2.x - Ruby 3.3.x minimum-os-version: - Ubuntu 16.04 LTS maximum-os-version: - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS target-architecture: - x86 - x86-64 - distribution-type: package distribution-repository: RubyGems package-name: pubnub-5.3.4.gem location: https://rubygems.org/gems/pubnub requires: - name: addressable min-version: 2.0.0 max-version: 2.8.6 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/addressable license: Apache License 2.0 license-url: https://github.com/sporkmonger/addressable/blob/main/LICENSE.txt is-required: Required notes: Will be installed along with SDK - name: concurrent-ruby min-version: 1.1.5 max-version: 1.1.10 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/concurrent-ruby license: MIT License license-url: https://github.com/ruby-concurrency/concurrent-ruby/blob/master/LICENSE.txt is-required: Required notes: Will be installed along with SDK - name: concurrent-ruby-edge min-version: 0.5.0 max-version: 0.5.0 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/concurrent-ruby-edge license: MIT License license-url: https://github.com/ruby-concurrency/concurrent-ruby/blob/master/LICENSE.txt is-required: Required notes: Will be installed along with SDK - name: dry-validation min-version: 1.0.0 max-version: 1.10.0 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/dry-validation license: MIT License license-url: https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-validation/blob/master/LICENSE is-required: Required notes: Will be installed along with SDK - name: httpclient min-version: 2.8.3 max-version: 2.8.3 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/httpclient license: Ruby License license-url: https://github.com/nahi/httpclient#license is-required: Required notes: Will be installed along with SDK - name: json min-version: 2.2.0 max-version: 2.7.1 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/json license: Ruby License license-url: https://github.com/flori/json/blob/master/LICENSE is-required: Required notes: Will be installed along with SDK - name: timers min-version: 4.3.0 max-version: 4.3.5 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/timers license: MIT License license-url: https://github.com/socketry/timers#license is-required: Required notes: Will be installed along with SDK supported-platforms: supported-operating-systems: macOS: runtime-version: - Ruby 3.0.x - Ruby 3.1.x - Ruby 3.2.x - Ruby 3.3.x minimum-os-version: - OS X 10.10 maximum-os-version: - macOS 11.2.3 target-architecture: - arm64 - x86-64 Windows: runtime-version: - Ruby 3.0.x - Ruby 3.1.x - Ruby 3.2.x - Ruby 3.3.x minimum-os-version: - Windows 7 Professional - Windows 7 Enterprise - Windows 7 Ultimate maximum-os-version: - Windows 10 Pro - Windows 10 Enterprise target-architecture: - x86 - x86-64 Linux: runtime-version: - Ruby 3.0.x - Ruby 3.1.x - Ruby 3.2.x - Ruby 3.3.x minimum-os-version: - Ubuntu 16.04 LTS maximum-os-version: - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS target-architecture: - x86 - x86-64 - distribution-type: library distribution-repository: GitHub release package-name: pubnub-5.3.4.gem location: https://github.com/pubnub/ruby/releases/download/v5.3.4/pubnub-5.3.4.gem requires: - name: addressable min-version: 2.0.0 max-version: 2.8.6 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/addressable license: Apache License 2.0 license-url: https://github.com/sporkmonger/addressable/blob/main/LICENSE.txt is-required: Required - name: concurrent-ruby min-version: 1.1.5 max-version: 1.1.10 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/concurrent-ruby license: MIT License license-url: https://github.com/ruby-concurrency/concurrent-ruby/blob/master/LICENSE.txt is-required: Required - name: concurrent-ruby-edge min-version: 0.5.0 max-version: 0.5.0 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/concurrent-ruby-edge license: MIT License license-url: https://github.com/ruby-concurrency/concurrent-ruby/blob/master/LICENSE.txt is-required: Required - name: dry-validation min-version: 1.0.0 max-version: 1.10.0 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/dry-validation license: MIT License license-url: https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-validation/blob/master/LICENSE is-required: Required - name: httpclient min-version: 2.8.3 max-version: 2.8.3 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/httpclient license: Ruby License license-url: https://github.com/nahi/httpclient#license is-required: Required - name: json min-version: 2.2.0 max-version: 2.7.1 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/json license: Ruby License license-url: https://github.com/flori/json/blob/master/LICENSE is-required: Required - name: timers min-version: 4.3.0 max-version: 4.3.5 location: https://rubygems.org/gems/timers license: MIT License license-url: https://github.com/socketry/timers#license is-required: Required supported-platforms: supported-operating-systems: macOS: runtime-version: - Ruby 3.0.x - Ruby 3.1.x - Ruby 3.2.x - Ruby 3.3.x minimum-os-version: - OS X 10.10 maximum-os-version: - macOS 11.2.3 target-architecture: - arm64 - x86-64 Windows: runtime-version: - Ruby 3.0.x - Ruby 3.1.x - Ruby 3.2.x - Ruby 3.3.x minimum-os-version: - Windows 7 Professional - Windows 7 Enterprise - Windows 7 Ultimate maximum-os-version: - Windows 10 Pro - Windows 10 Enterprise target-architecture: - x86 - x86-64 Linux: runtime-version: - Ruby 3.0.x - Ruby 3.1.x - Ruby 3.2.x - Ruby 3.3.x minimum-os-version: - Ubuntu 16.04 LTS maximum-os-version: - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS target-architecture: - x86 - x86-64