require Sufia::Engine.root.join('app/models/datastreams/file_content_datastream') # I really don't want to touch much of Sufia's underworkings. In doing this # I'm able to mimic the #super behavior. # # More on this method at: # class FileContentDatastream # Yes, I could be using super, however that assumes a working knowledge # of how the FileContentDatastream is actually crafted (namely via # ActiveSupport::Concern) sufia_run_fits = self.instance_method(:run_fits!) # This is where I chose to insert the anti-virus. My reason being that the # caller of this method is getting the Fedora datastream and writing it to # a temp file for characterization; So to ease the load, I'm piggy backing # on that behavior and first running an Anti-Virus scanner def run_fits!(file_path) end protected def anti_virus_scanner end define_method :characterization_runner do if Rails.configuration.respond_to?(:default_characterization_runner) Rails.configuration.default_characterization_runner else sufia_run_fits.bind(self) end end end