# = GSL::Function class
# == {}[link:index.html"name="1] Class Methods
# ---
# * GSL::Function.alloc
# Constructor.
# * ex:
# require("gsl")
# f = GSL::Function.alloc { |x| sin(x) }
# The value of the function is calculated by the method Function#eval, as
# p f.eval(x)
# The function can have parameters of arbitrary numbers. Here is an
# example in case of exponential function f(x; a, b) = a*exp(-b*x).
# f = GSL::Function.alloc { |x, params| # x: a scalar, params: an array
# a = params[0]; b = params[1]
# a*exp(-b*x)
# }
# To evaluate the function f(x) = 2*exp(-3*x),
# f.set_params([2, 3])
# f.eval(x)
# == {}[link:index.html"name="2] Methods
# ---
# * GSL::Function#eval(x)
# * GSL::Function#call(x)
# * GSL::Function#at(x)
# * GSL::Function#[x]
# These methods return a value of the function at x.
# p f.eval(2.5)
# p f.call(2.5)
# p f[2.5]
# The argument x can be a scalar, a Vector, Matrix, Array or Range.
# ---
# * GSL::Function#set { |x| ... }
# * GSL::Function#set(proc, params)
# This method sets or resets the procedure of self, as
# f = GSL::Function.alloc { |x| sin(x) }
# p f.eval(1.0) <- sin(1.0)
# f.set { |x| cos(x) }
# p f.eval(1.0) <- cos(1.0)
# ---
# * GSL::Function#set_params(params)
# This set the constant parameters of the function.
# == {}[link:index.html"name="3] Graph
# ---
# * GSL::Function#graph(x[, options])
# This method uses GNU graph to plot the function self.
# The argument x is given by a GSL::Vector or an Array.
# Ex: Plot sin(x)
# f = Function.alloc { |x| Math::sin(x) }
# x = Vector.linspace(0, 2*M_PI, 50)
# f.graph(x, "-T X -g 3 -C -L 'sin(x)'")
# == {}[link:index.html"name="4] Example
# A quadratic function, f(x) = x^2 + 2x + 3.
# >> require("gsl")
# => true
# >> f = Function.alloc { |x, param| x*x + param[0]*x + param[1] }
# => #
# >> f.set_params(2, 3)
# => #
# >> f.eval(2) <--- Scalar
# => 11
# >> f.eval(1..4) <--- Range
# => [6.0, 11.0, 18.0, 27.0]
# >> f.eval([1, 2, 3]) <--- Array
# => [6.0, 11.0, 18.0]
# >> f.eval(Matrix.alloc([1, 2], [3, 4])) <--- GSL::Matrix
# [ 6.000e+00 1.100e+01
# 1.800e+01 2.700e+01 ]
# => #
# {back}[link:files/rdoc/index_rdoc.html]