// DEFAULT COLORS $c-primary: $badass $c-secondary: $black $c-tertiary: $black $c-quadrary: $black // COLOR SCHEMES // use color-schemer if it's loaded @if $color-schemer-loaded // Color schemes to choose from mono, complement, triad, tetrad, analogic, accented-analogic // Pick the base color for your scheme: $base-color: $c-primary // Select your scheme from the list and place it here: $color-scheme: accented-analogic // How distant do you want the hue offset to be: $hue-offset: 30 // How distant do you want tints and shades to be from their base: $brightness-offset: 10% // Use Claude Boutet complements instead of RGB complements. // $color-theory: boutet // Set saturation to 100% and lightness to 50% on all colors // $equalize: true $c-primary: color-schemer(primary) $c-secondary: color-schemer(secondary) $c-tertiary: color-schemer(tertiary) $c-quadrary: color-schemer(quadrary) // COLOR VARIABLES FOR STYLE TILES // enable and customize as needed $color-tile1-1: $gray $color-tile1-2: $gray $color-tile1-3: $gray $color-tile1-4: $gray $color-tile1-5: $gray $color-tile1-6: $gray // Color variables expected by _defaults.sass ------------------ $base-color: $c-primary $text-color: $black $alt-color: $badass $background-color: $white $border-color: $gray