/* A hash table implementation. Copyright (C) 2010 Gregory Cohen <gregorycohen2@gmail.com> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "../../global_headers/headers.h" static void* pointer_that_points_to_null = NULL; void hash_table_init( HashTable* cr ht, const u number_of_linked_lists, const u max_amount_of_items_in_a_linked_list, const f multiplication_amount ) { assert_comparison(ht, !=, NULL, HashTable*, void*); assert_comparison(number_of_linked_lists, >, 0, u, u); assert_comparison(max_amount_of_items_in_a_linked_list, >, 0, u, u); assert_comparison(multiplication_amount, >, 2.0, f, f); /* This hash table class uses lazy allocation. */ ARROW_ASSIGN(ht, linked_lists) = NULL; ARROW_ASSIGN(ht, allocated_length) = number_of_linked_lists; ARROW_ASSIGN(ht, length) = 0; ARROW_ASSIGN(ht, max_amount_of_items_in_a_linked_list) = max_amount_of_items_in_a_linked_list; ARROW_ASSIGN(ht, multiplication_amount) = multiplication_amount; } /* The hash function for "u"s. */ attr_nonnull static u hash_u(HashTable* cr ht, const u key) { assert_comparison(ht, !=, NULL, HashTable*, void*); return key % ht->allocated_length; } /* The hash function for "f"s. */ attr_nonnull static u hash_f(HashTable* cr ht, const f key) { union { u64 u64_type; f f_type; } f_to_u64_union; assert_comparison(ht, !=, NULL, HashTable*, void*); assert_comparison(sizeof(f), ==, sizeof(u64), size_t, size_t); f_to_u64_union.f_type = key; return f_to_u64_union.u64_type % ht->allocated_length; } /* The hash function for strings. */ attr_nonnull static u hash_string(HashTable* cr ht, const char* cr key, u length_of_key) { u hash; assert_comparison(ht, !=, NULL, void*, void*); assert_comparison(key, !=, NULL, const void*, void*); hash = 0; while (length_of_key--) { hash ^= (hash << 5) + (hash >> 2) + ARRAY_INDEX(key, length_of_key); } return hash_u(ht, hash); } static u hash_appropriately_depending_on_type_of_key(HashTable* cr ht, const TypeUnion key, const u length_of_key, const HashType type_of_key) { assert_comparison(ht, !=, NULL, HashTable*, void*); assert_comparison( type_of_key == HASH_TYPE_UINT || type_of_key == HASH_TYPE_FLOATING_POINT_NUMBER || type_of_key == HASH_TYPE_STRING, ==, true, bool, bool ); switch (type_of_key) { case HASH_TYPE_UINT: return hash_u(ht, key.uvalue); case HASH_TYPE_FLOATING_POINT_NUMBER: return hash_f(ht, key.fvalue); #if DEBUG case HASH_TYPE_STRING: #else default: #endif return hash_string(ht, key.string_value, length_of_key); } assert_comparison(type_of_key, !=, type_of_key, HashType, HashType); } __attribute__((nonnull (1))) static void hash_table_insert_for_resize(HashTable* cr ht, const TypeUnion key, const u length_of_key, const HashType type_of_key, void* const value) { HashItem *item, *new_head; u hash; assert_comparison(ht, !=, NULL, void*, void*); assert_comparison(key.string_value, !=, NULL, void*, void*); hash = hash_appropriately_depending_on_type_of_key(ht, key, length_of_key, type_of_key); assert_comparison(hash, <, ARROW(ht, allocated_length), u, u); item = ARRAY_INDEX(ARROW(ht, linked_lists), hash); /* Create a new node... */ new_head = (HashItem*)m_alloc(sizeof(HashItem)); if (unlikely(!new_head)) { output_nullt_string("Unable to allocate memory for a linked list in a hash table.\n"); exit_program(); } ARROW_ASSIGN(new_head, key) = key; ARROW_ASSIGN(new_head, length_of_key) = length_of_key; ARROW_ASSIGN(new_head, type_of_key) = type_of_key; ARROW_ASSIGN(new_head, value) = value; ARROW_ASSIGN(new_head, next_node) = ARRAY_INDEX(ARROW(ht, linked_lists), hash); /* and set it to be the head of the linked list. */ ht->linked_lists[hash] = new_head; } attr_nonnull static void hash_table_resize(HashTable* cr ht) { u old_allocated_length; HashItem** old_linked_lists; assert_comparison(ht, !=, NULL, void*, void*); assert_comparison(ARROW(ht, allocated_length), !=, 0, u, u); old_allocated_length = ht->allocated_length; old_linked_lists = ht->linked_lists; ht->linked_lists = (HashItem**)m_zero_initialized_alloc(ht->allocated_length * ARROW(ht, multiplication_amount) * sizeof(HashItem*)); if (ARROW(ht, linked_lists)) { ht->allocated_length *= ht->multiplication_amount; } else { /* Can't allocate such a big block, so try a smaller one. */ f i; for (i = ht->allocated_length / 2.0; i > 1.0; i /= 2.0) { ht->linked_lists = (HashItem**)m_zero_initialized_alloc(ARROW(ht, allocated_length) * sizeof(HashItem*) * i); if (ARROW(ht, linked_lists)) goto ok; } output_nullt_string("Memory error: Unable to allocate memory for hash table linked lists.\n"); exit_program(); ok: ARROW_ASSIGN(ht, allocated_length) *= i; ARROW_ASSIGN(ht, multiplication_amount) = 0; } while (old_allocated_length--) { HashItem* item = ARRAY_INDEX(old_linked_lists, old_allocated_length); while (item) { HashItem* next_item = ARROW(item, next_node); hash_table_insert_for_resize(ht, ARROW(item, key), ARROW(item, length_of_key), ARROW(item, type_of_key), ARROW(item, value)); m_free(item); item = next_item; } } m_free(old_linked_lists); } __attribute__((nonnull (1, 7))) static bool hash_table_insert( HashTable* cr ht, const TypeUnion key, const HashType type_of_key, const u length_of_key, void* const value, const bool replace, void*** cr new_value ) { HashItem *item, *new_head; u hash, times; assert_comparison(ht, !=, NULL, void*, void*); assert_comparison( type_of_key == HASH_TYPE_UINT || type_of_key == HASH_TYPE_FLOATING_POINT_NUMBER || type_of_key == HASH_TYPE_STRING, ==, true, bool, bool ); #if DEBUG if (type_of_key == HASH_TYPE_STRING) { assert_comparison(key.string_value, !=, 0, u, u); } #endif hash = hash_appropriately_depending_on_type_of_key(ht, key, length_of_key, type_of_key); assert_comparison(hash, <, ARROW(ht, allocated_length), u, u); times = 0; if (!ARROW(ht, linked_lists)) { ht->linked_lists = (HashItem**)m_zero_initialized_alloc(ht->allocated_length * sizeof(HashItem*)); } for (item = ht->linked_lists[hash]; item; item = item->next_node) { if (unlikely(times == ht->max_amount_of_items_in_a_linked_list && ARROW(ht, allocated_length) < 10000000)) { ARROW_ASSIGN(ht, max_amount_of_items_in_a_linked_list) += 6; hash_table_resize(ht); hash_table_insert_for_resize(ht, key, length_of_key, type_of_key, value); ++ht->length; return true; } if (type_of_key == HASH_TYPE_UINT && item->type_of_key == HASH_TYPE_UINT) { /* if the key is already in the hash table */ if (key.uvalue == item->key.uvalue) { if (replace) { item->key = key; item->value = value; DEREF_ASSIGN(new_value) = &item->value; return true; } else { DEREF_ASSIGN(new_value) = &item->value; return false; } } } else if (type_of_key == HASH_TYPE_FLOATING_POINT_NUMBER && item->type_of_key == HASH_TYPE_FLOATING_POINT_NUMBER) { /* if the key is already in the hash table */ if (key.fvalue == item->key.fvalue) { if (replace) { item->key = key; item->value = value; DEREF_ASSIGN(new_value) = &item->value; return true; } else { DEREF_ASSIGN(new_value) = &item->value; return false; } } } else { #if DEBUG if (type_of_key == HASH_TYPE_STRING && item->type_of_key == HASH_TYPE_STRING) { #endif /* if the key is already in the hash table */ if (strnequal(key.string_value, item->key.string_value, length_of_key, item->length_of_key)) { if (replace) { item->key = key; item->length_of_key = length_of_key; item->value = value; DEREF_ASSIGN(new_value) = &item->value; return true; } else { DEREF_ASSIGN(new_value) = &item->value; return false; } } #if DEBUG } else { assert_comparison(0, !=, 0, u, u); } #endif } ++times; } /* Create a new node... */ new_head = (HashItem*)m_alloc(sizeof(HashItem)); if (unlikely(!new_head)) { output_nullt_string("Unable to allocate memory for a linked list in a hash table.\n"); exit_program(); } new_head->key = key; new_head->length_of_key = length_of_key; new_head->type_of_key = type_of_key; new_head->value = value; new_head->next_node = ht->linked_lists[hash]; /* and set it to be the head of the linked list. */ ARRAY_INDEX_ASSIGN(ARROW(ht, linked_lists), hash) = new_head; DEREF_ASSIGN(new_value) = &new_head->value; ARROW_ASSIGN(ht, length)++; return true; } __attribute__((nonnull (1, 6))) bool /* successfully added or replaced a new key? */ hash_table_insert_with_string_key(HashTable* cr ht, char* const key, const u length_of_key, void* const value, const bool replace, void*** cr new_value) { TypeUnion tu; tu.string_value = key; return hash_table_insert(ht, tu, HASH_TYPE_STRING, length_of_key, value, replace, new_value); } __attribute__((nonnull (1, 5))) bool /* successfully added or replaced a new key? */ hash_table_insert_with_u_key(HashTable* cr ht, const u key, void* const value, const bool replace, void*** cr new_value) { TypeUnion tu; tu.uvalue = key; return hash_table_insert(ht, tu, HASH_TYPE_UINT, 0, value, replace, new_value); } __attribute__((nonnull (1, 5))) bool /* successfully added or replaced a new key? */ hash_table_insert_with_f_key(HashTable* cr ht, const f key, void* const value, const bool replace, void*** cr new_value) { TypeUnion tu; tu.fvalue = key; return hash_table_insert(ht, tu, HASH_TYPE_FLOATING_POINT_NUMBER, 0, value, replace, new_value); } attr_nonnull void** hash_table_get_value_from_string_key(HashTable* cr ht, const char* cr key, const u length_of_key, bool* cr in_hash_table) { HashItem* item; u hash; assert_comparison(ht, !=, NULL, void*, void*); assert_comparison(key, !=, NULL, const void*, void*); assert_comparison(pointer_that_points_to_null, ==, NULL, void*, void*); /* If the hash table isn't allocated, there are no items in it; therefore, the key isn't in it. */ if (!ht->linked_lists) { DEREF_ASSIGN(in_hash_table) = false; return &pointer_that_points_to_null; } hash = hash_string(ht, key, length_of_key); for (item = ht->linked_lists[hash]; item; item = item->next_node) { if (item->type_of_key == HASH_TYPE_STRING && strnequal(key, item->key.string_value, length_of_key, item->length_of_key)) { DEREF_ASSIGN(in_hash_table) = true; return &item->value; } } DEREF_ASSIGN(in_hash_table) = false; return &pointer_that_points_to_null; } attr_nonnull void hash_table_delete_string_key( HashTable* cr ht, const char* cr key, const u length_of_key ) { HashItem* node; HashItem* previous_node; u hash; assert_comparison(ht, !=, NULL, HashTable* cr, void*); assert_comparison(key, !=, NULL, const void*, void*); assert_comparison(pointer_that_points_to_null, ==, NULL, void*, void*); assert_comparison(ARROW(ht, linked_lists), !=, NULL, HashItem**, void*); previous_node = NULL; hash = hash_string(ht, key, length_of_key); node = ARRAY_INDEX(ARROW(ht, linked_lists), hash); while (1) { if ( ARROW(node, type_of_key) == HASH_TYPE_STRING && strnequal(key, ARROW(node, key).string_value, length_of_key, ARROW(node, length_of_key)) ) { HashItem* next_node = ARROW(node, next_node); m_free(node); if (previous_node) { ARROW_ASSIGN(previous_node, next_node) = next_node; } else { ARRAY_INDEX_ASSIGN(ARROW(ht, linked_lists), hash) = next_node; } ARROW_ASSIGN(ht, length)--; break; } previous_node = node; node = ARROW(node, next_node); } } attr_nonnull void** hash_table_get_value_from_u_key(HashTable* cr ht, u key, bool* cr in_hash_table) { HashItem* item; u hash; assert_comparison(ht, !=, NULL, void*, void*); assert_comparison(pointer_that_points_to_null, ==, NULL, void*, void*); /* If the hash table isn't allocated, there are no items in it; therefore, the key isn't in it. */ if (!ht->linked_lists) { DEREF_ASSIGN(in_hash_table) = false; return &pointer_that_points_to_null; } hash = hash_u(ht, key); for (item = ht->linked_lists[hash]; item; item = item->next_node) { if (item->type_of_key == HASH_TYPE_UINT && item->key.uvalue == item->key.uvalue) { DEREF_ASSIGN(in_hash_table) = true; return &item->value; } } DEREF_ASSIGN(in_hash_table) = false; return &pointer_that_points_to_null; } attr_nonnull void** hash_table_get_value_from_f_key(HashTable* cr ht, f key, bool* in_hash_table) { HashItem* item; u hash; assert_comparison(ht, !=, NULL, void*, void*); assert_comparison(pointer_that_points_to_null, ==, NULL, void*, void*); /* If the hash table isn't allocated, there are no items in it; therefore, the key isn't in it. */ if (!ht->linked_lists) { DEREF_ASSIGN(in_hash_table) = false; return &pointer_that_points_to_null; } hash = hash_f(ht, key); for (item = ht->linked_lists[hash]; item; item = item->next_node) { if (item->type_of_key == HASH_TYPE_FLOATING_POINT_NUMBER && item->key.fvalue == item->key.fvalue) { DEREF_ASSIGN(in_hash_table) = true; return &item->value; } } DEREF_ASSIGN(in_hash_table) = false; return &pointer_that_points_to_null; } void hash_iterator_init(HashTable* const restrict hash_table, HashIterator* cr hash_iterator) { assert_comparison(hash_table, !=, NULL, void*, void*); assert_comparison(hash_iterator, !=, NULL, void*, void*); hash_iterator->hash_table = hash_table; hash_iterator->current_hashitem = NULL; hash_iterator->how_far_in = -1; } bool /* not done iterating */ hash_iterator_next(HashIterator* cr iterator) { assert_comparison(iterator, !=, NULL, void*, void*); assert_comparison(ARROW(iterator, hash_table), !=, NULL, void*, void*); /* If the hash table isn't allocated, there are zero items in it, and therefore we are done iterating. */ if (!iterator->hash_table->linked_lists) { return false; } while (1) { if (ARROW(iterator, current_hashitem)) { ARROW_ASSIGN(iterator, key) = ARROW(ARROW(iterator, current_hashitem), key); iterator->length_of_key = iterator->current_hashitem->length_of_key; iterator->type_of_key = iterator->current_hashitem->type_of_key; iterator->value = &iterator->current_hashitem->value; iterator->current_hashitem = iterator->current_hashitem->next_node; return true; } else { ++iterator->how_far_in; if (iterator->how_far_in == iterator->hash_table->allocated_length) return false; iterator->current_hashitem = iterator->hash_table->linked_lists[iterator->how_far_in]; } } } attr_nonnull void hash_table_del_with_keys_and_values( HashTable* cr ht, void (*value_deletion_function)(const TypeUnion key, const u length_of_key, void* value) ) { u i; assert_comparison(ht, !=, NULL, HashTable* cr, void*); /* If the hash table isn't allocated, don't free it. */ if (!ARROW(ht, linked_lists)) return; i = ARROW(ht, allocated_length); while (i--) { HashItem* item = ht->linked_lists[i]; while (item) { HashItem* next_item = item->next_node; value_deletion_function(ARROW(item, key), ARROW(item, length_of_key), ARROW(item, value)); m_free(ARROW(item, key).void_pointer_value); m_free(item); item = next_item; } } m_free(ARROW(ht, linked_lists)); } attr_nonnull void hash_table_del(HashTable* cr ht) { u i; assert_comparison(ht, !=, NULL, HashTable* cr, void*); /* If the hash table isn't allocated, don't free it. */ if (!ARROW(ht, linked_lists)) return; i = ARROW(ht, allocated_length); while (i--) { HashItem* item = ht->linked_lists[i]; while (item) { HashItem* next_item = item->next_node; m_free(item); item = next_item; } } m_free(ARROW(ht, linked_lists)); }