#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w require 'rmagick' points = [145, 65, 174,151, 264,151, 192,205, 218,291, 145,240, 72,291, 98,205, 26,151, 116,151] pr = Magick::Draw.new # Define a clip-path. # The name of the clip-path is "example" pr.define_clip_path('example') do pr.polygon(*points) end # Enable the clip-path pr.push pr.clip_path('example') # Composite the Flower Hat image over # the background using the clip-path girl = Magick::ImageList.new girl.read('images/Flower_Hat.jpg') cols = rows = nil # Our final image is about 280 pixels wide, so here # we widen our picture to fit. The change_geometry # method will adjust the height proportionately. girl.change_geometry('280') do |c,r| pr.composite(0,0, c, r, girl) cols = c rows = r end pr.pop # Create a canvas to draw on, a bit bigger than the star. canvas = Magick::Image.new(cols, rows) star = Magick::Draw.new star.stroke('gray50') star.fill('gray50') points.map! {|p| p + 8} star.polygon(*points) star.draw(canvas) canvas = canvas.blur_image(0, 3) # Draw the star shadow over the background pr.draw(canvas) # Crop away all the solid white border pixels. crop = canvas.bounding_box canvas.crop!(crop.x, crop.y, crop.width, crop.height) canvas.write('clip_path.gif') exit