#!/usr/bin/env node /* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ var path = require("path"); // Local version replace global one try { var localWebpack = require.resolve(path.join(process.cwd(), "node_modules", "webpack", "bin", "webpack.js")); if(__filename !== localWebpack) { return require(localWebpack); } } catch(e) {} var yargs = require("yargs") .usage("webpack " + require("../package.json").version + "\n" + "Usage: https://webpack.js.org/api/cli/\n" + "Usage without config file: webpack [] \n" + "Usage with config file: webpack"); require("./config-yargs")(yargs); var DISPLAY_GROUP = "Stats options:"; var BASIC_GROUP = "Basic options:"; yargs.options({ "json": { type: "boolean", alias: "j", describe: "Prints the result as JSON." }, "progress": { type: "boolean", describe: "Print compilation progress in percentage", group: BASIC_GROUP }, "color": { type: "boolean", alias: "colors", default: function supportsColor() { return require("supports-color"); }, group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Enables/Disables colors on the console" }, "sort-modules-by": { type: "string", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Sorts the modules list by property in module" }, "sort-chunks-by": { type: "string", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Sorts the chunks list by property in chunk" }, "sort-assets-by": { type: "string", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Sorts the assets list by property in asset" }, "hide-modules": { type: "boolean", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Hides info about modules" }, "display-exclude": { type: "string", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Exclude modules in the output" }, "display-modules": { type: "boolean", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Display even excluded modules in the output" }, "display-max-modules": { type: "number", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Sets the maximum number of visible modules in output" }, "display-chunks": { type: "boolean", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Display chunks in the output" }, "display-entrypoints": { type: "boolean", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Display entry points in the output" }, "display-origins": { type: "boolean", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Display origins of chunks in the output" }, "display-cached": { type: "boolean", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Display also cached modules in the output" }, "display-cached-assets": { type: "boolean", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Display also cached assets in the output" }, "display-reasons": { type: "boolean", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Display reasons about module inclusion in the output" }, "display-depth": { type: "boolean", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Display distance from entry point for each module" }, "display-used-exports": { type: "boolean", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Display information about used exports in modules (Tree Shaking)" }, "display-provided-exports": { type: "boolean", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Display information about exports provided from modules" }, "display-optimization-bailout": { type: "boolean", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Display information about why optimization bailed out for modules" }, "display-error-details": { type: "boolean", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Display details about errors" }, "display": { type: "string", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Select display preset (verbose, detailed, normal, minimal, errors-only, none)" }, "verbose": { type: "boolean", group: DISPLAY_GROUP, describe: "Show more details" } }); var argv = yargs.argv; if(argv.verbose) { argv["display"] = "verbose"; } var options = require("./convert-argv")(yargs, argv); function ifArg(name, fn, init) { if(Array.isArray(argv[name])) { if(init) init(); argv[name].forEach(fn); } else if(typeof argv[name] !== "undefined") { if(init) init(); fn(argv[name], -1); } } function processOptions(options) { // process Promise if(typeof options.then === "function") { options.then(processOptions).catch(function(err) { console.error(err.stack || err); process.exit(1); // eslint-disable-line }); return; } var firstOptions = [].concat(options)[0]; var statsPresetToOptions = require("../lib/Stats.js").presetToOptions; var outputOptions = options.stats; if(typeof outputOptions === "boolean" || typeof outputOptions === "string") { outputOptions = statsPresetToOptions(outputOptions); } else if(!outputOptions) { outputOptions = {}; } ifArg("display", function(preset) { outputOptions = statsPresetToOptions(preset); }); outputOptions = Object.create(outputOptions); if(Array.isArray(options) && !outputOptions.children) { outputOptions.children = options.map(o => o.stats); } if(typeof outputOptions.context === "undefined") outputOptions.context = firstOptions.context; ifArg("json", function(bool) { if(bool) outputOptions.json = bool; }); if(typeof outputOptions.colors === "undefined") outputOptions.colors = require("supports-color"); ifArg("sort-modules-by", function(value) { outputOptions.modulesSort = value; }); ifArg("sort-chunks-by", function(value) { outputOptions.chunksSort = value; }); ifArg("sort-assets-by", function(value) { outputOptions.assetsSort = value; }); ifArg("display-exclude", function(value) { outputOptions.exclude = value; }); if(!outputOptions.json) { if(typeof outputOptions.cached === "undefined") outputOptions.cached = false; if(typeof outputOptions.cachedAssets === "undefined") outputOptions.cachedAssets = false; ifArg("display-chunks", function(bool) { if(bool) { outputOptions.modules = false; outputOptions.chunks = true; outputOptions.chunkModules = true; } }); ifArg("display-entrypoints", function(bool) { if(bool) outputOptions.entrypoints = true; }); ifArg("display-reasons", function(bool) { if(bool) outputOptions.reasons = true; }); ifArg("display-depth", function(bool) { if(bool) outputOptions.depth = true; }); ifArg("display-used-exports", function(bool) { if(bool) outputOptions.usedExports = true; }); ifArg("display-provided-exports", function(bool) { if(bool) outputOptions.providedExports = true; }); ifArg("display-optimization-bailout", function(bool) { if(bool) outputOptions.optimizationBailout = bool; }); ifArg("display-error-details", function(bool) { if(bool) outputOptions.errorDetails = true; }); ifArg("display-origins", function(bool) { if(bool) outputOptions.chunkOrigins = true; }); ifArg("display-max-modules", function(value) { outputOptions.maxModules = +value; }); ifArg("display-cached", function(bool) { if(bool) outputOptions.cached = true; }); ifArg("display-cached-assets", function(bool) { if(bool) outputOptions.cachedAssets = true; }); if(!outputOptions.exclude) outputOptions.exclude = ["node_modules", "bower_components", "components"]; if(argv["display-modules"]) { outputOptions.maxModules = Infinity; outputOptions.exclude = undefined; outputOptions.modules = true; } } ifArg("hide-modules", function(bool) { if(bool) { outputOptions.modules = false; outputOptions.chunkModules = false; } }); var webpack = require("../lib/webpack.js"); Error.stackTraceLimit = 30; var lastHash = null; var compiler; try { compiler = webpack(options); } catch(e) { var WebpackOptionsValidationError = require("../lib/WebpackOptionsValidationError"); if(e instanceof WebpackOptionsValidationError) { if(argv.color) console.error("\u001b[1m\u001b[31m" + e.message + "\u001b[39m\u001b[22m"); else console.error(e.message); process.exit(1); // eslint-disable-line no-process-exit } throw e; } if(argv.progress) { var ProgressPlugin = require("../lib/ProgressPlugin"); compiler.apply(new ProgressPlugin({ profile: argv.profile })); } function compilerCallback(err, stats) { if(!options.watch || err) { // Do not keep cache anymore compiler.purgeInputFileSystem(); } if(err) { lastHash = null; console.error(err.stack || err); if(err.details) console.error(err.details); process.exit(1); // eslint-disable-line } if(outputOptions.json) { process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(stats.toJson(outputOptions), null, 2) + "\n"); } else if(stats.hash !== lastHash) { lastHash = stats.hash; var statsString = stats.toString(outputOptions); if(statsString) process.stdout.write(statsString + "\n"); } if(!options.watch && stats.hasErrors()) { process.on("exit", function() { process.exit(2); // eslint-disable-line }); } } if(firstOptions.watch || options.watch) { var watchOptions = firstOptions.watchOptions || firstOptions.watch || options.watch || {}; if(watchOptions.stdin) { process.stdin.on("end", function() { process.exit(0); // eslint-disable-line }); process.stdin.resume(); } compiler.watch(watchOptions, compilerCallback); console.log("\nWebpack is watching the files…\n"); } else compiler.run(compilerCallback); } processOptions(options);